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Micro virtual environment for YeAST

What's that?

Cleopatra let you work on a shell where YeAST alias the commons tools you defined. This is needed when you want to use YeAST inside a complex runtime structure like, typically, a web framework!

YeAST will be called in place of your standard interpreter without the shebang on top of your files. Interpreters should always take input as the first positional argument and write the output on standard output.

e.g. You can aliases python like that:

cleopatra add python

It will create inside .cleopatra subfolder (think it would be nice to add to your repository version source control), a python file which looks like (it could diverge on your machine):

YEAST_CONTEXT=/anaconda3/bin/python yeast $@

Aliases are just shell scripts and hackable by design, you can add pre and post steps on them to customize your micro-virtual environment.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Get YeAST binary from source:

curl -sSf | sh


You need an Haskell build environment on your computer, then just:

ghc cleopatra.hs -o cleopatra

You can also download an executable directly on the release page of the repository.


cleopatra <COMMAND>


  • -h, --help Prints help information
  • -V, --version Prints version information


  • add <program> Alias YeAST to be call instead of <program> inside virtual environment
  • remove <program> Remove alias set for <program>
  • glue Enter the virtual environment by opening a new shell where ./cleopatra folder is in PATH
  • unglue Exit the virtual environment without leaving the currently opened shell


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See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the 3rd version of GPL License - see the LICENSE file for details.