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Quick Getting Started

yvlawy edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 1 revision


Create a WPF project. Create your back-end application controller class based on the MoellonToolkit base controller. Create your Views and ViewModels, update the controller.

For more details, see the application sample named DevApp provided in the solution in the Dev folder.

Use defined dialog boxes

You can just use the common dialog boxes provided by the framework, without the back-office application controller.

Use the ICommonDlg interface and the concrete implementation CommonDlg. The very basic way is:

ICommonDlg commonDlg = new CommonDlg();

Sample: Display a dialog box asking the user to confirm the application exit, has 2 buttons; ok and cancel.

if (commonDlg.ShowDlg(WHSize.WL_HL, "Confirmation", "Do you really want to exit the application?", CommonDlgIcon.Question, CommonDlgButtons.OkCancel) != CommonDlgResult.Ok)
	return false;

The first parameter set the Width and the Height size of the dialog box: WL is for: Width large, HL is for: Height Large.