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In Backend:

  1. npm init
  2. npm i express
  3. node index.js
  4. npm i nodemon
  5. change in script in package.json
  6. "start" => "nodemon index.js"
  7. now npm start in terminal

++++++++++++++++++++++++ in mongodb cmd:

  1. show dbs (for checking is db connected or not)
  2. quit() to quit



  1. Something in between (which is like a filter)
  2. BodyParser famous middleware (It parse the request body, to handle request which comes from front-side)
  3. CookieParser header and populate cookie to set cookie or check cookie
  4. cors => cross origin resource sharing => outside domain then use it

================== express-validator => for validating like middleware jsonwebtoken => for authentication express-jwt

================ formidable package for multipart


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