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zachwill committed Apr 1, 2011
1 parent 2a285ea commit 2b04688
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 56 deletions.
180 changes: 124 additions & 56 deletions
@@ -1,67 +1,92 @@
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
from BeautifulSoup import SoupStrainer
#!/usr/bin/env python

This is my simple library to scrape NBA and NCB play-by-play information from
ESPN. I needed a small project to test out BeautifulSoup Alpha 4, so I felt
this was a good opportunity to refine some earlier code I had written.
In order to use this, you will need to download bs4 and also lxml (bs4 is
modular and can use both lxml and html5lib as back-end parsers).
The output is in dictionary format and contains the following information for
each individual play: quarter, quarter_time, overall_time, home_score,
away_score, home_play, away_play, and official_play (for timeouts, starts of
quarters, etc). I've found the majority of games normally have around 400 to
460 plays.

import urllib2
import re
import time
import datetime
from urlparse import urlparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

def daterange(start, end):
"""Generator for days between two specific days."""
for n in range((end - start).days):
yield start + datetime.timedelta(n)

def scrape_links(day, league='nba'):
"""Let's scrape ESPN's scoreboard for Play-By-Play links."""
link = league.lower() + '/scoreboard?date='

def _format_scoreboard_url(day, league='nba'):
"""Format ESPN scoreboard link to scrape individual box scores from."""
league = league.lower()
link = league + '/scoreboard?date='
if isinstance(day,
link += day.strftime('%Y%m%d')
link += day
if league is 'ncb':
if league == 'ncb':
link += '&confId=50'
scores = '' + link
url = urllib2.urlopen(scores)
print url.geturl()
scoreboard_link = '' + link
return scoreboard_link

content = SoupStrainer('div', {'class': 'span-4'})
soup = bs(, parseOnlyThese=content)

links = (a['href'] for a in soup.findAll('a') if re.match('Play.*',
def scrape_links(scores_link):
"""Scrape ESPN's scoreboard for Play-By-Play links."""
url = urllib2.urlopen(scores_link)
print url.geturl()
soup = bs(, ['fast', 'lxml'])
div = soup.find('div', {'class': 'span-4'})
links = (a['href'] for a in div.findAll('a') if re.match('Play.*',
queries = [urlparse(link).query for link in links]
return queries

def adjust_game(plays):

def adjust_game(plays, league='nba'):
Takes plays from parse_plays (generator of lists) and returns
a list of plays in dictionary format -- which is more
convenient for lookups.
Takes plays from parse_plays (generator of lists) and the league which
it is parsing (used for correct quarter/halve time). It returns a list
of plays in dictionary format -- which is more convenient for lookups.
The dictionary contains the following information: quarter, quarter_time,
overall_time, home_score, away_score, home_play, away_play, and
official_play (for timeouts, starts of quarters, etc).
# NOTE: Can't use new_play['quarter'] for NCB games. They use halves.
# TODO: Can't use new_play['quarter'] for NCB games. They use halves.
# Maybe 'period' instead of 'quarter'?
game = []
quarter = 1
end_of_quarter = False
for play in plays:
new_play = _play_as_dict(play)
quarter_time = play[0]
time_dict, quarter, end_of_quarter = _adjust_time(quarter_time,
quarter, end_of_quarter)
time = play[0]
time_dict, quarter, end_of_quarter = _adjust_time(time,
quarter, end_of_quarter, league)
scores = play[2]
except IndexError:
if len(game) > 0:
# Official Play without score (new quarter, etc.)
last_play = game[-1]
new_play['away_score'] = last_play['away_score']
new_play['home_score'] = last_play['home_score']
# Start of game
new_play['away_score'] = 0
new_play['home_score'] = 0
Expand All @@ -71,40 +96,75 @@ def adjust_game(plays):
return game

def _adjust_time(quarter_time, quarter, end_of_quarter):

def _adjust_time(time, quarter, end_of_quarter, league):
Takes the time logic out of adjust_game.
Returns a dict, quarter, and end_of_quarter.
time = re.split(':', quarter_time)
minute = int(time[0])
seconds = int(time[1])
if minute is 0 and not end_of_quarter:
new_time = re.split(':', time)
minutes = int(new_time[0])
seconds = int(new_time[1])
if minutes is 0 and not end_of_quarter:
end_of_quarter = True
elif end_of_quarter and minute > 1:
elif end_of_quarter and minutes > 1:
quarter += 1
end_of_quarter = False
if quarter > 4:
quarter_length = 5
quarter_length = 12
mins = datetime.timedelta(minutes=quarter_length) -\
datetime.timedelta(minutes=minute, seconds=seconds)
overall_time = str(mins +
datetime.timedelta(minutes=(12 * (quarter - 1))))
overall_time = _calc_overall_time(seconds, minutes, quarter, league)
time_dict = {}
time_dict['overall_time'] = overall_time
time_dict['quarter_time'] = quarter_time
time_dict['quarter_time'] = time
time_dict['quarter'] = quarter
return time_dict, quarter, end_of_quarter

