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Example NavBar App

Zacharie edited this page Jul 19, 2023 · 1 revision

NavBarApp Tutorial

The NavBarApp demonstrates how to build a navigation bar with buttons to switch between different pages in a PynamicUI application. It utilizes the built-in DOM routing functionality to handle page navigation.

Step 1: Import required modules

from pynamicui import createDom, createElement

Step 2: Create the NavBarApp class

class NavBarApp:
    def __init__(self, dom):
        self.dom = dom

        # Create a frame container for the navigation bar
        self.navbar_container = createElement(self.dom, "Frame", place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 0.1})

        # Create the navigation buttons
        self.home_button = createElement(self.navbar_container, "Button", props={"text": "Home", "command": lambda: self.dom.nav("home")}, place={"relwidth": 0.25, "relheight": 1})
        self.about_button = createElement(self.navbar_container, "Button", props={"text": "About", "command": lambda: self.dom.nav("about")}, place={"relwidth": 0.25, "relheight": 1, "relx": 0.25})
        self.products_button = createElement(self.navbar_container, "Button", props={"text": "Products", "command": lambda: self.dom.nav("products")}, place={"relwidth": 0.25, "relheight": 1, "relx": 0.5})
        self.contact_button = createElement(self.navbar_container, "Button", props={"text": "Contact", "command": lambda: self.dom.nav("contact")}, place={"relwidth": 0.25, "relheight": 1, "relx": 0.75})

        # Create a frame container for the content pages
        self.pages_container = createElement(self.dom, "Frame", place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 0.9, "rely": 0.1})

        # Create the pages
        self.home_page = createElement(self.pages_container, "Frame", visible=False, place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 1})
        self.home_label = createElement(self.home_page, "Label", props={"text": "Welcome to Home Page"}, place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 1})

        self.about_page = createElement(self.pages_container, "Frame", visible=False, place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 1})
        self.about_label = createElement(self.about_page, "Label", props={"text": "Welcome to About Page"}, place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 1})

        self.products_page = createElement(self.pages_container, "Frame", visible=False, place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 1})
        self.products_label = createElement(self.products_page, "Label", props={"text": "Welcome to Products Page"}, place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 1})

        self.contact_page = createElement(self.pages_container, "Frame", visible=False, place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 1})
        self.contact_label = createElement(self.contact_page, "Label", props={"text": "Welcome to Contact Page"}, place={"relwidth": 1, "relheight": 1})

        # Add the pages to the DOM routing
        self.dom.addRoute("home", self.home_page)
        self.dom.addRoute("about", self.about_page)
        self.dom.addRoute("products", self.products_page)
        self.dom.addRoute("contact", self.contact_page)

        # Go to the home page

Step 3: Create the virtual DOM and render the NavBarApp component

dom = createDom()

# Set the window size

# Render the NavBarApp component
navbar_app = NavBarApp(dom)

# Render the virtual DOM


After running the above code, you'll see a window with a navigation bar at the top and a content area below it. The navigation bar contains buttons for "Home," "About," "Products," and "Contact." Clicking on these buttons will switch the content area to display the corresponding page content.


In this tutorial, we learned how to create a navigation bar with buttons to switch between different pages in a PynamicUI application using the NavBarApp class. The built-in DOM routing functionality simplifies the process of handling page navigation and allows for a smooth user experience.