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2965 lines (2502 loc) · 160 KB

Supplementary Material \[.5cm] Firing rate response of neocortical pyramidal neurons in the fluctuation-driven regime


Details about the experimental data


For each cell, its properties and the quality of the electrical access was quantified. We present here those data and look for relations between them.




import sys
from my_graph import set_plot

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from dataset_structure import load_params_of_dataset

   N_SPIKES, DURATION = np.load('../experimental_data/dataset.npy')

INTEREST_LABEL = [r'$R_\mathrm{S}$ (M$\Omega$)',\
    r'$I_\mathrm{leak}$ (pA)', '$R_\mathrm{m}$ (M$\Omega$)',\
    r'$\tau_\mathrm{m}^0$ (ms)', '$T_\mathrm{rec}$ (min)',\
    'P (day)']
INTEREST_LABEL2 = ['Access Resistance', 'Seal Quality',\
    'Membrane Resistance', 'Membrane Time Constant',\
    'Full Recording Time', 'Post-Natal Day']

for i in range(len(INTEREST)):
   fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4,3))
   plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.4, left=.3)
   ax.hist(INTEREST[i], bins=15, color='grey', lw=2)
   set_plot(ax, ylabel='cell count', xlabel=INTEREST_LABEL[i])
        (0.3,0.05), xycoords='figure fraction', fontsize=17)
   fig.savefig('../figures/'+LABEL[i]+'.svg', format='svg', transparent=True)


import sys
from my_graph import set_plot

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
from dataset_structure import load_params_of_dataset

   N_SPIKES, DURATION = np.load('../experimental_data/dataset.npy')

INTEREST_LABEL = [r'$R_\mathrm{S}$ (M$\Omega$)',\
    r'$I_\mathrm{leak}$ (pA)', '$R_\mathrm{m}$ (M$\Omega$)',\
    r'$\tau_\mathrm{m}^0$ (ms)', '$T_\mathrm{rec}$ (min)',\
    'post-natal day']

fig, AX = plt.subplots(len(INTEREST), len(INTEREST)-1, figsize=(15,20))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.3, hspace=.5)
AX.reshape((len(INTEREST), len(INTEREST)-1))
for i in range(len(INTEREST)):
   for j in range(i):
     x = INTEREST[j]
     xth = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max())
     y = INTEREST[i]
     AX[i,j].plot(x, y, 'kD', ms=5)
     cc, pp = pearsonr(x, y)
     AX[i,j].plot(xth, np.polyval(np.polyfit(x, y, 1), xth), 'k-')
     AX[i,j].annotate('c='+str(np.round(cc,1))+', p='+'%.1e' % pp,\
                    (0.1,1.03), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14)
     if j==0:
     if i==len(INTEREST)-1:
     set_plot(AX[i,j], xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel)

for i in range(len(INTEREST)):
   for j in range(i, len(INTEREST)-1):

fig.savefig('figures/fig_experimental_correlations.svg', format='svg', transparent=True)


import svgutils.transform as sg
fig = sg.SVGFigure("8.5cm", "10.5cm")
fig1 = sg.fromfile('../figures/experimental_correlations.svg')
fig2 = sg.fromfile('../figures/RS.svg')
fig3 = sg.fromfile('../figures/ILEAK.svg')
fig4 = sg.fromfile('../figures/RECORDING_LENGTH.svg')
fig6 = sg.fromfile('../figures/RM.svg')
fig5 = sg.fromfile('../figures/TM.svg')
fig7 = sg.fromfile('../figures/PST_NATAL.svg')

txt1 = sg.TextElement(0,50, "G", size=11, weight='bold')
txt2 = sg.TextElement(70,10, "A", size=11, weight='bold')
txt3 = sg.TextElement(140,10, "B", size=11, weight='bold')
txt4 = sg.TextElement(210,10, "C", size=11, weight='bold')
txt5 = sg.TextElement(140,83, "D", size=11, weight='bold')
txt6 = sg.TextElement(210,83, "E", size=11, weight='bold')
txt7 = sg.TextElement(210,157, "F", size=11, weight='bold')

# add text labels

# append plots and labels to figure
plot1 = fig1.getroot();plot1.moveto(-15, -60, scale=.315)
plot2 = fig2.getroot();plot2.moveto(60, 10, scale=.3)
plot3 = fig3.getroot();plot3.moveto(130, 10, scale=.3)
plot4 = fig4.getroot();plot4.moveto(200, 10, scale=.3)
plot5 = fig5.getroot();plot5.moveto(130, 80, scale=.3)
plot6 = fig6.getroot();plot6.moveto(200, 80, scale=.3)
plot7 = fig7.getroot();plot7.moveto(200, 150, scale=.3)
fig.append([plot4, plot3, plot2, plot6, plot5, plot7, plot1])
fig.append([txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4, txt5, txt6, txt7])

# save generated SVG files"../figures/experimental_details.svg")

import os
os.system('inkscape --export-pdf=../figures/experimental_details.pdf ../figures/experimental_details.svg')
os.system('eog ../figures/experimental_details.svg')

Accuracy of the single compartment approximation





import sys
from electrophy import IC_membrane_test as IC
import dataset_structure as DATA
import numpy as np


Tm_factor = 6

for i in DATA.CELL_LIST[np.concatenate([np.arange(28), np.arange(29,len(DATA.CELL_LIST))])]:
   exec('from cell'+str(i)+' import cell'+str(i))
   exec('cell = cell'+str(i)+'.cell_params')
   exp, time, t, data, params = IC.load(cell['ROOT_FOLDER']+cell['IC_datafile'])
   exp, time, t, data, params, Rm, El, Cm, t_fit, v_fit,\
       RmS, CmS, Ra, RmD, CmD, v_fit_2comp, mean_v_response, mean_i = \
                      IC.analyze(exp, time, t, data, params)
   Tm = Rm*Cm*1e-3
   dt = t[1]-t[0]
   DI = np.abs(np.diff(mean_i[5:])).max() # pA, pulse
   # we find where the pulse start !
   i1 = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(mean_i[5:]))>.6*DI)[0]
   it = np.arange(i1[0], min([i1[0]+int(Tm_factor*Tm/dt), len(t_fit)-1]))
   residual = np.abs((mean_v_response[it]-v_fit[it])/(v_fit[-1]-v_fit[0]))

# then the cell28, that has an AP in one trial and can not be evaluated !
isort = np.argsort(CELL_LIST)'../experimental_data/analyzed_data/residuals.npy',\
                   [CELL_LIST[isort], RESIDUAL_LIST[isort]])


import sys
from electrophy import IC_membrane_test as IC
from my_graph import set_plot
import dataset_structure as DATA
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np


figA = plt.figure(figsize=(4,3))
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.25, left=.25)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
plt.hist(RESIDUAL_LIST, bins=15, color='grey')
set_plot(ax, xlabel='$C_{sc}$', ylabel='cell count')

Tm_factor = 10

imax = np.argmax(RESIDUAL_LIST)
imin = np.argmin(RESIDUAL_LIST)

