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This plugin is a modified version of Hyprland's Master layout.

The primary change is that it allows an arbitrary number of non-master 'stacks'. This can be changed dynamically per-workspace.

The layout is sort of a combination of XMonad's 'MultiColumns' and Hyprland's Master layout.


Default values are meant to produce a similar experience to the existing Master layout.

plugin {
  nstack {
    layout {

Configuration variable differences in comparison to Master Layout

  • stacks The number of total stacks, including the master.
  • mfact If this is set to 0 the master is the same size as the stacks. So if there is one master and 2 stacks they are all 1/3rd of the screen width(or height). Master and 3 stacks they are all 1/4th etc.
  • single_mfact The size of a single centered master window, when center_single_master is set.
  • center_single_master When there is a single window on the screen it is centered instead of taking up the entire monitor. This replaces the existing always_center_master and has slightly different behavior.

Workspace layout options

All configuration variables are also usable as workspace rule layout options. Just prefix the setting name with 'nstack-' workspace=2,layoutopt:nstack-stacks:2,layoutopt:nstack-single_mfact:0.85


Two new dispatchers

  • resetsplits Reset all the window splits to default sizes.
  • setstackcount Change the number of stacks for the current workspace. Windows will be re-tiled to fit the new stack count.

Two new-ish orientations

  • orientationhcenter Master is horizontally centered with stacks to the left and right.
  • orientationvcenter Master is vertically centered with stacks on the top and bottom.
  • orientationcenter An alias for orientationhcenter


Hyprpm, Hyprland's official plugin manager (recommended)

  1. Run hyprpm add and wait for hyprpm to build the plugin.
  2. Run hyprpm enable hyprNStack
  3. Set your hyprland layout to nstack.


Hyprland plugins basically have to be user-compiled and loaded. You probably need to compile and install hyprland yourself (if not using a package that exports the headers, e.g. the one on Arch's official repos).

If your package does not export headers, see the this part of the hyprland wiki


  1. Build hyprNStack
    • make
  2. Copy the resulting to some place
    • cp ~/.config/hypr/plugins
  3. Modify your hyprland.conf to load the plugin
    • exec-once=hyprctl plugin load $HOME/.config/hypr/plugins/
  4. Set your hyprland layout to nstack.

Plugin-Manager Hyprload

Installing via hyprload is supported.

  1. Add the following to your hyprload.toml once hyprload is running:
plugins = [
    { local = "", branch = "main", name = "hyprNStack" },
  1. Reload/Update your plugins and set your hyprland layout to nstack.


  • Improve mouse resizing of stacks
  • Improve drag and drop rearranging of windows in and between stacks
  • Allow resizing of single master window