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Countula is a discord bot which runs a counting game, and insults the players.


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Countula is a discord bot which runs a counting game!

It may be slightly evil.

Countula starting a game



  • !list - List the available commands
  • !help - Provides "help" to the user
  • !rules - Provides the rules of the game

Rules command output

  • !state - Provides the current state of the game

State command output

  • !stats - Lists the stats of the user

Stats command output

  • !version - Provides the version of the bot

Version command output


Before deploying your own, you will need to make a discord bot, and add it to your server.

Ensure that you enable the MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT in the bot settings, otherwise the bot will not be able to read messages.

Once you have the bot running, you will need to run the configure command to set up the counting channel in your guild:

  • !configure-countula
    • NOTE: This will configure the bot to use the channel you ran the command in as the counting channel
    • To run this command, the user must have the Manage Webhooks permission in the channel
    • It is recommended to create a new channel for this purpose, eg: #counting

The !configure-countula command can only be run once per channel to setup the channel for counting. If you run the command in another channel, it will create a second counting channel running a separate game. If the user does not have the required permission, the bot will respond with an error message:

Configure command missing permissions



You can check out the image versions over on Docker Hub

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine
  2. Duplicate ./example.env and rename it to .env
  3. Fill out the env variables
  4. In a terminal in the repo root, run docker-compose up -d

Kubernetes with Helm

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine
  2. Fill out the values in helm/values.yaml
  3. Run helm install countula ./helm
  4. Run kubectl get pods to see the status of the pod


Countula is a discord bot which runs a counting game, and insults the players.