def _league_time(league):
Return league specific game info -- number of quarters, regulation time
limit, regular quarter length.
if league is 'nba':
num_quarters = 4
regulation_time = 48
regular_quarter = 12
num_quarters = 2
regulation_time = 40
regular_quarter = 20
return num_quarters, regulation_time, regular_quarter

def _calc_overall_time(seconds, minutes, quarter, league):
Calculate the overall time that's elapsed for a given game. I'm not a fan
of four arguments, but it's necessary unfortunately.
num_quarters, regulation_time, regular_quarter = _league_time(league)
if quarter > num_quarters:
# We're in overtime.
quarter_length = 5
overtimes = quarter - num_quarters
previous_time = datetime.timedelta(minutes=(regulation_time +
5 * (overtimes - 1)))
quarter_length = regular_quarter
previous_time = datetime.timedelta(minutes=(quarter_length *
(quarter - 1)))
mins = datetime.timedelta(minutes=quarter_length) -\
datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds)
overall_time = str(mins + previous_time)
return overall_time

def _play_as_dict(play):
Give it a play in list/tuple format, get back a dict containing
official_play, home_play, and away_play data.
Really only for internal use with adjust_game.
# TODO: Play can be '&nbsp;' or u'\xa0', so I put len < 10.
# Should probably change to something more explicit in the future.
new_play = {}
if len(play) is 2:
new_play['official_play'] = play[1]
Expand All @@ -114,52 +174,60 @@ def _play_as_dict(play):
new_play['official_play'] = None
away_play = play[1]
home_play = play[3]
if away_play == '&nbsp;':
if len(away_play) < 10:
new_play['away_play'] = None
new_play['home_play'] = home_play
elif home_play == '&nbsp;':
elif len(home_play) < 10:
new_play['away_play'] = away_play
new_play['home_play'] = None
return new_play

def parse_plays(game, league='nba'):

def parse_plays(game_id, league='nba'):
"""Parse a game's Play-By-Play page on ESPN."""
league = league.lower()
espn = '' + league + '/playbyplay?' +\
game + '&period=0'
game_id + '&period=0'
url = urllib2.urlopen(espn)
print url.geturl()

content = SoupStrainer('table', {'class': 'mod-data'})
soup = bs(, parseOnlyThese=content)
thead = [thead.extract() for thead in soup.findAll('thead')]
rows = (list(tr(text=True)) for tr in soup.findAll('tr'))
game = adjust_game(rows)
print len(game)
soup = bs(, ['fast', 'lxml'])
table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'mod-data'})
thead = [thead.extract() for thead in table.findAll('thead')]
rows = (list(tr(text=True)) for tr in table.findAll('tr'))
game = adjust_game(rows, league)
teams = thead[0].findChildren('th', {'width':'40%'})
away_team, home_team = [team.string.title() for team in teams]
print len(game), away_team, home_team
return game

def get_games(day, json=False, league='nba'):

def get_games(day, league='nba', iterable=False):
Get the games and play-by-play data from ESPN for a date.
The date can be in format or be a YYYYMMDD string.
The date can be in `` format or be a YYYYMMDD string.
By default it only looks for NBA games on a date. You can modify
this by passing it a league='ncb' argument to scrape the NCAA men's
basketball games that have Play-By-Play data.
basketball games that have Play-By-Play data (NOTE: not all will).
You can pass it an optional `iterable=True` argument in order to receive
back a generator instead of the default list.
all_games = scrape_links(day, league=league)
for game in all_games[:2]:
info = parse_plays(game, league=league)
if json:
import json
print json.dumps(info)
print info
espn_scoreboard = _format_scoreboard_url(day, league=league)
all_games = scrape_links(espn_scoreboard)
if not iterable:
games = [parse_plays(game, league=league) for game in all_games]
games = (parse_plays(game, league=league) for game in all_games)
return games

def main():
yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
start = time.time()
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