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reid edited this page Nov 20, 2012 · 2 revisions

Reid Burke is the only person working on Yeti full-time. He works at Yahoo! on the YUI team.

Q4 2012 Goals for Yeti

Reid has the following goals for Yeti to be delivered by December 31, 2012. These goals are published in the hope that they will inform the community about what direction Yeti development is being headed. They are ambitious and may not be reached.

Any tickets that fall outside these goals will likely not be worked on by Reid in 2012. New goals will be published in Q1 2013. Nevertheless, the community is welcome to help with any open Yeti ticket: simply follow the Yeti Contributor Guidelines and ship your feature without the wait.

  • Support all YUI Target Environments.
  • Collect code coverage results with Yeti.
  • Publish performance benchmark statistics for Yeti on sprint exit by EOQ, specifically by comparing current sprint to previous sprint's speed to test the entire YUI project on a given Target Environment. (Publishing means bundling with versioned documentation and posting to the release blog post.)
  • Ship a release of Yeti every week (holidays and vacation time excepted) during Q4.
  • Yeti will be able to collect results from test frameworks other than YUI Test by EOQ. This is to encourage other companies to use and contribute to Yeti, which will be the software that will implement most of my personal goals for this quarter.

See the full backlog.

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