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This repository contains the code for StochasticGrade, an automated assessment framework for evaluating stochastic programs. StochasticGrade is introduced in the paper "Grading and Clustering Student Programs That Produce Probabilistic Output," published in EDM '24: the 17th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2024.


  1. Clone this repository and navigate to the cloned directory:
    git clone [repository-url]
    cd [repository-directory]
  2. Install the StochasticGrade package:
    pip install -e .
  3. Adjust the *_DIR values in stochasticgrade/ according to your environment.


StochasticGrade is designed to automate the assessment of stochastic programs, which produce probabilistic outputs. Following is a brief overview of the general flow of StochasticGrade:

  1. Preprocessing

    • Gather all required data for the problem you'd like to grade, including the correct solution and student submissions.
    • Run with the necessary flags to set up problem-specific parameters and directories.
  2. Grading

    • Run to evaluate submissions. This is done by sampling outputs and comparing them using the specified disparity function.
  3. (Optional) Clustering

    • Run to group similar student submissions. This step helps identify common errors and patterns in student responses. Enhance clustering with different disparity functions, projections, or input arguments.
  4. Results Management:

    • All grading and clustering results are stored in the designated results directory. Individual student results are available in the students subdirectory.

Example Usage

You can find four sample problem directories in the repository. Here are the grading pipelines for all four:


python SimExp ./example_data/SimExp/ simulate_exponential
python SimExp


python AlgoArt ./example_data/AlgoArt/ main --dtype=list --scorer=MSDScorer
python AlgoArt


python TS ./example_data/TS/ main --scorer=TScorer
python TS


python RN ./example_data/RN/ main --dtype='array_shape_(10,)' --scorer=TScorer --proj_method=ED
python RN

Organizing Data for Your Problem

Create a folder containing the following information:

  • The stochastic program that provides the correct implementation of the problem.

  • Student data, formatted as either:

    • [student-id].py files: Each file contains a stochastic program written by a student. Each student must have a unique student-id.
    • A .json file: Contains a mapping between each student-id and their stochastic program as a string.
  • (Optional) grading_arguments.json: Used if the program to be evaluated requires input arguments. This file is a mapping between a unique label and the input arguments. Refer to example_data/TS/grading_arguments.json for an example.

  • (Optional) The buggy student program most similar to the correct answer. This is used by to determine the minimum sample size that adheres to a provided false acceptance rate.

Creating the Problem

  1. After organizing your problem data, set up the problem by configuring the parameters of StochasticGrade through the script. From the stochasticgrade/stochasticgrade directory, run:

    python [question-id] [data-path] [function-name] [additional-flags]
    • qid: A unique identifier for the problem you are creating.
    • data-path: The path to the directory containing your organized problem data.
    • function-name: The name of the function to be sampled from the solution and student programs.
    • additional-flags: Any additional flags needed for your specific problem setup (described below).

    This creates the data directory if it does not exist, which contains the qid directory and its students, solution, setup, and results subdirectories.

    If necessary, adjust the default StochasticGrade parameters to fit the nature of your problem. Available flags include:

    • --scorer: Disparity function (scoring/comparison method). Default is AndersonDarlingScorer.
    • --min_n: Minimum number of samples. Default is 400.
    • --max_n: Maximum number of samples. Default is 409600.
    • --n_scale_factor: Scale factor for the number of samples. Default is 4.
    • --frr: The false rejection rate for the problem. Default is 0.01.

    Additional parameters may need to be adjusted:

    • --dtype: The data type of the output from the solution problem. This is either scalar, list, or array_shape_[SHAPE_TUPLE] for an array of shape SHAPE_TUPLE. Default is scalar.
    • --n_soln_samples: Number of solution samples. Default is 500000.
    • --proj_method: Projection method used for multidimensional samples. Either ED for Euclidean Distance or OP for Orthogonal Projection. Default is ED.
    • --M: Number of iterations for Monte Carlo sampling. Default is 1000.
    • --max_parallel: Maximum number of parallel processes for sampling. Default is 20.
    • --save_mc_samples: Flag to save Monte Carlo samples.
  2. (Optional) If you would like to guarantee a provided false acceptance rate, ensure that you have uploaded and that you are using the AndersonDarlingScorer or WassersteinScorer. Then, run

    python [qid] [additional-flags]

    Additional flags can be set as:

    • --far: The false acceptance rate (FAR). Default is 0.1.
    • --M: The number of times to execute the grading algorithm to check the FAR.
    • --max_parallel: The maximum number of parallel processes for sampling.

Grading the Problem

Grade the student submissions to the problem by running

python [qid] [additional-flags]

Set additional flags as:

  • --sids_file_path: If you don't want to grade all students, provide a file path to a .txt file of student IDs to grade, with each ID on a separate line.
  • --max_parallel: Maximum number of parallel processes for grading.
  • --delete_samples: Delete samples/projections after grading for space conservation
  • --no_best_n: Use the max value of N from config.ini instead of best_n (if was run).

Results are stored under the results directory for the qid. The individual result for each student can be found in the students directory.

Clustering Student Responses

If you'd like to cluster student programs, run

python [qid] [additional-flags]

Set cluster-specific flags as:

  • --scorers: A comma-separated string of scorer (disparity function) names to be used in clustering (e.g. AndersonDarlingScorer,TScorer). Default is AndersonDarlingScorer.
  • --sizes: A comma-separated string of sizes to be used in clustering (e.g. 400,1600,6400). Default is 25600.
  • --n_clusters: The number of clusters to create. This works best if it coincides roughly with the expected number of errors. Default is 20.
  • --normalize_scores: Normalize the calculated scores before clustering.
  • --n_projections: If you would like to cluster with mulitple projections, the number of new projections to generate for multidimensional samples. Default is 0.
  • --test_suites_path: If you would like to cluster with multiple input cases, the path to a .json file mapping of labels to input arguments.
  • --max_parallel: Same as above.
  • --sids_file_path: Same as above.

Results are stored under the results/clusters directory for the qid.

Grading Parameters

The default parameters we've suggested tend to work well with a variety of problems. However, StochasticGrade provides the flexibility to customize parameters as is best fit for your problem. Here are some recommendations for grading:

  • If your problem does not produce a scalar output, adjust the --dtype argument accordingly.
  • If you cannot afford to sample 409.6k student samples, adjust the --max_n parameter. Similarly, adjust the --min_n parameter to adjust the minimum number of samples.
  • Adjust --n_scale_factor to change the number of grading steps in the algorithm. A larger factor leads StochasticGrade to have fewer steps; a smaller factors leads StochasticGrade to have more steps.
  • For a quick, computationally efficient evaluation, it may be best to use --scorer=TScorer or --scorer=MSDScorer. For a more accurate, thorough evaluation, it may be best to use --scorer=AndersonDarlingScorer (default) or --scorer=WassersteinScorer.
  • If you decide that you would like to change the false rejection rate of correct programs, adjust the --frr parameter in


  • A common source of error is incorrectly specifying model parameters for StochasticGrade. Make sure to fully specify any necessary parameters for the model (especially the data type!).
  • You may encounter a problem using the numpy.random module if using parallelized grading, where student samples are generated using a similar seed. It is preferred to use the random module. Alternatively, set the seed based on the process ID, such as os.getpid() % 2**32.


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