FIG = []
for i in [DATA.CELL_LIST[imin], DATA.CELL_LIST[imax]]:
   f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(5,5))
   plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.15, left=.25)
   exec('from cell'+str(i)+' import cell'+str(i))
   exec('cell = cell'+str(i)+'.cell_params')
   exp, time, t, data, params = IC.load(cell['ROOT_FOLDER']+cell['IC_datafile'])
   exp, time, t, data, params, Rm, El, Cm, t_fit, v_fit,\
       RmS, CmS, Ra, RmD, CmD, v_fit_2comp, mean_v_response, mean_i = \
                      IC.analyze(exp, time, t, data, params)
   Tm = Rm*Cm*1e-3
   dt = t[1]-t[0]
   DI = np.abs(np.diff(mean_i[5:])).max() # pA, pulse
   # we find where the pulse start !
   i1 = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(mean_i[5:]))>.6*DI)[0]
   it = np.arange(i1[0], min([i1[0]+int(Tm_factor*Tm/dt), len(t_fit)-1]))
   residual = np.abs((mean_v_response[it]-v_fit[it])/(v_fit[-1]-v_fit[0]))
   ax1.plot(t_fit, mean_i[:len(t_fit)], 'k')
   set_plot(ax1, ylabel='I (pA)', spines=['left'])
   ax2.plot(t_fit, mean_v_response[:len(t_fit)], 'k')
   ax2.plot(t_fit[it], v_fit[it], 'r--', lw=3)
   set_plot(ax2, ylabel='$V_m$ (mV)', spines=['left'])
   ax3.plot(t_fit[it], residual, 'k-')
   ax3.plot(t_fit, 0*t_fit, 'k-')
   ax3.fill_between(t_fit[it], residual, 0*residual, color='grey')
   set_plot(ax3, ylabel='residual', xlabel='time (ms)')

figA.savefig('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_hist.svg', format='svg', tranparent=True)
FIG[0].suptitle('best match')
FIG[0].savefig('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_best.svg', format='svg', tranparent=True)
FIG[1].suptitle('worst match')
FIG[1].savefig('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_worst.svg', format='svg', tranparent=True)

import svgutils.transform as sg
fig = sg.SVGFigure("12.5cm", "4.5cm")

# load matpotlib-generated figures
fig1 = sg.fromfile('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_hist.svg')
fig2 = sg.fromfile('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_best.svg')
fig3 = sg.fromfile('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_worst.svg')

# get the plot objects
plot1 = fig1.getroot();plot1.moveto(2, 20, scale=.5)
plot2 = fig2.getroot();plot2.moveto(160, 2, scale=.4)
plot3 = fig3.getroot();plot3.moveto(310, 2, scale=.4)

# add text labels
txt1 = sg.TextElement(0,20, "A", size=14, weight="bold")
txt2 = sg.TextElement(155,15, "B", size=14, weight="bold")
txt3 = sg.TextElement(305,15, "C", size=14, weight="bold")

# append plots and labels to figure
fig.append([plot1, plot2, plot3])
fig.append([txt1, txt2, txt3])

# save generated SVG files"../figures/single_comp.svg")

import os
os.system('inkscape --export-pdf=../figures/single_comp.pdf ../figures/single_comp.svg')
os.system('eog ../figures/single_comp.svg')
# os.system('rm fig2.svg')


Controlling the V_m fluctuations properties




Finite sampling of a Poisson process


Three main components could be identified as contributing to the measured dispersion of the firing rate dependencies. 1) cellular heterogeneity, 2) experimental changes across experiments and 3) finite sampling of the irregular firing process.

Because the cellular heterogeneity point is the biologically relevant phenomena cite:Mejias2012 that we would like to evaluate, we try here to estimate the contribution of the finite sampling effect so that we get an higher bound for the cellular heterogeneity (higher bound because contribution of the experimental bias is unknown).

Experimentally, we estimate the firing rate on a finite amount of time $T$. Because the firing process is irregular, this will induce a dispersion around the mean cellular behavior.

The Poisson process has been shown to be a good model for the irregularity of the firing process REF?, so that this calculation will take this as an assumption. Given an ideal frequency $ν$ evaluated over a time $T$, the probability to observe a frequency $ν_\mathrm{obs} = k/T$ ($k$ is the number of observed spikes) is:

\begin{equation} Pν, Tobs = \frac{k}{T}) = \frac{e-ν \, T}{T} ⋅ \frac{(ν \, T)k}{k!} \label{eq-poisson-proba} \end{equation}

Where the mean and standard deviation of observed spike number are given by: \( \langle k \rangle = ν_\mathrm{id} T \) and \( \sqrt{\langle \big( k^2 - \langle k \rangle^2 \big) \rangle} = \sqrt{νid \, T} \).

Let’s say that we study the firing rate as a function of a variable $x$ (e.g. $τ_V/τ_\mathrm{m}^0$). We scan $N$ points of this variable $x$ (the $x_i$ where $i ∈ [1,N]$) that we each repeat $S$ times by varying the seed (indexed by $s ∈ S$). One trial result in a spike number $k_i^s$, therefore the whole experiment results in the set $\{ k_i^s \}$. Now we assume, that the process has a well defined dependency on $x$ (e.g. as given by \ref{eq-Tv-shift} for $τ_V / τ_\mathrm{m}^0$) so that the Poisson process has the frequency $ν(x_i)$ for the trials scanning $x_i$. Then probability to observe the set $\{ k_i^s \}$ given a finite sampling of length $T$ (assuming independence between experiments) is:

\begin{equation} P( \{ k_i^s \}) = \mathrm{e}-S \, T \, ∑_{i ν(x_i)} × Π_i \frac{(ν(x_i) \, T)∑_s k_i^s}{Π_s \, k_i^s!} \label{eq-poisson-set-proba} \end{equation}

We evaluated the response heterogeneity on the coefficients of the \textit{effective threshold} so we need to translate the set of measurements $\{ k_i^s \}$ into a set of firing rate $\{ ν_i^s = k_i^s/T \}$ and then into a coefficient for the \textit{effective threshold} (e.g. $Δτ_v$ for $τ_v / τ_\mathrm{m}^0$). So each possible measurement $\{ k_i^s \}$ is converted into a coefficient with its probability $P( \{ k_i^s \})$. We should then test for all possible measurements $\{ k_i^s \}$, but in practice (because it is useless to span the whole space of possibilities), for each point, we consider values of observed spikes delimited by three standard deviations around the mean number of possible spike.

So, for each type of protocol, we take the average behavior (in terms of phenomenological threshold), we convert it to a firing rate thanks to the average ($μ_V$, $σ_V$, $τ_V$), we take the average recording conditions (number of points and seeds) and we evaluate the variations expected from those conditions (the procedure is illustrated in Figure finite-sampling-poisson). Because of the multiple averaging (and the fact that the expected variations are non linearly related to the effective threshold), the result is not exactly what would be expected from a Poisson process having this dependency but this provide a reasonable first guess.


Accuracy of the template : insight from an analytically solvable situation


The situation of an Integrate and Fire neuron stimulated by delta-synapses can be instructive because we benefit from a very accurate analytical approximation in our regime of interest cite:Amit1997. We will use this model to investigate the properties and limitations of the approximation for the firing rate.

We stimulate a neuron with a Poisson process of frequency $ν_\mathrm{in}$, where each event triggers a jump of membrane potential $J$ followed by a decay of time constant $τ$. At relatively high frequencies ($ν_\mathrm{in} \gg τ_\mathrm{m}-1$), we get a fluctuating membrane potential of mean $μ_V = E_\mathrm{L} +J\,τ_\mathrm{m}\,νin$, standard deviation $σ_V = J \sqrt{ν_\mathrm{in} τ /2}$ and autocorrelation time $τ_\mathrm{m}$.

