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API Documentation

zTgx edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 23 revisions

API methods

API Reference


Returns the current server status.


(MUST) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;


Ok(ServerInfoResponse) - The current server status.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::server_info::*;

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    ServerInfo::new().request_server_info(config.clone(), |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            println!("build_version : {:?}", response.build_version);
        Err(_) => {


Returns the current ledger hash and index.


(MUST) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;


Ok(LedgerClosedResponse) - The current ledger hash and index.
Err(LedgerClosedSideKick) - LedgerClosed Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::ledger_closed::*;
use jlib::message::query::ledger_closed::{LedgerClosedResponse, LedgerClosedSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    println!("config : {:?}", config);

    let _c = LedgerClosed::new().request_ledger_closed(config.clone(), |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: LedgerClosedResponse = response;
            println!("最新账本信息 : ");
            println!("-- 账本Hash : {}", &res.ledger_hash);
            println!("-- 账本Index: {}", &res.ledger_index);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: LedgerClosedSideKick = e;
            println!("{:?}", err);


Returns specific ledger info.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Option) ledger_index - Option<u64>, specific ledger index.
(Option) ledger_hash - Option<String>, specific ledger hash.
(Must) transactions - bool, return previous ledger transactions list.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let ledger_index: Option<u64> = Some(9999);
let ledger_hash: Option<String> = None;
let transactions: bool = false;


Ok(RequestLedgerResponse) - The specific ledger info.
Err(SpecLedgerSideKick) - The specific ledger Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::spec_ledger::*;
use jlib::message::query::spec_ledger::{RequestLedgerResponse, SpecLedgerSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let ledger_index = 88670;
    let ledger_hash = None;
    let return_prev_tx_list = false;
    SpecLedger::new().request_ledger(config.clone(), Some(ledger_index), ledger_hash, return_prev_tx_list, |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestLedgerResponse = response;
            println!("账本具体信息: \n{:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: SpecLedgerSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


Returns specific account info.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) account - String, the specific account.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let account: String = "j....".to_string();


Ok(RequestAccountInfoResponse) - The specific account info.
Err(AccounInfoSideKick) - The specific account Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::account_info::*;
use jlib::message::query::account_info::{RequestAccountInfoResponse, AccounInfoSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let account = "j...Z".to_string();
    AccountInfo::new().request_account_info(config.clone(), account, |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestAccountInfoResponse = response;
            println!("账号信息: \n{:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: AccounInfoSideKick = e;
            println!("{:?}", err);


Returns specific tx info.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) tx_hash - String, the specific tx hash.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let tx_hash: String = "4552D9C58078855888A966F4FEE4FA46C413211A96C3174A7980651106C4E2DA".to_string();


Ok(RequestTxResponse) - The specific tx info.
Err(SpecTxSideKick) - The specific tx Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::spec_tx::*;
use jlib::message::query::spec_tx::{RequestTxResponse, SpecTxSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let tx_hash = "4552D9C58078855888A966F4FEE4FA46C413211A96C3174A7980651106C4E2DA".to_string();
    SpecTx::new().request_tx(config.clone(), tx_hash, |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestTxResponse = response;
            println!("交易具体信息: \n{:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: SpecTxSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


Returns specific account available received currency and sent currency.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) account - String, the specific account.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let account: String = "j....".to_string();


Ok(RequestAccountTumsResponse) - The specific account available currencies info.
Err(AccounTumSideKick) - The specific account Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::account_tums::*;
use jlib::message::query::account_tums::{RequestAccountTumsResponse, AccounTumSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let account = "j...Z".to_string();
    AccountTums::new().request_account_tums(config.clone(), account, |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestAccountTumsResponse = response;
            println!("可接收和发送的货币: \n{:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: AccounTumSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


Returns specific account's relations.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) account - String, the specific account.
(MUST) rtype - String, including (trust)/(authorize)/(freeze).

