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Android SDK 使用指南

本文介绍了 YunBa Android SDK 的使用和故障排除。

嵌入 Yunba Android SDK

如果未下载 Android SDK,请先阅读 Yunba Android SDK 快速入门 ,嵌入 Android SDK。确保完成了 AndroidManifest.xml 的添加权限、配置 AppKey、修改应用包名、添加 Service 和添加 Receiver 几个步骤。

初始化 SDK

进行订阅等操作之前,请先初始化 SDK,在您的 Application 子类的 OnCreate 方法中加入如下代码:

	public class YunBaApplication extends Application {
	    public void onCreate() {

YunBaManager.start API 详细说明参考 Android SDK API 手册


订阅话题 subscribe()

Code Example

	   new IMqttActionListener() {
	        public void onSuccess(IMqttToken asyncActionToken) {
	          DemoUtil.showToast( "Subscribe succeed : " + topic, getApplicationContext());
	        public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
	           if (exception instanceof MqttException) {
	               MqttException ex = (MqttException)exception;
	                String msg =  "Subscribe failed with error code : " + ex.getReasonCode();
	                DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());

发布消息 publish()publish2()

publish2() 为例

	JSONObject opts = new JSONObject();
	JSONObject apn_json = new JSONObject();
	JSONObject aps = new JSONObject();
	aps.put("sound", "bingbong.aiff");
	aps.put("badge", 9);
	aps.put("alert", "msg from android中文");
	apn_json.put("aps", aps);
	opts.put("apn_json", apn_json);
	YunBaManager.publish2(getApplicationContext(), topic, msg, opts,
	    new IMqttActionListener() {
	        public void onSuccess(IMqttToken asyncActionToken) {
	            String msgLog = "Publish2 succeed : " + topic;
	            DemoUtil.showToast(msgLog, getApplicationContext());
	        public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
	             if (exception instanceof MqttException) {
	               MqttException ex = (MqttException)exception;
	                String msg =  "publish2 failed with error code : " + ex.getReasonCode();
	                DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());

自定义 Receiver 接收 Publish 消息

在 AndroidManifest.xml 自定义 Receiver ,确保添加 <action android:name="" />;在主程序中进行接收消息广播的处理。具体参考 Android SDK 快速入门 和 Android Demo 的示例。


     public class MessageReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
		public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
		    Log.i(TAG, "Action - " + intent.getAction());
			if (YunBaManager.MESSAGE_RECEIVED_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) {
				String topic = intent.getStringExtra(YunBaManager.MQTT_TOPIC);
				String msg = intent.getStringExtra(YunBaManager.MQTT_MSG);
				StringBuilder showMsg = new StringBuilder();
				showMsg.append("[Message] ").append(YunBaManager.MQTT_TOPIC)
						.append(" = ").append(topic).append(" ,")
						.append(YunBaManager.MQTT_MSG).append(" = ").append(msg);

publish()publish2() 的区别

publish2() 的参数比 publish() 多了 opts (JSONObject) 参数,可用于封装 QoS (服务质量)、time_to_live (离线消息保留时间)、aps_json (设置 APNs 消息的通知方式) 。


调用 unsubscribe() ,传入 Topic 参数,将不再接收到该 Topic 下的消息。



先在发送方和接收方设置别名: setAlias() ; 再调用 publishToAlias()publish2ToAlias() 发送消息到指定的 Alias。

同一 AppKey 下别名唯一存在;同一台设备,设置的新别名将替换旧别名。详见 频道与别名

可通过调用 getAlias() 获取当前用户的别名。

注: 确保自定义了 接收 Message 的Receiver ,才能接收到消息,可参考上文“自定义 Receiver 接收 Publish 消息”示例。


获取当前用户 (Alias) 所订阅的频道列表,可以调用 getTopicList(),从回调函数获得。

publishToAlias()publish2ToAlias() 的区别

publish2ToAlias () 的参数比 publishToAlias () 多了 opts(JSONObject) 参数,可用于封装 QoS (服务质量)、time_to_live(离线消息保留时间)、aps_json (设置 APNs 消息的通知方式) 。


可调用 stop() 停止接收消息,使所有的 API 都失效(包括 start API);


当需要重新使用服务时,必须要调用 resume()


如需检查推送服务是否被停止了,可调用 isStopped()

:当调用了 stop() ,设备处于离线状态,只有调用 resume() 才能恢复服务;当恢复服务时,在保留时间 (time_to_live) 以内的离线消息可以送达。


如果需要在接收消息时显示消息发送者的用户名 Alias,需要在发送时把 Msg 和 Alias 封装到 Message 进行发送;在接收消息广播的 onReceive() 进行解析。

: 如果有其它平台的客户端,建议一并进行 Message 的封装。


	JSONObject js = new JSONObject();
	try {
		js.put("user_name", userName);
		js.put("msg", msg);
	} catch (JSONException e) {
	YunBaManager.publishToAlias(getApplicationContext(),userName,  js.toString(), 
	    new IMqttActionListener() {
		public void onSuccess(IMqttToken asyncActionToken) {
		public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {


	public class MessageReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {	
	    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
		if (YunBaManager.MESSAGE_RECEIVED_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) {
	            String topic = intent.getStringExtra(YunBaManager.MQTT_TOPIC);
	            String msgJson = intent.getStringExtra(YunBaManager.MQTT_MSG);
	            try {
	                JSONObject js = new JSONObject(msgJson);
	                String message = js.optString("msg");
	                String user_name = js.optString("user_name");
	    			showMsg.append(user_name+" said, ").append(message);