After the so-called diffusion approximation, we can transform the current input made of $δ$ distribution into a white noise input. Then the problem corresponds to a Langevin equation with bounded between $V=-∞$ and the threshold potential $V_\mathrm{thre}$. In the stationary case, solving the Fokker-Planck (FP) equation with the appropriate conditions\footnote{The integrate and fire mechanism corresponds to *a}) vanishing probabilities at the boundaries (Pr$(-∞)=$Pr$(V_\mathrm{thre})$=0) *b}) jump of the probability flux at $Vreset$ *c}) probability continuity and *d}) probability normalization. See cite:Renart2004 for details} yield the stationary distribution of the membrane potential $P(V)$ and the firing rate $ν_\mathrm{out}$.

\begin{equation} \hspace{-.4cm} \label{eq-cds-iaf-final} \left \lbrace \begin{split} & γ(V) \, \longrightarrow \, \frac{V-E_\mathrm{L} - μ_V}{\sqrt{2} \, σ_V } \[.3cm] & ν_\mathrm{out} = \Big( τ \, \sqrt{π} \, ∫γ(V_{reset)}γ(V_\mathrm{thre)} ex^2 \, \, (\textnormal{Erf}(x)+1) \, \, dx\Big)-1 \[.3cm] & P(V) = \frac{\sqrt{2} \, \, ν_\mathrm{out} \, e- \big( γ(V) \big) ^2}{σ_V} ∫_{ γ \big(max (V, Vreset) \big) }γ(V_\mathrm{thre)} ex^2 \, dx \end{split} \right. \end{equation}

In \ref{fig:fpt-wn-insight1}, we examine the difference between this analytical solution and our naive gaussian approximation. We stimulate the neuron with presynaptic spike trains of increasing frequency $νin$ (for given $τ_V$ and $J$) to compare the estimates of the firing frequency $ν_\mathrm{out}$ with the numerical realisation. \quad

We observe that for low input (\ref{subfig:firing-traces}), the approximation underestimates the firing probability. This is a consequence of the boundary conditions. In absence of such conditions, the solution for the membrane potential distribution would be our gaussian approximation (dashed lines in \ref{subfig:membrane-pot-distrib}). But the IaF model imposes $P(V\geq V_\mathrm{thre})=0$, so this probability content is reinjected below at $Vreset$ and spreads according to a diffusion process, but again the content (from this additional content) that should go above $V_\mathrm{thre}$ is reinjected at $V_\mathrm{thre}$, etc… This (small) cumulative effect brings the unbounded gaussian to underestimate the probability to be above threshold.

The previous explanation does not consider any temporal dynamics[fn::even if this is a stationary solution, the fact to have a non zero probability flux gives a meaning to the temporal dynamics at the population level], when the firing rate will become high enough, the mean time to drift toward the threshold will become a limiting factor for the firing probability. This is what happens at high input, much of the probability content is made of elements transiting between thre reset and the threshold (see in \ref{subfig:membrane-pot-distrib}, the distribution becomes much thicker at intermediate values). This limiting phenomena is obviously not taken into account by gaussian approximation, so for this range of input, the heuristic estimation gives an overestimation of the firing probability.

Therefore, very grossly, the value where the approximation works (in \ref{subfig:firing-traces}, where the Fokker Planck solution crosses the heuristic approximation) corresponds to the point at which the bias due to the boundary conditions is compensated by the temporal inertia of the membrane distribution to go toward the threshold.

So depending on where we lie with respect to this point, we will need to lower or raise the threshold to make the heuristic template correspond.

To investigate more quantitatively how the defined effective threshold $V_\mathrm{thre}^\mathrm{eff}$ depends on the parameters of the membrane potential fluctuations $μ_V$, $σ_V$ and $τ_V$, in \ref{fig:fpt-wn-insight2} we make vary those parameters and study the effect on the firing rate and on the associated $V_\mathrm{thre}^\mathrm{eff}$ (It is calculated using the inversion formula \ref{eq-effective-threshold}).

On \ref{subfig:fpt-wn-varying-mean-var}, we fix the membrane time constant and vary $μ_V$ and $σ_V$, for the values of the firing rate that we are interested in ($\lesssim$ 100Hz) we observe that we remain in the range where the approximation overestimate the firing rate, because the \textit{heuristic threshold} needs to be lower than $V_\mathrm{thre}=-50$mV. This function can be easily fitted by a 2 dimensional second order polynom.

Dependency on the first two moments of the membrane potential fluctuations


We first investigate here the firing rate response as a function of the ($μ_V, σ_V$) variables. The stimulation designed in the Methods stimulation-design allows to vary ($μ_V, σ_V$) independently while keeping $τ_V$ and $μ_G$ constant, we check on Figure 2B (in theoretical models by removing the spiking mechanism) and Figure 2D (by clipping spikes in the intracellular recordings) that the stimulation actually constrains $μ_V$ and $σ_V$ . We show on Figure 2A the response of the IaF model. As expected given the strong non linearity of the threshold mechanism, the response is steep as a function of the fluctuations size ($σ_V$) at depolarized levels (high $μ_V$) while the firing starts at higher $σ_V$ and is much less steep for hyperpolarized levels (low $μ_V$).

Introducing a linear function of $μ_V$ and $σ_V$ for the phenomonological threshold (see inset of Figure 2A) was able to accurately describe the firing rate response of the IaF model (thick line in Figure 2A). The correction therefore reads:

\begin{equation} \label{eq-vthre-muV-sV} V_\mathrm{thre}^\mathrm{eff} = V_\mathrm{thre}^0 + Pμ_V \, \frac{μ_V - μ_V^0}{δ μ_V^0} + Pσ_V \, \frac{σ_V - σ_V^0}{δ σ_V^0} \end{equation}

Here, to obtain comparable quantities, we have arbitrily normalized the dependency on $μ_V$ and $σ_V$ around a mean configuration of the fluctuation driven regime arbitrarily set to \(μ_V^0=-55 \mathrm{mV}\) and \(σ_V^0=4\mathrm{mV}\) and the extent of their domain \(δ μ_V^0=10 \mathrm{mV}\) and \(δ σ_V^0=6\mathrm{mV}\). $V_\mathrm{thre}^0$, $Pμ_V$ and $Pσ_V$ are the coefficients of the linear function.

We next investigated the firing rate response of neocortical neurons as a function of the $μ_V, σ_V$ variables (Figure 2C and Figure 2F). Again, an affine phenomenological threshold (inset in Figure 2C) was found to be very accurate at capturing the observed firing rate response. The response of additional theoretical models and neocortical neurons in the ($μ_V, σ_V$) plane is visible in Figure 6.

An individual cellular behavior corresponds to a set of coefficients \(V_\mathrm{thre}^0\), $Pμ_V$ and $Pσ_V$. We show on Figure 2F, the histogram of those coefficients across the recorded pyramidal cell population.

The first coefficient \(V_\mathrm{thre}^0\), account for a mean threshold level, it represents the mean excitability level of the neuron, we will see in the next section that it can depend on other variables. The adaptative Exponential Integrate and Fire with Regular Spiking features (AdExp-RS) shows a higher mean phenomenological threshold (see Figure 6), indeed because of its finite sodium activation curve and the firing adaptation phenomena, it is less excitable that the IaF model. We see here that this mean excitability level ($P_0$) shows a strong heterogeneity across the recorded population, much stronger than what is predicted by only the finite sampling of the irregular spiking process (see the Methods finite-sampling).

The second coefficient \(Pμ_V\) represents the deviation from the behavior of Equation eq-template in the dependency to $μ_V$. A positive coefficient corresponds to an increasing phenomenological threshold with $μ_V$ so to a reduction of the firing rate response with respect to the template. All models show a positive coefficient (see Figure 6) so they all show an attenuated dependency with respect to the template. This attenuation is stronger for the AdExp-RS model due to 1) the adaptation mechanism (firing rate adaptation raises with the firing rate which raises with $μ_V$, so enhanced adaptation decreases the dependency on $μ_V$) and 2) the finite spike sharpness that also lowers the excitability and therefore the sensitivity to $μ_V$ (see Figure 6).

The third coefficient $Pσ_V$ represents the deviation from the behavior of Equation \ref{eq-template} in the dependency to $σ_V$. Again, a positive coefficient corresponds to an increasing phenomenological threshold with $σ_V$ so to a reduction of the firing rate response with respect to the template. Now the IaF model shows a negative coefficient (Figure 2F), meaning the dependency on $σ_V$ is enhanced with respect to the approximation. Here again (as for $μ_V$), firing adaptation and finite sharpness reduce firing rate raise with $σ_V$ as can be seen for the AdExp-RS neuron (see Figure 6).