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let account: String = "j....".to_string();
let rtype: String = "trust".to_string();


Ok(RequestAccountRelationsResponse) - The specific account's relations info.
Err(RelationsSideKick) - The specific account Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::relations::*;
use jlib::message::query::relations::{RequestAccountRelationsResponse, RelationsSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let account = "j...Z".to_string();
    let rtype = Some("trust".to_string());
    Relations::new().request_account_relations(config.clone(), account, rtype, |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestAccountRelationsResponse = response;
            println!("账号关系: {:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: RelationsSideKick= e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


Returns specific account's offers.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) account - String, the specific account.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let account: String = "j....".to_string();


Ok(RequestAccountOfferResponse) - The specific account's offers.
Err(AccountOffersSideKick) - The specific account Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::account_offer::*;
use jlib::message::query::offer::{RequestAccountOfferResponse, AccountOffersSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let account = "jB7rxgh43ncbTX4WeMoeadiGMfmfqY2xLZ".to_string();
    AccountOffer::new().request_account_offer(config.clone(), account, |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestAccountOfferResponse = response;
            println!("账号挂单: {:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: AccountOffersSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


Returns specific account's all transactions.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) account - String, the specific account.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let account: String = "j....".to_string();


Ok(RequestAccountTxResponse) - The specific account's offers.
Err(AccounTxSideKick) - The specific account Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::account_tx::*;

//Ok && Err
use jlib::message::query::account_tx::{RequestAccountTxResponse, AccounTxSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let account = "j...Z".to_string();
    AccountTx::new().request_account_tx(config.clone(), account, Some(1), |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestAccountTxResponse = response;
            println!("账号交易列表: \n{:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: AccounTxSideKick = e;
            println!("交易 Error : \n{:?}", err);


Returns specific order books.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) taker_gets - OrderBookItem, taker gets. (Must) taker_pays - OrderBookItem, taker pays.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let gets = OrderBookItem::with_params("SWT".to_string(), "".to_string());
let pays = OrderBookItem::with_params("CNY".to_string(), "j...S".to_string());
pub struct OrderBookItem {
    pub currency: String,
    pub issuer: String,


Ok(RequestOrderBookResponse) - The specific order books.
Err(OrderBookSideKick) - The specific order books Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::order_book::*;
use jlib::message::query::order_book::{RequestOrderBookResponse, OrderBookItem, OrderBookSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let gets = OrderBookItem::with_params("SWT".to_string(), "".to_string());
    let pays = OrderBookItem::with_params("CNY".to_string(), "j...S".to_string());
    OrderBook::new().request_order_book(config.clone(), gets, pays, |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestOrderBookResponse = response;
            println!("挂单列表: {:?}",  &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: OrderBookSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


Returns brokerage info.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) issuer - String, the specific issuer.
(Must) app_type - u64, app source. (Must) currency - String, the specific currency.

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";
let flag: bool = true;
let issuer: String = "j....".to_string();
let app_type: u64 = 1;
let currency: String = "TES".to_string();


Ok(RequestBrokerageResponse) - The specific brokerage info.
Err(BrokerageSideKick) - The specific brokerage Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::query::brokerage::*;
use jlib::message::query::brokerage::{RequestBrokerageResponse, BrokerageSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let issuer: String = "j....".to_string();
    let app_type: u64 = 1;
    let currency: String = "TES".to_string();

    Brokerage::new().request_brokerage(config.clone(), issuer, app_type, currency, |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RequestBrokerageResponse = response;
            println!("佣金设置信息: {:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: BrokerageSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


Send certain currency to another account id.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) from - String, source account id.
(Must) secret - String, source account's secret.
(Must) to - String, target account id.
(Must) amount - Amount (Option) memo - Option, memo.

Example Parameters

    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let amount: Amount = Amount::new("SWT".to_string(), "0.5".to_string(), "".to_string());
    let from: String = "j...Z".to_string();
    let secret:String= "s...d".to_string();
    let to  : String = "j...c".to_string();
    let memo: Option<String> = Some("TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTis memo".to_string());
pub struct Amount {
    pub value: String,
    pub currency: Option<String>,
    pub issuer: Option<String>, 


Ok(TransactionTxResponse) - The payment transaction info.
Err(PaymentSideKick) - The payment trasaction Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::message::transaction::transaction::{TransactionTxResponse, PaymentSideKick};
use jlib::api::transaction::pay::*;
use jlib::message::common::amount::Amount;

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let from: String = "j...Z".to_string();
    let secret:String= "s...d".to_string();
    let to  : String = "j...c".to_string();
    let memo: Option<String> = Some("TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTis memo".to_string());
    let amount: Amount = Amount::new("SWT".to_string(), "0.5".to_string(), "".to_string());

    Payment::with_params(config.clone(), from, secret).payment(  to, amount, memo,
         |x| match x {
            Ok(response) => {
                let res: TransactionTxResponse = response;
                println!("支付信息: {:?}", &res);

