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Budgie Media Player Applet

Highly customizable applet for the budgie panel, for controlling all of your playing media



There is a file: src/ that is not used when installing the applet, but it is used for debugging, as it creates the applet in a standalone window.

  • If you pass -v it will show the vertical representation of the applet.
  • If you pass -s the settings page will show. This page is fully operational and directly modifies the settings for testwin.

This project uses type annotations for better code readability, they should be:

  • on functions and methods
  • class instance variables (starting with self.)

This applet targets python 3.9+ so, don't use any newer features.

For formatting, I use black


Install from the budgie extras app

Only Ubuntu Budgie 22.04+

Go into the budgie extras app on ubuntu budgie and install Media Player Applet

Install from the command line using package manager

Only Ubuntu 22.04+

1. Add the ubuntubudgie/backports ppa

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntubudgie/backports

2. Update the package cache

sudo apt update

3. Install the applet

sudo apt install budgie-media-player-applet

Build from source

1. Install dependencies

Ubuntu, Debian:

sudo apt install git meson ninja-build python3-requests python3-gi python3-pil libglib2.0-bin


sudo dnf install git meson ninja-build python3-pillow python3-requests python3-gobject

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S git meson ninja python-requests python-pillow


sudo zypper in git-core ninja meson glib2-tools python3-Pillow python3-requests python3-gobject python3-gobject-Gdk
Full list of dependencies - for other distributions


  • budgie-1.0
  • gtk+-3.0
  • python3 >= 3.9
  • python3-pil / python3-pillow
  • python3-requests
  • python3-gobject
  • gsettings


  • meson
  • ninja
  • git

2. Download the repository

git clone && cd budgie-media-player-applet

3. Build the applet

Ubuntu, Arch Linux

meson setup build --libdir=/usr/lib

Fedora, openSUSE

meson setup build --libdir=/usr/lib64

4. Install the applet

cd build && sudo ninja install

The applet becomes visible only when there is media actively playing.


Instalation does not work

  • Make sure all dependencies are installed
  • Try again - remove the entire directory cloned with git and start from step 1

The applet cannot be added to the panel or isn't showing up in the panel

Run budgie-panel --replace from terminal, this will run the panel and all of the applets from the terminal displaying any errors.

The applet is installed but isn't showing in budgie desktop settings

Look into /usr/lib64/budgie-desktop/plugins or /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins, is there a budgie-media-player-applet directory? are there folders for other applets?

If in neither of theese directories is a budgie-media-player-applet directory, try installing the applet again.

If there is only a single directory that is budgie-media-player-applet, you may installed the applet in the wrong place, try to look for any other directory named budgie-desktop which contains the folders for other applets.

If nothing works try reinstalling from scratch, or try following the steps from the previous categories.