Dependency on the speed of the subthreshold fluctuations


Because the firing rate is a temporal quantity, we expect a strong dependency of the firing to the temporal dynamics properties of the membrane potential fluctuations. It was shown in cite:Kuhn2004 that the firing rate can be greatly affected by the effective membrane time constant $τ_\mathrm{m}eff$ for inputs leading to the same mean $μ_V$ and variance $σ_V$ for the subthreshold fluctuations. Nevertheless, in this study, the temporal dynamics was led by the membrane time constant and not by a mix of synaptic and membrane time constants. Because synaptic time constant are not that smaller from the effective membrane time constant (especially if we consider the low-pass filtering exerted by dendritic trees), we choose to relax this hypothesis and we investigate a domain of autocorrelation where both the synaptic and the effective membrane time constants would jointly contribute to the autocorrelation of the membrane potential fluctuations. The definition of the global autocorrelation time considered in this study is presented in the Methods autocorrel-def.

Here, the dynamic-clamp technique plays a crucial role, it allows to investigate values of the global autocorrelation that lie below the resting membrane time constant $τ_\mathrm{m}^0$. Indeed, in the classical current-clamp mode, when injecting stochastic processes (see cite:LaCamera2008 for a review), the resting membrane time constant is a lower bound for the autocorrelation time. The injection of white noise will produce an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise of time constant $τ_\mathrm{m}^0$ (under the single compartment approximation) and the injection of correlated noise will produce even higher autocorrelation values. Because in vivo, the temporal fluctuations are faster than the resting membrane time constant (see cite:Destexhe2003 for a review) having an input that could reproduce this feature was crucial in our study.

We used the expressions derived in the Methods to design a stimulation keeping $μ_V$, $σ_V$ and $μ_G$ constant while increasing $τ_V$. We tested this around a mean configuration of the fluctuation-driven regime: \(σ_V=5\mathrm{mV}\), \(μ_G=4 g_\mathrm{L}\) and $μ_V$ was set to obtain a mean firing rate between 1 and 15 Hz. The characteristics of the resulting subthreshold fluctuations can be seen for single compartment model on Figure 3B and for the data after clipping spikes in Figure 3D.

We show on Figure 3A this relationship for three different models: the Iaf model, the EIF model with a sharpness of \(k_a=2\mathrm{mV}\) and the inactivating leaky Integrate and Fire model (iLIF, cite:Platkiewicz2011).

As expected in a threshold crossing situation, faster fluctuations leads to higher firing rate than slow fluctuations, we thus observe a decreasing relationship between $τ_V$ and the firing rate. This relation is however more or less pronounced as a function of the ability of the spiking mechanism to convert fast fluctuations into spikes. The spike sharpness creates this ability to track fast input, the reduced sharpness of the EIF model therefore result in a attenuated dependency to $τ_V$ (see Figure 3A). A mechanism that penalizes the slow fluctuations also leads to an increased sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations, the inactivation of sodium channels is such a mechanism. We show that adding an inactivation mechanism to the IaF model results in a stronger dependency to $τ_V$ than the IaF model. This high impact of the inactivation mechanism appears because the fluctuations speed is very similar to the time constant of inactivation (\(∼ 5 \mathrm{ms}\)) as would be expected in vivo.

For the analytical description, we found that introducing a linear dependency on $τ_V$ in the phenomenological threshold was able to capture the observed behaviors. For convenience, the linear dependency is relative to the resting membrane time constant.

We introduce: \begin{equation} \label{eq-Tv-shift} V_\mathrm{thre}^\mathrm{eff}=V_\mathrm{thre}^0 +Pτ_V^N \, \frac{τ_V^N-τ_VN0}{δ τ_VN0} \end{equation}

where $Pτ$ accounts for the threshold dependency induced by the behavior discussed above. The higher it is, the lower the $τ_V$ dependency (it smoothens the expected $\frac{1}{τ_V}$ dependency). Again, this dependency is normalized with respect to a mean configuration \(τ_V^N = 0.5\) (i.e. \(τ_V = τ_\mathrm{m}^0 / 2 \) ) and the extent of the $τ_V^N$ variations: \(δ τ_V^N = 1\).

This expression provides a quantitative way to evaluate the sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations. Thus we investigated this sensitivity on several pyramidal neurons (Figure 3C). It is striking to note that the mean behavior over the cells showed a remarkable sensitivity to the global autocorrelation time, much stronger than the IaF model.

As suggested by the theoretical models, this high sensitivity presumably results from the combination of 1) a high ability to track fast input, close to the IaF model cite:Naundorf2006 cite:Ilin2013 and 2) a mechanism that penalizes slow fluctuating input: the inactivation of sodium channels (again revealed by the use of the dynamic-clamp technique that allows to produce fast membrane potential fluctuations, $τ_V ∼ 10 \mathrm{ms}$ where inactivation can have a critical role).


Dependency on the somatic input conductance


In neocortical neurons, the spike is produced by a sodium current abruptly activated by membrane depolarisation. Under in vivo conditions, the somatic input conductance is greatly increased as a consequence of synaptic activity (see cite:Destexhe2003 for a review). Because the depolarization induced by the sodium current depends on the input conductance, it is an important question to evaluate how much the shunting of the sodium current reduces the cellular excitability as a function of an increased input conductance in the fluctuation-driven regime.

The minimal model exhibiting this feature is the Exponential Integrate and Fire (EIF) model. We can vary the sharpness of the spike initiation current from an infinitly sharp current ($k_a=0\mathrm{mV}$, IaF model), to a rather smooth spiking current ($k_a=4\mathrm{mV}$), see Figure 4A. We clearly see that the spike initiation sharpness creates a decreasing dependency on the input conductance for the firing rate level.

In cite:Platkiewicz2010, in the context of their threshold equation, the authors proposed a way to account for this decreased excitability. We found that the mathematical expression that they proposed:

\begin{equation} \label{eq-muG-shift} V_\mathrm{thre}^\mathrm{eff} = V_\mathrm{thre}^0 + PG ⋅ log \left( \frac{μ_G}{g_\mathrm{L}} \right) \end{equation}

was a good way to account for the dependency on the input conductance in our phenomenological threshold when introduced into the template Equation eq-template (note that $PG$ is different from $k_a$ for the EIF model, because our phenomenological threshold does not correspond to the mathematically well-defined threshold of cite:Platkiewicz2010).

We now investigate this dependency in neocortical neurons by artificial conductance increase using the dynamic-clamp technique (see the Methods). In Figure 4C, we tested the impact of an increased input conductance at the soma on several pyramidal neurons. The accuracy of the linear description for the phenomenological threshold as a function of $log(μ_G/g_\mathrm{L})$ is shown on Figure 4E for all recorded cells. The value of all the fitted coefficients for $Pμ_G$ can be seen in Figure 4F.

It is striking to note that the mean behavior of neocortical cells can should explained by a very smooth activation curve in a single compartment model (thick black curve in Figure 4F), similar to the sodium activation curve obtained under voltage-clamp measurements (ref?). In addition, unlike the depdency on $τ_V$ (Figure 3F), much of the observed variability can be explained by the finite sampling of the irregular spiking process (Figure 4F) suggesting that this feature is rather homogeneously shared within the recorded population.


Interplay of a conductance increase and faster fluctuations


In the two previous sections, we have investigated independently the dependency on the input conductance and the autocorrelation. A more physiological situation would correspond to a comodulation of $μ_G$ and $τ_V$. Indeed, when presynaptic activity raises for fixed synaptic time constants (we discard the potential effects on $μ_V$ and $σ_V$), the somatic input conductance increases and the global autocorrelation time decreases (Equation \ref{eq-Tv}, if \(τ_S/τ_m^0=α=cst\) and $μ_G$ varies, then $τ_V/τ_m^0 = α + 1/μ_G$). In the following for this comodulation, we will investigate this comodulation for \(τ_S/τ_m^0 ∼ 0.1\).

