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I am sorry I am right now low on time thats why couldn't design readme properly. Someone please open up a pull request making this readme better. Just asked chatgpt to write something about the project :).


Demo of the project


The Email Waitlist Website is a web application designed to collect and store email subscriptions from users who are interested in receiving updates or being notified about a product, service, or event. It provides a simple and user-friendly interface for users to submit their email addresses and securely stores them in a MongoDB database.

Technology Stack:

Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, used for server-side development. Express: A fast and minimalist web application framework for Node.js, used to handle HTTP requests and routes. MongoDB: A NoSQL document-oriented database, used to store and manage email subscription data. Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js, used to define and interact with the database models. HTML: Markup language for creating the structure and content of the website. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for styling the user interface of the website. JavaScript: Programming language for client-side interactivity and server-side logic. Features and Functionality:

User Registration:

Users can enter their email address through a form on the website. The email address is validated to ensure it meets the required format. Once validated, the email address is stored securely in the MongoDB database. Server-side Processing:

The server is built using Node.js and Express, providing a fast and scalable backend solution. Express handles incoming HTTP requests and routes them to the appropriate endpoints. The server-side code is modular and follows best practices for maintainability and extensibility. The server connects to the MongoDB database using Mongoose, providing seamless interaction with the data. Database Storage:

MongoDB is used as the database to store email subscription data. The email address is stored as a document in the database collection. Mongoose models are defined to create a schema for the email document, ensuring data consistency and integrity. Error Handling and Validation:

Input validation is performed on the server to ensure the email address is in the correct format. Error handling mechanisms are implemented to gracefully handle and respond to any errors that occur during the process. Appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages are sent to the client to provide meaningful feedback. Deployment and Running the Application:


Node.js and MongoDB must be installed on the local machine. The necessary dependencies (Node.js modules) should be installed using the package manager (e.g., npm). Configuration:

The MongoDB connection string must be configured to connect to the local or remote MongoDB instance. Environment variables or a configuration file can be used to store sensitive information securely. Running the Application:

Navigate to the project directory and run the server.js file using Node.js. The server starts listening on the specified port (e.g., 3000) for incoming requests. Access the website through a web browser using the appropriate URL (e.g., http://localhost:3000).


The Email Waitlist Website provides developers with a complete solution for collecting and storing email subscriptions. It leverages the power of Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to deliver a robust and scalable application. By following the provided technical documentation, developers can quickly set up and run the website on their local machine, making it an ideal choice for any project that requires an email waitlist functionality.

Made on earth by bots :)


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