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A Scala library for the Instagram API. An asynchronous non-blocking Scala Instagram API Wrapper, implemented using play-json.


Scala 2.11.+ is supported.



If you don't have it already, make sure you add the Maven Central as resolver in your SBT settings:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")

Also, you need to include the library as your dependency:

libraryDependencies += "com.yukihirai0505" % "sinstagram_2.11" % "0.1.8"



Add your client id and client secret as either environment variables or as part of your configuration. sInstagram will look for the following environment variables:

export INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID='my-instagram-client-id'
export INSTAGRAM_SECRET='my-instagram-secret'
export INSTAGRAM_CALLBACK_URL='my-instagram-callback-url'

You can also add them to your configuration file, usually called application.conf:

instagram {
  client = {
    id = "my-instagram-client-id"
    secret = "my-instagram-secret"
  callbackUrl = "my-instagram-callback-url"

These configurations will be automatically loaded when creating a instagram client, so all you have to do is to initialize your clients as following:

import com.yukihirai0505.sInstagram.InstagramAuth
import com.yukihirai0505.sInstagram.model.{ResponseType, Scope}

val instagramAuth = new InstagramAuth
val scopes: Seq[Scope] = Seq(Scope.BASIC)
val authUrl = instagramAuth.authURL(scopes = scopes)
val accessTokenFuture = instagramAuth.requestToken(code = "the-code-from-callback")


Alternatively, you can also specify your tokens directly when creating the client:

  import com.yukihirai0505.sInstagram.model.{ResponseType, Scope}
  import com.yukihirai0505.sInstagram.responses.auth.{AccessToken, Auth}
  import com.yukihirai0505.sInstagram.{Instagram, InstagramAuth}

  import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

  val clientId = "client-id"
  val clientSecret = "client-secret"
  val callbackUrl = "callback-URI"
  val instagramAuth = new InstagramAuth
  val scopes: Seq[Scope] = Seq(Scope.BASIC) // other: Scope.FOLLOWER_LIST, Scope.PUBLIC_CONTENT, Scope.COMMENTS, Scope.LIKES, Scope.RELATIONSHIPS

  // Server-Side login
  // Step 1: Get a URL to call. This URL will return the CODE to use in step 2
  val authUrl = instagramAuth.authURL(clientId, callbackUrl, ResponseType.CODE, scopes)

  // Step 2: Use the code to get an AccessToken
  val accessTokenFuture = instagramAuth.requestToken(clientId, clientSecret, callbackUrl, "the-code-from-step-1")
  val accessToken = accessTokenFuture onComplete {
    case Success(Some(token: AccessToken)) => token
    case Failure(t) => println("An error has occured: " + t.getMessage)

  // Making an authenticated call
  val auth: Auth = AccessToken("an-access-token")
  // If you want to use signed access token
  // val auth: Auth = SignedAccessToken("an-access-token", clientSecret)
  val instagram: Instagram = new Instagram(auth)
  // The library is asynchronous by default and returns a promise.
  val future = instagram.getRecentMediaFeed()

  import scala.language.postfixOps

  future onComplete {
    case Success(body) =>
      body.fold()(b =>
    case Failure(t) => println("An error has occured: " + t.getMessage)

Please look at this file to see all available methods:


inspired by following source code