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Welcome to Romanization.NET! This is a library for romanizing (converting to the latin alphabet) languages and writing systems that use different alphabets.

Getting Started

Below is a brief example of how you might use the library to romanize some Korean Hangeul text:

using Romanization;
string romanizedText = Korean.RevisedRomanization.Value.Process("한글");
// Outputs: han-geul

Every language system is lazily initialized - this means only the romanization systems you use will be loaded.

To see all available languages and systems as well as implementation details and further options, please visit the API Documentation.


Because it is available on, you can install it in any typical way you install any other NuGet package.

If you'd rather install it manually, the package is also available on GitHub Packages.

Command Line

To get started, just use:

dotnet add package Romanization.NET

Or in the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package Romanization.NET

Visual Studio UI

You can also install through Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution..., and search Romanization.NET.

More Information

For more detailed information about the package and what it supports, please visit the Articles Section.