            Err(e) => {
                let err: PaymentSideKick = e;
                println!("err: {:?}", err);


set account's relation.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) account - String, source account id.
(Must) secret - String, source account's secret.
(Must) rtype - u64, relation type.
(Must) target - String, target account id (only if type is authorize and freeze!).
(Must) amount - Amount

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";  
let flag: bool = true;
let from: String = "j...Z".to_string();
let secret:String= "s...d".to_string();
let relation_type = AUTHORIZE;
let to  : String = "j...c".to_string();
let amount: Amount = Amount::new("CCA".to_string(), "0.01".to_string(), "j...u".to_string());
pub struct Amount {
    pub value: String,
    pub currency: Option<String>,
    pub issuer: Option<String>, 


Ok(RelationTxResponse) - The specific relation info.
Err(RelationSideKick) - The specific relation Error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::message::transaction::relation::{RelationTxResponse, RelationSideKick};
use jlib::api::transaction::relate::*;
use jlib::message::common::amount::Amount;
use jlib::RelationType::AUTHORIZE;

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);
    let from: String = "jB7rxgh43ncbTX4WeMoeadiGMfmfqY2xLZ".to_string();
    let secret:String= "sn37nYrQ6KPJvTFmaBYokS3FjXUWd".to_string();

    let relation_type = AUTHORIZE;
    let to  : String = "jDUjqoDZLhzx4DCf6pvSivjkjgtRESY62c".to_string();
    let amount: Amount = Amount::new("CCA".to_string(), "0.01".to_string(), "js7M6x28mYDiZVJJtfJ84ydrv2PthY9W9u".to_string());

    Relate::with_params(config.clone(), from, secret)
            .set_relation(relation_type, to, amount,
                                         |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: RelationTxResponse = response;
            println!("关系设置: {:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: RelationSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


create offer.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) account - String, source account id.
(Must) secret - String, source account's secret.
(Must) taker_gets - Amount
(Must) taker_pays - Amount

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";  
let flag: bool = true;
let taker_gets: Amount = Amount::new("CNY".to_string(), "0.01".to_string(), "j..h".to_string());
let taker_pays: Amount = Amount::new("SWT".to_string(), "1".to_string(), "".to_string());
let account: String = "j..h".to_string();
let secret:String= "s..i".to_string();
pub struct Amount {
    pub value: String,
    pub currency: Option<String>,
    pub issuer: Option<String>, 


Ok(OfferCreateTxResponse) - succuess info.
Err(OfferCreateSideKick) - error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::message::common::amount::Amount;
use jlib::api::transaction::create_offer::*;
use jlib::message::transaction::offer_create::{OfferCreateTxResponse, OfferCreateSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);

    let taker_gets: Amount = Amount::new("CNY".to_string(), "0.01".to_string(), "j...h".to_string());
    let taker_pays: Amount = Amount::new("SWT".to_string(), "1".to_string(), "".to_string());

    let account: String = "j..h".to_string();
    let secret:String= "s...i".to_string();
    CreateOffer::with_params(config.clone(), account, secret).create_offer( taker_gets, taker_pays,
                                                |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: OfferCreateTxResponse = response;
            let fee = res.tx_json.fee.parse::<f32>().unwrap() / 1000000f32;
            println!("[交易费: {}]", fee);

        Err(e) => {
            let err: OfferCreateSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);


cancel specific offer.


(Must) Config - struct Config is including server address and local sign flag.
(Must) account - String, source account id.
(Must) secret - String, source account's secret.
(Must) offer_sequence - u64

Example Parameters

let addr: &str = "ws://192.x.x.123:5060";  
let flag: bool = true;
let account: String = "j..h".to_string();
let secret:String= "s..i".to_string();
let offer_sequence: u64 = 688_u64;


Ok(OfferCancelTxResponse) - succuess info.
Err(OfferCancelSideKick) - error info.


extern crate jlib;

use jlib::misc::config::*;
use jlib::api::transaction::cancel_offer::*;
use jlib::message::transaction::offer_cancel::{OfferCancelTxResponse, OfferCancelSideKick};

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(TEST1, true);

    let account: String = "j...Z".to_string();
    let secret:String= "s...d".to_string();
    let offer_sequence: u64 = 688_u64;

    CancelOffer::with_params(config.clone(), account, secret).cancel_offer( offer_sequence,
                                        |x| match x {
        Ok(response) => {
            let res: OfferCancelTxResponse = response;
            println!("取消挂单: {:?}", &res);

        Err(e) => {
            let err:  OfferCancelSideKick = e;
            println!("err: {:?}", err);