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$ npm i splunkstorm --save


In order for the examples to work, you'll need a SplunkStorm account. If you don't already have one, you can get one from

From your freshly set up account you'll need the SplunkStorm credentials the consist of your access token, your project Id and a API Hostname:


var SplunkStorm = require('splunkstorm');

var logger = new SplunkStorm({
    apiKey: 'you-api-key',
    projectId: 'your-project-id',
    apiHostName: 'your-api-host-name'

logger.send('foo=bar', null, null, null, function(error) {
    //error is null if everything went well


The constructor creates a SplunkStorm instance which is used to log to the backend. It accepts a options hash consisting of:

  • apiKey: your API Key which identifies your user account
  • projectId: a SplunkStorm account is organized in projects which are used to categorize log messages
  • apiHostName: the hostname assigned to you by SplunkStorm
  • formatter: the strategy that is used to convert non string messages. possible values: kvp (default) and json

Splunkstorm#send(logMessage, sourceType, host, source, callback)

The send method is used to send acctual log messages and accepts five parameters:

  • message: accepts strings and objects, if an object has been assigned it will automatically be json-stringified.
  • sourceType: the source of the log message, defaults to syslog
  • host: the hostname, optional
  • source: specify a source, optional
  • callback: called upon completion, the callback accepts an error parameter which is null if no error has appeard


Splunk advocates the usage of key-value pairs in their Best-Practices section:

Because of this starting with v2.0 splunkstorm will convert every non string value to a key-value pair string representation. By using the formatter option for the splunkstorm constructor one can opt into the legacy method of JSON-stringifying.


object string representation
{"a":"b"} a=b
{"a":"b b", "b": "c\n\nc"} a="b b", b="c c"
{"a":"b\" b"} a="b' b"

Used in

Happy logging!