发送消息使用 publish2()publish2ToAlias() 进行发送,需设置 opts(JSONObject) 封装的参数: qos 设置为 1 或 2,保证离线消息的送达,默认为 1;设置 time_to_live,控制离线消息在云巴服务器上保留的时间(以秒为单位)。详见: 云巴的离线消息

Code Example

	JSONObject opts=new JSONObject();
	try {
		opts.put("qos", 1);
		opts.put("time_to_live", 2*24*3600); //保存两天
	} catch (JSONException e) {
	YunBaManager.publish2(getApplicationContext(), topic, msg, opts, 
	   new IMqttActionListener() {
		public void onSuccess(IMqttToken asyncActionToken) {

			String msgLog = "Publish succeed : " + topic;
			StringBuilder showMsg = new StringBuilder();
			showMsg.append("[Demo] publish msg")
					.append(" = ").append(msg).append(" to ")
					.append(YunBaManager.MQTT_TOPIC).append(" = ").append(topic).append(" succeed");
			DemoUtil.showToast(msgLog, getApplicationContext());
		public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
			String msg = "[Demo] Publish topic = " + topic + " failed : " + exception.getMessage();
			DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());

如何发送 APNs 消息

使用 publish2()publish2ToAlias() 进行消息发送,必须设置 opts(JSONObject) 参数封装的 apn_json 参数,该参数的作用和设置方法详见 iOS 官方文档

Code Example

	JSONObject opts = new JSONObject();
	JSONObject apn_json = new JSONObject();
	JSONObject aps = new JSONObject();
	aps.put("sound", "bingbong.aiff");
	aps.put("badge", 9);
	aps.put("alert", "msg from android中文");
	apn_json.put("aps", aps);
	opts.put("apn_json", apn_json);
	YunBaManager.publish2(getApplicationContext(), topic, msg, opts,
	    new IMqttActionListener() {
	        public void onSuccess(IMqttToken asyncActionToken) {
	            String topic = DemoUtil.join(asyncActionToken.getTopics(), ", ");
	            String msgLog = "Publish2 succeed : " + topic;
	            DemoUtil.showToast(msgLog, getApplicationContext());
	        public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
	             if (exception instanceof MqttException) {
	               MqttException ex = (MqttException)exception;
	                String msg =  "publish2 failed with error code : " + ex.getReasonCode();
	                DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());

注: iOS 端需 注册 APNs 证书。APNs(Apple Push Notification Service) 消息的意义可参考 iOS 官方文档


调用 subscribePresence() ,传入监听的 Topic,将会监听 Topic 下所有用户别名的上下线状态变化。任何用户的状态变化时都会对 App 发起一个 <action android:name="" /> 的广播,需要在 AndroidManifest 自定义 Receiver 接收该上下线广播,在主程序中进行广播的处理。

Code Example

	YunBaManager.subscribePresence(getApplicationContext(), "t1",
	    new IMqttActionListener() {
	        public void onSuccess(IMqttToken mqttToken) {
	            DemoUtil.showToast("subscribePresence to topic succeed", getApplicationContext());
	        public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
	            if (exception instanceof MqttException) {
	               MqttException ex = (MqttException)exception;
	               String msg =  "subscribePresence failed with error code : " + ex.getReasonCode();
	               DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());


调用 unsubscribePresence() ,传入取消监听的 Topic 即可。将取消监听该 Topic 下用户的状态变化,不再接收到<action android:name=""/> 的广播。

Code Example

	YunBaManager.unsubscribePresence(getApplicationContext(), "t1",
	    new IMqttActionListener() {
	        public void onSuccess(IMqttToken mqttToken) {
	            String msg = "unsubscribePresence to topic succeed ";
	            DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());
	        public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
	              if (exception instanceof MqttException) {
	               MqttException ex = (MqttException)exception;
	               String msg =  "unsubscribePresence failed with error code : " + ex.getReasonCode();
	               DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());



获取某 Topic下的所有用户,可调用 getAliasList() ,传入 Topic,从回调函数获得。

Code Example

	YunBaManager.getAliasList(getApplicationContext(), "t1",
	    new IMqttActionListener() {
	        public void onSuccess(IMqttToken mqttToken) {
	            JSONObject result = mqttToken.getResult();
	                    try {
	                         JSONArray topics = result.getJSONArray("alias");
	                    } catch (JSONException e) {
	        public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
	             if (exception instanceof MqttException) {
	               MqttException ex = (MqttException)exception;
	               String msg =  "getAliasList failed with error code : " + ex.getReasonCode();
	               DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());


获取某用户 Alias 的在线状态,可调用 getState() ,传入 Alias ,从回调函数获得。

Code Example

	YunBaManager.getState(getApplicationContext(), "a1",
	    new IMqttActionListener() {
	       public void onSuccess(IMqttToken mqttToken) {
	            JSONObject result = mqttToken.getResult();
	                    try {
	                        String status = result.getString("status");
	                        System.out.println("status = " + status);
	                    } catch (JSONException e) {
	        public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
	            if (exception instanceof MqttException) {
	               MqttException ex = (MqttException)exception;
	               String msg =  "getState failed with error code : " + ex.getReasonCode();
	               DemoUtil.showToast(msg, getApplicationContext());