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Repository files navigation

Screenshot BINARIES
New colorscheme is:

SelectNextWord Find/Replace, CTRL+D In sublime text ||| AddCursorCommand Up/Down

Screenshot Screenshot

MoveLines Up/Down ||| MoveByWords Left/Right MoveByChars Left/Right/Up/Down

Screenshot Screenshot

ExpandSelectionWords Left/Right ||| IndentLine Left/Right

Screenshot Screenshot

Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste ||| AutoComplete

Screenshot Screenshot



convert spaces to tabs, macro.
Have only the active file in memory AND swap files
highlighting for more languages than C, and general lua (function is a keyword)
} auto indent down
check for file change outside editor and reload on window focus event
code folding

Example zimconfig.cfg


COLOR_CYAN 0x8e 0xc0 0x7c
COLOR_RED 0xfb 0x49 0x34
COLOR_YELLOW 0xfa 0xbd 0x2f
COLOR_BLUE 0x83 0xa5 0x98
COLOR_GREEN 0xb8 0xbb 0x26
COLOR_MAGENTA 0xd3 0x86 0x9b
COLOR_WHITE 0xeb 0xdb 0xb2
COLOR_BLACK 0x28 0x28 0x28
COLOR_GREY 0x92 0x83 0x74
COLOR_BG 0x28 0x28 0x28

ctrl+a (select all)
ctrl+- (zoom out)
ctrl+= (zoom in)
ctrl+q (quit)
escape (closes find/goto/console, removes extra cursors/selections)
ctrl+b (compile (runs "make"))
ctrl+y (redo)
ctrl+z (undo)
ctrl+x (cut)
ctrl+c (copy)
ctrl+v (paste)
arrow keys (movement)
ctrl+h (move left) ctrl+l (move right) ctrl+j (move up) ctrl+k (move down)
shift+arrow up/down (scroll screen up/down)
ctrl+alt+arrow right/left (expand selection by words right/left)
ctrl+alt+[ (indent backward)
ctrl+alt+] (indent forward)
ctrl+alt+h (move by words left) ctrl+alt+l (move by words right)
ctrl+shift+l (expand selection by a line)
ctrl+shift+k (delete line)
ctrl+arrow up (add cursor up)
ctrl+arrow down (add cursor down)
ctrl+d (select word under cursor if no selection. continued pressing selects the next occurance of word or selection)
ctrl+g (goto line)
ctrl+f (search) (enter to search forward, ctrl+enter to search backward)
ctrl+F (case senstive search)
ctrl+m (move brackets) (moves cursor between the { }, ( ), [ ], of the current scope) (either to the end, or to the beginning if its at the end)
ctrl+shift+j (select brackets) (selects everything between the brackets)
ctrl+/ (toggle comment) (adds or removes // for the line to comment) (todo: mutli-line)
ctrl+shift+arrow up/down (move line up/down) (moves the entire line the cursors on, or every line in the selection by a line)
ctrl+o (open file)
ctrl+shift+o (file browser)
ctrl+s (save file)
ctrl+shift+s Save As file
ctrl+n New file
ctrl+p Switch file, (lists open files)
ctrl+w Close file

Deveoloped while bedridden after I got hit by a car on a moped.