The two previous sections predict opposite effects as a response to this type of comodulation. Increasing conductance reduces the firing rate for non infinitely sharp activation curves and faster temporal fluctuations increase the firing rate. It is therefore important to understand what is the final output of the combination of those two effects.

For the IaF neuron, the effect is clear, the spiking mechanism does not create a dependency on $μ_G$ then thre response to this comodulation result from the decrease of the global autocorrelation an leads to an increase of the firing rate (reversing Figure 3A). On the other hand, for the EIF models, their dependency on $τ_V$ is much weaker (EIF model on Figure 3A), so that the competition with the decreasing dependency on $μ_G$ leads to the almost cancellation (EIF model $k_a=2\mathrm{mV}$) of this increase.

We have run the same protocol on neocortical neurons, we found that the response to this comodulation is systematically increasing, still showing a high sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations despite the potential dampening of the input conductance increase (see Figure 5).

As this comodulation is likely to be the physiologically relevant case (though we could imagine situations where those values could vary independently, e.g. increase $τ_V$ without $μ_G$ by enhancing the proportion of low pass filtered distal input), we will use this to reduce the four-dimensional space to a three-dimensional space. Now variations of $τ_V^N$ are set by varying the input conductance $μ_G$ for a fixed \(τ_S/τ_\mathrm{m}^0\) i.e. we have: \( τ_V/τ_\mathrm{m}^0 = τ_S/τ_\mathrm{m}^0 + g_\mathrm{L}/μ_G \). Again in the following, we will set \(τ_S/τ_\mathrm{m}^0 ∼ 0.1\).


Full data for the 3 dimensional analysis


Analysis of the fitted coefficients



Robustness of the firing rate characterization

The minimal number of points in the dataset of long recordings (presented in fig-full-3D-data) is n=40 points (meaning there has been 40 episodes of a given seed and a given ($μ_V, σ_V, τ_V$).

Here, we investigate how reliable is the characterization over this limited number of points. We do this by taking

the cell having the lowest number of points

we split the dataset into two and we check whether the sensitivity is unchanged !!



N_MIN = 70 # 30 points minimum !!!

import sys
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr

from encoding_power import get_mean_encoding_power
from template_and_fitting import erfc_func, fitting_Vthre_then_Fout,\
    final_threshold_func, print_reduce_parameters

from fit_Fout_response_of_data import load_full_data_set

from funcs_for_exp_analysis import load_reformated_data
## importing data
import dataset_structure as data
FourD_list = data.FourD_list
print FourD_list[-4:]
from my_graph import set_plot

DATA2, INDEX2 = load_full_data_set(reformat=False)
DATA, INDEX = [], []
for data, index in zip(DATA2, INDEX2):
    if len(data[4])>N_MIN and index!='cell44' and index!='cell12':
        print index, len(data[4])

E0_1, EmuV_1, EsV_1, ETv_1 = [], [], [], []
E0_2, EmuV_2, EsV_2, ETv_2 = [], [], [], []
for data in DATA:
    muV, sV, Tv_ratio, muGn, Fout, s_Fout, Vthre_eff, Gl, Cm, El,\
            muV_exp, sV_exp, Tv_exp, s_muV_exp, s_sV_exp, s_Tv_exp =\

    i0 = int(len(data[0])/2.)

    ### first slice
    P1 = fitting_Vthre_then_Fout(Fout[:i0], 1e-3*muV[:i0],\
            1e-3*sV[:i0], Tv_ratio[:i0],\
            muGn[:i0], Gl, Cm, El, dep_muG=False, print_things=False)
    E01, EmuV1, EsV1, ETv1 = get_mean_encoding_power(P1, El, Gl, Cm)

    ### first slice
    P2 = fitting_Vthre_then_Fout(Fout[i0:], 1e-3*muV[i0:],\
            1e-3*sV[i0:], Tv_ratio[i0:],\
            muGn[i0:], Gl, Cm, El, dep_muG=False, print_things=False)
    E02, EmuV2, EsV2, ETv2 = get_mean_encoding_power(P2, El, Gl, Cm)
    if np.isfinite([E01, EmuV1, EsV1, ETv1, E02, EmuV2, EsV2, ETv2]).all():

    if EmuV1>1.6:
        print i, INDEX[i], len(data[4])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(18,5))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.4, bottom=.25, right=.99)
LABELS = [r"$\langle V_\mathrm{thre}^\mathrm{eff} \rangle_\mathcal{D}$",\
             r"$\langle d \nu / d \mu_V \rangle_\mathcal{D}$",\
                r"$\langle d \nu / d \sigma_V \rangle_\mathcal{D}$",\
                r"$\langle d \nu / d \tau_V^{N}' \rangle_\mathcal{D}$"]
for x, y, label in zip([E0_1, EmuV_1, EsV_1, ETv_1], [E0_2, EmuV_2, EsV_2, ETv_2], LABELS):
     x = np.array(x)
     y = np.array(y)
     cc, pp = pearsonr(x, y)
     ax[i].plot(x,y, 'kD')
     xth = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max())
     ax[i].plot(xth, np.polyval(np.polyfit(x, y, 1), xth), 'k--')
     ax[i].annotate('c='+str(np.round(cc,1))+', p='+'%.1e' % pp,\
                    (0.1,1.03), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=17)
     set_plot(ax[i], xlabel=label+'\n first slice', ylabel=label+'\n second slice')


analysis with points matching

N_MIN = 70 # 30 points minimum !!!

import sys
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr

from encoding_power import get_mean_encoding_power
from template_and_fitting import erfc_func, fitting_Vthre_then_Fout,\
    final_threshold_func, print_reduce_parameters

from fit_Fout_response_of_data import load_full_data_set

from funcs_for_exp_analysis import load_reformated_data
## importing data
import dataset_structure as data
FourD_list = data.FourD_list
print FourD_list[-4:]
from my_graph import set_plot

DATA2, INDEX2 = load_full_data_set(reformat=False)
DATA, INDEX = [], []
for data, index in zip(DATA2, INDEX2):
    if len(data[4])>N_MIN and index!='cell44' and index!='cell12':
        print index, len(data[4])

E0_1, EmuV_1, EsV_1, ETv_1 = [], [], [], []
E0_2, EmuV_2, EsV_2, ETv_2 = [], [], [], []
for data in DATA:
    muV, sV, Tv_ratio, muGn, Fout, s_Fout, Vthre_eff, Gl, Cm, El,\
            muV_exp, sV_exp, Tv_exp, s_muV_exp, s_sV_exp, s_Tv_exp =\

    muV_unique, sV_unique, Tv_unique = np.unique(muV), np.unique(sV),\
    muV1, sV1, Tv1, Fout1 = [], [], [], []
    muV2, sV2, Tv2, Fout2 = [], [], [], []
    for m,s,t in zip(muV_unique, sV_unique, Tv_unique):
        ii = np.where((muV==m) & (sV==s) & (t==Tv_ratio))[0]
        if len(ii)>1:

    muV1, sV1, Tv1, Fout1 = np.array(muV1), np.array(sV1), np.array(Tv1), np.array(Fout1)
    muV2, sV2, Tv2, Fout2 = np.array(muV2), np.array(sV2), np.array(Tv2), np.array(Fout2)
    ### first slice
    P1 = fitting_Vthre_then_Fout(Fout1, 1e-3*muV1,\
            1e-3*sV1, Tv1,\
            0*Tv1, Gl, Cm, El, dep_muG=False, print_things=False)
    E01, EmuV1, EsV1, ETv1 = get_mean_encoding_power(P1, El, Gl, Cm)

