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File metadata and controls

201 lines (156 loc) · 5.76 KB

For quick usage example see tests file.

Install it: npm add typed-ipc

Define IPC schema

Create ipcSchema.ts in shared directory (make sure it available both in main and renderer processes) with following content:

// 📁 shared/ipcSchema.ts

declare module "typed-ipc" {
    // events for main process
    interface IpcMainEvents {
        logUserAction: {
            // here we define variables (data), that must be passed from renderer process
            userId: string;
            action: "click" | "somethingElse";
            isMad?: boolean;
        // for this event we don't need to pass data
        quitApplication: null;

    interface IpcRendererEvents {
        sayHiToUser: {
            makeUserSad: boolean;

// make it a module
export {};

That's our IPC schema for the whole application!

TIP: To make sure, that you typed named of interface to augment correctly, hover to it and you should see Define your IPC events...

Remember: You can't use typedIpcMain from renderer process and typedIpcRenderer from main process.

Main process

Almost in 90% you don't need to use event listeners in main process (I'll explain why in step 5)

// 📁 electron/ipc.ts
import { typedIpcMain } from "typed-ipc";
import { app } from "electron";

// call it on app load (before web page is loaded)
export const bindIPC = () => {
        // ALL events listeners from the schema must be defined here!
        quitApplication: () => {
        logUserAction: (_event, { userId, action, isMad = false }) => {
            // ... do logging stuff
// 📁 electron/index.ts
import { app, BrowserWindow } from "electron";
import { bindIPC } from "./ipc";

export let mainWindow: BrowserWindow | undefined;

const loadApp = () => {
    // create main window

app.on("ready", loadApp);

By defining all event listeners in one place we're eliminating the chance to forget to implement the listener for event, that we defined in our schema. Just comment events that you aren't ready to implement.

Renderer process

Context isolation

In Electron 12 or later, contextIsolation: true and nodeIntegration: false by default. Context isolation requires you to pass ipcRenderer parts into renderer modules via preload script (you can't require or import "electron").

You have to either disable contextIsolation and enable nodeIntegration or use preload script and alias the electron module, like I did in my project.

But remember to not to load any remote content in this window including scripts / styles from CDN. Never use CDN in Electron! For any kind of remote content (sites etc) create another windows.


Use events, where you don't care about the result, you just need to call something in main process and forget about that. For example:

import { typedIpcRenderer } from "typed-ipc";
// let's assume that we have binded this callback to the button!
const registerUserCallback = () => {
    typedIpcRenderer.send("logUserAction", { userId: 5, action: "click" });
    // if you misspell event name or forget to pass data you'll get a type error

Also, there is no alternative to typedIpcMain.bindAllListeners() (at least for now).


In 90% you need to use requests, because they're more conveniet to use then events. If even don't need to return data from main process, with requests you would always know when the process is successfully done.

  • Requests are always async
  • If you get an error in main process it will be thrown in the renderer, right where you've called request

To use requests, firstly define them in your schema:

// 📁 shared/ipcSchema.ts
declare module "typed-ipc" {
    // ... optional events go here
    interface IpcMainRequests {
        registerUser: {
            variables: {
                name: string;
            response: {
                id: number;
        getUsersList: {
            response: {
                users: Array<{ id: number; string: name; }>
        setUserName: {
            variables: {
                id: number;
                name: string;
// 📁 /ipc.ts

import { typedIpcMain } from "typed-ipc";
import { app } from "electron";
import setUserName from "./requests/setUserName";

    async registerUser() {
        // ... do the registration process
        // give the result
        return {
            id: 50
    async getUsersList() {
        return await prisma.users.findMany({
            include: {
                name: true
    // in case if our function too big we can define it in another file
    // 📁 /requests/setUserName.ts
    const setUserName: IpcMainHandler<""> = () => {};
    export default setUserName;

Note: default exports is fine until your exports/imports follow the file name

// 📁 /index.ts

import { typedIpcRenderer } from "typed-ipc";

const clickButtonHandler = () => {
    const { internalId } = await typedIpcRenderer.request("registerUser", {
        name: "prostoUser"