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Copyright (c) 2013 Y. William Yu. Released under CC0 1.0 Universal.

This package naively implements the Read-Quality-Sparsifier described in: Y. William Yu, Deniz Yorukoglu, and Bonnie Berger. "Traversing the k-mer landscape of NGS read datasets for quality score sparsification." Research in Computational Molecular Biology, p385-399, 2014.

Note that the code described/implemented in this package is not scalable to full genome / large datasets due to high memory requirements. This package was written as a proof-of-principle for the RECOMB proceedings above and will NOT be actively maintained.

Package contents:  converts FASTQ files to a SAM-like format  converts SAM-like files to FASTQ

Following programs take input and output in SAM-like format:

generate_dict:  builds a dictionary of common k-mers from a corpus
	 sparsify:  uses dictionary to smooth quality values for high confidence
				calls as measured by k-mer Hamming distance.
	 theshold:  reduces all quality values to some cutoff Q


GCC 4.7 (or another C++11 compliant compiler)
BOOST Multiindex


./generate_dict MINCOUNT dict.db *.sam
./sparsify dict.db *.sam
./threshold 'Q' *.sam.filtered

We also provide a testsuite/ directory with example FASTQ files to demonstrate operation. To run the commented example script:

cd testsuite/

The three main programs are as follows.

generate_dict: Usage: ./generate_dict MINCOUNT output_file input_file(s)

Counts the number of times 32-mers appear, and outputs it in a two column
format, with the first column specifying the 32-mer and the second column
the number of times it appears in the corpus.

sparsify: Discards likely non-SNP quality scores for known reads. Usage: ./sparsify database_file input_file(s)

Input is assumed to be SAM file without headers. Because this program
only modifies column 11 if column 10 contains a valid read, however,
it may or may not work on SAM files with headers. This behaviour
should *not* be depended on.

Output will be modified SAM files named [input_file].filtered,
identical to the original except in column 11.

The quality of nearly all bases corresponding to a 32-mer listed in the 1st
column of [database_file] will be set to '~'. Correspondance shall be
defined as a Hamming distance of less than or equal to 1 in the 32-mer.
Note that a 32-mer can correspond to multiple 32-mers in the database.
The exceptions to the setting of quality values above will be all bases
that are different to any of the corresponding 32-mers in the database,
which will retain their original quality value data.

Example w/ 8-mers: suppose "AAAAAAAA" and "TAAAAAAT" are in the database,
and we have the 8-mer "TAAAAAAA" in the input_file with original qualities
"ABCDEFGH". Then the new quality values will be "A~~~~~~H".

Note that for reads longer than 32 bases, filter will only check 32-mers
for matches at most once every 16 bases, and once more at the end.

threshold: Changes the maximum quality value of '~' to 'Q' Usage: ./threshold 'Q' input_file(s)

Will output a modified SAM file named '[input_file].reduced' with all
instances of '~' in column 11 replaced with with character specified in

In the previous example, the new quality values from the filtered SAM file
would then be "AIIIIIIH" if Q=I. 

For more resources and larger test cases, see


Read Quality Sparsifier







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