    ### first slice
    P2 = fitting_Vthre_then_Fout(Fout2, 1e-3*muV2,\
            1e-3*sV2, Tv2,\
            0*Tv2, Gl, Cm, El, dep_muG=False, print_things=False)
    E02, EmuV2, EsV2, ETv2 = get_mean_encoding_power(P2, El, Gl, Cm)
    if np.isfinite([E01, EmuV1, EsV1, ETv1, E02, EmuV2, EsV2, ETv2]).all():

    if EmuV1>1.6:
        print i, INDEX[i], len(data[4])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(18,5))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.4, bottom=.25, right=.99)
LABELS = [r"$\langle V_\mathrm{thre}^\mathrm{eff} \rangle_\mathcal{D}$",\
             r"$\langle d \nu / d \mu_V \rangle_\mathcal{D}$",\
                r"$\langle d \nu / d \sigma_V \rangle_\mathcal{D}$",\
                r"$\langle d \nu / d \tau_V^{N}' \rangle_\mathcal{D}$"]
for x, y, label in zip([E0_1, EmuV_1, EsV_1, ETv_1], [E0_2, EmuV_2, EsV_2, ETv_2], LABELS):
     x = np.array(x)
     y = np.array(y)
     cc, pp = pearsonr(x, y)
     ax[i].plot(x,y, 'rD')
     xth = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max())
     ax[i].plot(xth, np.polyval(np.polyfit(x, y, 1), xth), 'r--')
     ax[i].annotate('c='+str(np.round(cc,1))+', p='+'%.1e' % pp,\
                    (0.1,1.03), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=17)
     set_plot(ax[i], xlabel=label+'\n first slice', ylabel=label+'\n second slice')


Comparison of different strategy to capture the firing rate response


Higher order terms in the stimulation

<<sec:higher-order-in stim>>

Figure with PSP event shapes where we illustrate that for the IaF neuron, you slightly increase the firing probability for the high conductance stimuli. Probably the amplitude of the variations around the constant level is a way to assess the impact of the varying higher order terms resulting from the stimulation choice. For example, here we fix ($μ_V, σ_V, τ_V$) and we vary $τ_V$ thanks to eq-final-input and eq-conversion-rule. But by making this, we also vary higher order terms in an unknown fashion. We can see that the variations of those terms create a slight increase of the firing rate. Nevertheless the variations of those higher order terms have only an impact of $∼$ 0.2Hz around 7Hz).


\bibliographystyle{apalike} \bibliography{tex/biblio}

\onecolumn \newpage

Preamble (options for LaTeX formatting)

Headers and footers

Title and Authors


Short titles/author

Supplementary Information 29/11/2015


Details about the experimental data



For each cell, its properties and the quality of the electrical access was quantified. We present here those data and look for relations between them.

Some of the relations that appear are :

  • Very naturally, the membrane time constant is proportional to the input resistance (c=0.8, $p<2.10-10$)
  • The recording time diminishes with the age of the animal ($p<1.10-3$)
  • The membrane resistances and membrane time constants decrease with the age of the animal even if they keep a strong variability ($p<5.10-3$ and $p<3.10-2$ respectively).
  • The access resistance seems independent of all parameters
  • The quality of the seal does not seem to impede much the duration of the recording (despite the fact that they are both correlated with the age of the animal, there mutual correlation is low).


Accuracy of the single compartment approximation



The single-compartment approximation is important in this study as it is used to constrain the fluctuations of the membrane potential. We do here a cell by cell quantification of the accuracy of the approximation.

We quantify the accuracy of the approximation as follows. We take the protocols that were used to determine the membrane properties: prior to each protocol, we recorded and averaged the response to 10 current pulses of $∼$ 500ms and of $Δ I ∼$ 15pA amplitude, not the (noisy) continuous monitoring presented in Figure fig:exp-charact. We average over trials the membrane potential response and fit an exponential load to this mean response $V_\mathrm{sc}^\mathrm{fit}(t)$, we get a membrane time $τ_\mathrm{m}^0$ and a membrane resistance $R_\mathrm{m}^0$. We define the residual trace as the normalized absolute difference between the fit and the trace :

\begin{equation} \mathrm{Res}(t) = \frac{ \| V(t) - V_\mathrm{sc}^\mathrm{fit}(t) \| }{R_m^0 Δ I} \label{eq:residual-single-comp} \end{equation}

Now we quantify the accuracy of the single-compartment approximation by taking the (normalized) integral over 7 membrane time constant of the residual trace (see bottom traces in fig:single-comp-approxB and fig:single-comp-approxC).

\begin{equation} C_\mathrm{sc} = ∫t_0t_0+7 \, τ_m^0 \frac{dt}{7\,τ_m^0} \mathrm{Res}(t) \label{eq:accuracy-coeff-single-comp} \end{equation}

The two normalizations (by membrane resistance and membrane time constant) were performed to yield comparable quantities for different membrane parameters.

We present the histogram of this quantity over the cells of the dataset in Figure fig:single-comp-approxA.

We conclude that the approximation was satisfactory : the worst case in Figure fig:single-comp-approxC corresponds to a pretty good match.



import sys
from electrophy import IC_membrane_test as IC
import dataset_structure as DATA
import numpy as np


Tm_factor = 6

for i in DATA.CELL_LIST[np.concatenate([np.arange(28), np.arange(29,len(DATA.CELL_LIST))])]:
   exec('from cell'+str(i)+' import cell'+str(i))
   exec('cell = cell'+str(i)+'.cell_params')
   exp, time, t, data, params = IC.load(cell['ROOT_FOLDER']+cell['IC_datafile'])
   exp, time, t, data, params, Rm, El, Cm, t_fit, v_fit,\
       RmS, CmS, Ra, RmD, CmD, v_fit_2comp, mean_v_response, mean_i = \
                      IC.analyze(exp, time, t, data, params)
   Tm = Rm*Cm*1e-3
   dt = t[1]-t[0]
   DI = np.abs(np.diff(mean_i[5:])).max() # pA, pulse
   # we find where the pulse start !
   i1 = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(mean_i[5:]))>.6*DI)[0]
   it = np.arange(i1[0], min([i1[0]+int(Tm_factor*Tm/dt), len(t_fit)-1]))
   residual = np.abs((mean_v_response[it]-v_fit[it])/(v_fit[-1]-v_fit[0]))

# then the cell28, that has an AP in one trial and can not be evaluated !
isort = np.argsort(CELL_LIST)'../experimental_data/analyzed_data/residuals.npy',\
                   [CELL_LIST[isort], RESIDUAL_LIST[isort]])


import sys
from electrophy import IC_membrane_test as IC
from my_graph import set_plot
import dataset_structure as DATA
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np


figA = plt.figure(figsize=(4,3))
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.25, left=.25)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
plt.hist(RESIDUAL_LIST, bins=15, color='grey')
set_plot(ax, xlabel='$C_{sc}$', ylabel='cell count')

Tm_factor = 10

imax = np.argmax(RESIDUAL_LIST)
imin = np.argmin(RESIDUAL_LIST)

