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jeric realubit edited this page Jul 22, 2019 · 7 revisions

Extensions are a way to allow you to incorporate custom code into your GenieACS provisioning process. An extension is a custom piece of Javascript which can be called from your provisioning script.

The script must be created in the /config/ext/ directory. (you'll have to create the /ext/ directory)

The script should consist of one or more functions, and exit using the provided callback. For example;

const logger = require('../../lib/logger');

function getCreds(args, callback) {
  let serial = args[0];
  //Logger functions are: info, warn, error{message: 'Getting mgmt credentials', serial: serial}); //message is the only required argument

  let result = {
    username: "cpe",
    password: serial

  callback(null, result);

exports.getManagementCreds = getCreds;

The first parameter on the callback is an error value. Set this to something sensible to return an error to the provision script.

You can call other functions or load other scripts from the same directory to perform complex functions. Any modules you install into GenieACS can be used from the extension script. Use require to use installed modules.

To call the above script, create a provision script which contains the instruction;


Example provision script that calls an external module:

let serial = declare("DeviceID.SerialNumber", {value: 1}).value[0];
let response = ext("creds", "getManagementCreds", serial);

declare("InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.Username", {value: 1},
 {value: response.username});
declare("InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.Password", {value: 1},
 {value: response.password});