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Press this To do this
WheelDown 🚀 Accelerated scroll down (Scroll faster to scroll farther)
WheelUp 🚀 Accelerated scroll up

🪟 Window and typing shortcuts (XButton1)

Press this To do this
XButton1+WheelDown ⬇️ Cycle through windows in recently used order (Alt+Tab)
XButton1+WheelUp ⬆️ Cycle through windows in reverse used order (Shift+Alt+Tab)
XButton1+MButton+WheelDown ↙️ Minimize window
XButton1+MButton+WheelUp ↗ Maximize window
XButton1+MButton 🚚 Restore window and move it using the mouse
XButton1+MButton+RButton ❎ Close window
XButton1+LButton ❎ Send Delete key
XButton1+LButton+RButton ❎ Send Backspace key
XButton1+RButton ⬇️ Send Enter key
XButton1+RButton+LButton ➡️ Send Tab key
XButton1+LButton+WheelDown ↩️ Undo
XButton1+LButton+WheelUp ↪ Redo

🌐 Tab shortcuts (XButton2)

Press this To do this
XButton2+WheelDown ⬅️ Switch to left tab
XButton2+WheelUp ➡️ Switch to right tab
XButton2+RButton+WheelDown ⬇️ Cycle through tabs in recently used order
XButton2+RButton+WheelUp ⬆️ Cycle through tabs in reverse used order
XButton2+RButton ❎ Close tab
XButton2+RButton+LButton ↪ Reopen last closed tab
XButton2+LButton ⬅️ Go back a page
XButton2+LButton+RButton ➡️ Go forward a page
XButton2+LButton+MButton 🔄 Refresh page or reload window (Ctrl+R)
XButton2+MButton 🔗 Open link in a new active tab

🔘 Buttons guide

mouse buttons

  • ❶ is LButton
  • ❷ is RButton
  • Pushing directly down on ❸ is MButton
  • Scrolling ❸ forward is WheelUp
  • Scrolling ❸ backward is WheelDown
  • ❹ is XButton1
  • ❺ is XButton2

E.g., XButton1+MButton+RButton means to press & hold XButton1, press & hold MButton, and press & release RButton

⌨️ Custom layer

custom layer

🌐 Custom layer Vimium C commands

Press this To do this
; Activate links hints
Shift+; Activate edit link hints
Ctrl+; Activate hover link hints
Shift+' Activate-copy url link hints
' Activate-copy text link hints

🌐 Other Vimium C commands

Press this To do this
Ctrl+Alt+R Reopen tab
Ctrl+Alt+E Close right tab
Ctrl+Shift+PgUp Move tab left
Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Move tab right

🅰️ Double Shift for CapsLock

Since we changed CapsLock to be the custom layer activator, we need a replacement:

Press this To do this
LShift+RShift Toggle CapsLock
RShift+LShift Toggle CapsLock

🕹️ One button remote

Press this To do this
Pause ⏯️ Play/pause the current media that is paused/playing
Pause, Pause ⏭️ Play the next media
Pause, Pause, Pause ⏮️ Play the previous media

#️⃣ While NumLock is on

If you don't have a NumLock key, use the NumLock remapping from the Custom Layer (CapsLock+3)

Do this To do this
Press Ctrl+D 📂 Open the process of the active window in File Explorer
Select some text, press Ctrl+Shift+D 📂 Open the selection as a folder in File Explorer, e.g. doing it on %USERPROFILE%\Documents will open your Documents folder
Press Any Key that produces a visible character ➡️ Insert that character in front of the text cursor indicator, aka caret (normally, it would be inserted behind the caret)

🎦 Zoom shortcuts

Press this To do this
Alt+E 🙂 Open reactions
Alt+= 👍 Give a thumbs-up react

Best way to view the code

  1. Install the CodeMap extension
  2. Download mapper_ahk.js
  3. Insert "codemap.ahk": "[file path of mapper_ahk.js]" into your settings.json (for VS Code, but Sublime and Notepad++ have their equivalents)
  4. Boom: codemap

(The GIF is so outdated that all the code you see has been removed. I need to update it.)


I've only listed the coolest and most original features applicable to most people, but there's a lot more if you check out my individual script files! I have a lot of functions you might find useful.




My AHK v2 scripts. Includes my mouse window+tab shortcuts, keyboard custom layer mappings, and more.