FIG = []
for i in [DATA.CELL_LIST[imin], DATA.CELL_LIST[imax]]:
   f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(5,5))
   plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.15, left=.25)
   exec('from cell'+str(i)+' import cell'+str(i))
   exec('cell = cell'+str(i)+'.cell_params')
   exp, time, t, data, params = IC.load(cell['ROOT_FOLDER']+cell['IC_datafile'])
   exp, time, t, data, params, Rm, El, Cm, t_fit, v_fit,\
       RmS, CmS, Ra, RmD, CmD, v_fit_2comp, mean_v_response, mean_i = \
                      IC.analyze(exp, time, t, data, params)
   Tm = Rm*Cm*1e-3
   dt = t[1]-t[0]
   DI = np.abs(np.diff(mean_i[5:])).max() # pA, pulse
   # we find where the pulse start !
   i1 = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(mean_i[5:]))>.6*DI)[0]
   it = np.arange(i1[0], min([i1[0]+int(Tm_factor*Tm/dt), len(t_fit)-1]))
   residual = np.abs((mean_v_response[it]-v_fit[it])/(v_fit[-1]-v_fit[0]))
   ax1.plot(t_fit, mean_i[:len(t_fit)], 'k')
   set_plot(ax1, ylabel='I (pA)', spines=['left'])
   ax2.plot(t_fit, mean_v_response[:len(t_fit)], 'k')
   ax2.plot(t_fit[it], v_fit[it], 'r--', lw=3)
   set_plot(ax2, ylabel='$V_m$ (mV)', spines=['left'])
   ax3.plot(t_fit[it], residual, 'k-')
   ax3.plot(t_fit, 0*t_fit, 'k-')
   ax3.fill_between(t_fit[it], residual, 0*residual, color='grey')
   set_plot(ax3, ylabel='residual', xlabel='time (ms)')

figA.savefig('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_hist.svg', format='svg', tranparent=True)
FIG[0].suptitle('best match')
FIG[0].savefig('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_best.svg', format='svg', tranparent=True)
FIG[1].suptitle('worst match')
FIG[1].savefig('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_worst.svg', format='svg', tranparent=True)

import svgutils.transform as sg
fig = sg.SVGFigure("12.5cm", "4.5cm")

# load matpotlib-generated figures
fig1 = sg.fromfile('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_hist.svg')
fig2 = sg.fromfile('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_best.svg')
fig3 = sg.fromfile('../figures/single_comp_accuracy_worst.svg')

# get the plot objects
plot1 = fig1.getroot();plot1.moveto(2, 20, scale=.5)
plot2 = fig2.getroot();plot2.moveto(160, 2, scale=.4)
plot3 = fig3.getroot();plot3.moveto(310, 2, scale=.4)

# add text labels
txt1 = sg.TextElement(0,20, "A", size=14, weight="bold")
txt2 = sg.TextElement(155,15, "B", size=14, weight="bold")
txt3 = sg.TextElement(305,15, "C", size=14, weight="bold")

# append plots and labels to figure
fig.append([plot1, plot2, plot3])
fig.append([txt1, txt2, txt3])

# save generated SVG files"../figures/single_comp.svg")

import os
os.system('inkscape --export-pdf=../figures/single_comp.png ../figures/single_comp.svg')
os.system('eog ../figures/single_comp.svg')
# os.system('rm fig2.svg')


A linear phenomenological threshold allows an accurate characterization of the firing rate response


todo :

  • write the 11 params form

\begin{equation} ksdjfh \end{equation}

see Figure fig:robustness-all-data



Full dataset for the firing rate response



Robustness of the characterization


Additional analysis about the robustness of the characterization



Deintricating the mechanism leading to the observed sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations




Implications for population rate dynamics


We showed that the firing rate of neocortical neurons exhibits a strong dependency on the speed of the membrane potential fluctuations under physiological conditions (Section muG-Tv): close to the IaF model although impaired by the conductance dependency. This is a priori difficult to implement biologically as it would require an infinitely sharp activation curve. But we showed that sodium inactivation is able to maintain a strong sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations despite a finite sharpness of the activation curve. This would give another functional role to the sodium inactivation mechanism (cite:Platkiewicz2011).

This optimization suggests that this feature is important for population coding in neocortical networks. Transient variations of the speed of the fluctuations across the population seems to be a reliable mechanism to change the network firing rate (though detectable only at the $≥$ 5 ms time scale). The encoding power of this variable appears to be optimized by the cellular properties.

On the other hand, our quantification of the dependency on $μ_V$ and $σ_V$ has put in perspective their encoding power, as we observed a strong reduction with respect to the Integrate and Fire model. Unlike the optimization that happens for the $τ_V$ variables, there does not seems to be a biophysical mechanism that enhances the encoding power of $μ_V$ and $σ_V$, on the other hand . Nevertheless, even if there are not promoted, they still keep a high encoding power as they can lead to stronger variations than the normalized autocorrelation time.

To illustrate this, we return to the situation presented above of a 2-3 fold conductance increase with respect to background activity level (a rather strong stimulation) would correspond to $∼$ 50 % decrease of normalized autocorrelation time and would lead to a change of 3.5 Hz of firing rate. According to the mean behavior within the fluctuation driven regime, this would be achieved by a shift of \(∼ 5\mathrm{mV}\) for $μ_V$ and of \(∼ 3.5\mathrm{mV}\) for $σ_V$.

Finally, our measurements showed that a change of conductance can, by itself, change the firing rate and therefore encode information because of its suppressive effect on the spiking probability. This effect remains weak though.

Relevant models to account for the firing rate response of neocortical neurons at a mesoscopic scale


Reduced neuronal model are widely used in theoretical studies to understand the computational properties of neural networks, especially in the asynchronous regime (the analogous at the network level of the fluctuation-driven at the cellular level). It is therefore an important question to understand the potential limitations of those models.

When looking at the response as a function of the two first moments of the membrane potential fluctuations, we found very similar results to the one presented in cite:Rauch2003. The same function (with adjusted parameters) was able to reproduce the firing rate response for the IaF model as well as for the neocortical neurons of our experimental model. Thus suggesting that the IaF model is a sufficient model to qualitatively describe the cite:Rauch2003 if we limit ourselves to those two moments.

But when we introduced the effect of the somatic conductance $μ_G$ and the global autocorrelation time $τ_V$, we observed important discrepancies between the response of the IaF neuron and neocortical neurons. First, the total conductance had no effect on the IaF neuron whereas it exerts a suppressive effects on the reponse of neocortical neurons. An even stronger discrepancy was observed in the relation to the temporal fluctuations, the IaF model has a rather trivial response (more firing for faster fluctuations), whereas neocortical neurons show a more complex response because of the inactivation dynamics of sodium channels or due to subthreshold adaptation.

More importantly, the IaF model over-estimate the contributions of $μ_V$ and $σ_V$ in the coding of information under rate coding strategies.

Link between the spike initiation properties and the input-output properties


The properties of the spike initiation mechanism should determine the characteristics of the firing rate response reported in this study.

At the soma, the spike seems to be initiated abruptly (cite:Naundorf2006), whether this is a functional property to extract fast signals (cite:Naundorf2006, Tchumatchenko2011, Ilin2013 and cite:Brette2013 alternatively) or an epiphenomena due to backpropagation toward the soma cite:McCormick2007 is still debated (reviewed in cite:Brette2015).

The measurements and analysis performed here provides some additional material for theoretical considerations in this controversy.

We showed that neurons

On the one hand, we show that another functional advantage of having a sharp activation is to resist to an increasing input conductance (in the sense that the shunting due to background synaptic conductances would not impact the efficiency of the sodium current at eliciting spikes). For example, thanks to his infinitely sharp activation curve, the LIF model has this characteristics (see Figure [[]]). Nevertheless, neocortical neurons showed a dependency that could be explained only by a smooth activation curve ($k_a ∼ 3-4 \mathrm{mV}$) in a single compartment model.

On the other hand, Because we investigated only single-compartment models, we suggested that this was the consequence of the finite sharpness (Section muG) but an increasing the somatic input conductance also affects the electrical proximity between the soma and the initiation site (despite the constant electrotonic distance) thus potentially filtering the membrane potential fluctuations. Interpreting this measurement in the light of the existing models (cite:Naundorf2006 or cite:McCormick2007 or cite:Brette2013) should be the focus of future investigations as it could be a key additional constraint for theoretical models.

