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Releases: zandero/rest.vertx


30 Aug 08:18
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Fixed issue #134 with newest vert.x release (4.3) with route order handler registration


compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:1.1.1'

1.1 (Java 11+)

07 Apr 19:59
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Fixed incompatibilities with newer Java versions
Raised SDK to Java 11


compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:1.1' hot fix for event handling

09 Nov 12:07
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No need to update if you don't utilise event handling

  • event handler can be applied to the whole class
  • minor improvements to event handling (can be triggered on every response and with response body)

compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:'

Minor improvements and fixes

29 Oct 08:17
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#120 fixed body handler params (included missing option)

Additional bug fixes and improvements:
Fixed issue with slf4j logging throwing a SAX parser exception due to wrong dependency


compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:1.0.6'

1.0.5 = hotfix of 1.0.4

04 Mar 19:45
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#106 Fixed inheriting issue, where Authentication / Authorization would not be taken over from base class.

Additional bug fixes and improvements:
RouteDefinition pretty print of route definition with used security


compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:1.0.5'

Transitioning to vert.x 4

28 Feb 21:26
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Transitioning to vert.x 4:

  • addressing Authentication / Authorization flow changes (breaking changes to previous implementation)
  • Future is replaced with Promise on async execution

Additional bug fixes and improvements:
#60 Fixed RouteDefinition provisioning through @context
#64 Addressed issue with @authorize / @authenticate to be able to throw custom exceptions on authorization/authentication problems
#65 Writer for object type can't be used for List of objects
#66 Registered ValueReader not used to decode query parameters unless explicitly stated
#67 Improved not found handling


compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:1.0.4'

Body handler provisioning

03 Jun 09:16
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#63 removed necessity to have implementation present in final code if not needed.
#57 added option to provide custom body handler if needed


compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:0.9.1'

@ApplicationPath support bug fixes and improvements

28 Mar 12:03
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#40 Added @BeanParam support

#52 Added @ApplicationPath support

Improved/fixed media type consumption in @Produces/@consumes and inheritance (NOTE: might be a braking change from 0.8.9)
Improved inheritance of annotations from interfaces/abstract classes down to implementation level

Fixed / improved:
#55 and #58 - Guice injection messing up route paths


compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:0.9.0'

Bug fixes and improvements

06 Jul 17:48
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Fixed / improved:
#42 DELETE enpoint can have a body
#43 Improved logging on exception handling
#45 Kotlin support

Migrated unit tests to JUnit5


compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:0.8.9'

Bug fixes and improvements

11 Nov 19:36
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Fixed #35 and #36


  • route binding improvements
  • validation of method resspones added

compile 'com.zandero:rest.vertx:0.8.8'