Heterogeneity within the neocortical pyramidal cell population


Our approach provided a way to quantify heterogeneity of the firing rate response in pyramidal neurons by looking at the dispersion

of the $Δ V_\mathrm{thre}$ coefficients (after substraction of the expected Poisson dispersion). We show a sum up of those properties on X.

First pyramidal cells seems to have a very strong variability of excitability levels ($σ (P_0) ∼ 7 \mathrm{mV}$) and also seem to be differently affected by sodium inactivation (see Figure 5 E & F).

The question of the functional advantage of cellular has been tackled in a theoretical study cite:Mejias2012, the authors found that there might be an optimal heterogeneity level for neural coding in spiking networks.

Importantly, the cellular heterogeneity considered in their study only covers the mean excitability heterogeneity in our data, the impact on the computation of spiking networks of the heterogeneity of the three other components remains to be investigated and would be the focus of future analysis.

Neocortical neurons in this experimental model are not mature neurons, a possibility is that the measured heterogeneity is the consequence of differences in the maturation level of individual cells.

Higher order description of the dynamical state at the soma


Although we believe that the four variables ($μ_V$, $σ_V$, $μ_G$, $τ_V$) described in this study might quantitatively be the main contributor to the firing rate response, they constitute a very reductive description of the dynamical state at the soma.

First, the stationary distribution of the subthreshold fluctuations could deviate from the gaussian approximation (REF?), potentially because of the assymetry of the driving force between excitation and inhibition (unlike the symmetry considered in this study). For the temporal dynamics, we provided a very approximated quantity: the \textit{global autocorrelation time} $τ_V$, but it is very likely that the details of the autocorrelation function shape have a strong impact on the firing probability (because of the specificity of the time and voltage dependency of sodium channels).

Finally, we have put all non-linear effects (subthreshold adaptation, sodium inactivation, spike frequency adaptation) in the black box of the firing rate response. A more careful analysis could take into account the impact of those properties on the membrane potential fluctuations and then investigate spiking probability.

Treatment of adaptation


No treatment of the

`** De-normalization of the response :noexport: <<denormalization>>

For all neurons, despite their different electrophysiological properties, we investigated a fixed domain of the two normalized quantities $\frac{τ_V}{τ_\mathrm{m}^0}$ and $\frac{μ_G}{g_\mathrm{L}}$ and of the membrane potential quantities $μ_V$, $σ_V$, (where the stimulation needs to be adapted as a function of the membrane parameters). This procedure allowed a cell-by-cell comparison but this is now a question how dendritic integration \textit{de-normalizes} the response by bringing the neuron in a specific subspace of the ($μ_V$, $σ_V$, $τ_V$, $μ_G$) space for the same presynaptic firing frequencies.

For example, under the hypothesis that the synaptic weights and time constant are fixed across cells, a small cell (∼ low $g_\mathrm{L}$ and $C_\mathrm{m}$) will explore a bigger $σ_V$ space at low $μ_G$ than a big cell because synaptic events will imply larger variations from the mean. This kind of effects will be another contributor to the cell to cell variability, this will be investigated in further studies.

Application to non stationary dynamics


The results above apply to the stationary firing rate. They are necessary to compute the stationary properties of the dynamics of a recurrent network, but what is the relevance of those results for the dynamics in response to time-varying stimuli ?

A first deviation, might be an overestimation of the adaptation effect (so an underestimation of the firing rate response) because the population response will involve a few spikes at the cellular level while the firing rate response for those higher levels have been evaluated while adaptation was already at its stationary level. But if the firing rate response of the population remains low, the error induced by our estimate might remain low.

% For the more general non stationary effects occuring at the population % level in a network stimulated by transient stimuli, we should mention % here that we tested the use of this stationary rate estimate in a mean % field model (cite:ElBoustani2009) estimate Zerlaut \& Destexhe, % unpublished observations.

Impact on network dynamical properties


A natural extension of this work is to investigate how this firing rate estimate can be use as the cellular transfer functions in macroscopic models of network dynamics.

Preliminary results (Goethals 2014) showed that this template was able to account for the stationary as well as the transient dynamics of artificial neural networks displaying asynchronous activity (cite:Kumar2008).

The investigation of the consequences of those results to the dynamical properties of neural networks will be investigated in future studies.

Very briefly, the decreasing relationship as a function of the total conductance observed in neocortical neurons could help to stabilize the point of self-sustained activity in recurrent networks (cite:Kuhn2004, cite:Kumar2008).

In cite:Destexhe2009a, it was shown that including different electrophysiological types of neurons in recurrent networks could either stabilize asynchronous activity or trigger slow population oscillations depending on the parameters. In the present study, we provided a simple analytical form, quite easy to manipulate analytically, where variations of parameter’s template account for those different elctrophysiological classes. It is now achievable to study analytically the impact (at least to first order) of those complex biophysical features on network dynamics. This is currently under investigation.

Deintricating the mechanism leading to the observed sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations


A striking feature in the firing rate response of neocortical neurons is that they can show a remarkable sensitivity to the speed of the membrane potential fluctuations. Our modeling results suggested (see Figure fig:mean-sensitivitiesC and fig:biophysics-explain-heterE) that a way to obtain this strong sensitivity is to have a mechanism that penalizes how slow fluctuations are converted into spikes and fast sodium inactivation would be such a mechanism.

Another possibility for having a strong dependency to the speed of the fluctuations is that those neocortical neurons could have a very sharp activation curve that would enable them to extract very fast input cite:Fourcaud-Trocme2003, such as suggested for more mature pyramidal neurons in rat neocortex cite:Ilin2013. Nevertheless, even at the soma, the neurons of our recordings show a rather smooth activation curve (k_a ∼ 1.5 mV, from the dynamic I-V curve analysis cite:Badel2008, not shown) rendering this possibility unlikely. On the other hand, our hypothesis is then that, despite their relatively smooth activation curve, the sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations is obtained from fast sodium inactivation that penalizes slow fluctuations.

We examine this hypothesis in details in section sec:muG-Tv-deintricate-supp and sum it up here. We first evidenced the relative smoothness of the sodium activation curve by its effect on the firing probability in the fluctuation-driven regime. Indeed, if the sodium activation curve is smooth, then an increase of somatic conductance would have the ability to shunt the sodium current and the spiking probability should decrease when all fluctuations parameters are kept identical (μ_V, σ_V, τ_V^N). We performed those experiments and indeed observed a decrease of the firing probability (see Figure fig:muG-Tv-mergedA) corresponding to an activation curve of k_a ∼ 3 mV. This phenomena then gives us a way to test our hypothesis. In our protocols, to reproduce in vivo conditions, the fast fluctuations were achieved by increasing the somatic conductance (to reduce the membrane time constant, see methodssec:stimulation-design) meaning that our data contains the effect of the shunting conductance. Therefore if we achieved fast fluctuations without the shunting effect (by playing with the correlations of the input current, see methodssec:stimulation-design) we should observe an even stronger sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations (see Figure fig:muG-Tv-mergedB & C). Indeed, we observed an increase in the sensitivity to τ_V under those conditions, the mean sensitivity over cells was then much higher than the LIF model (that is a higher bound for the sensitivity in absence of other mechanism), meaning that fast extraction capabilities contribute few to the global sensitivity. Taken together, those experiments demonstrates that the sensitivity comes from a mechanism that penalizes slow fluctuations. Additionally, the phenomena described here is the continuous analogous of the phenomena described in cite:Fernandez2011 for CA1 pyramidal cells, where the authors found that a high conductance state (corresponding to fast fluctuations in our study) could evoke more spikes than a low conductance state (slow fluctuations here). Their study also provides evidence for the role of fast sodium inactivation in the sensitivity to the speed of the fluctuations and is therefore compatible with our modeling results.