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Full test suite for FileFields.
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... also fixed a bug of commit after create_table()
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zefciu committed Feb 20, 2012
1 parent f60fbca commit 629ed50
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Showing 6 changed files with 209 additions and 25 deletions.
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions src/eplasty/
Expand Up @@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ class EPConnection(psycopg2.extensions.connection):
"""Connection class that creates logging cursors"""

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.savepoint = None
return super(EPConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
result = super(EPConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return result

def cursor(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('cursor_factory', EPCursor)
Expand All @@ -42,10 +43,6 @@ def save(self):
self.savepoint = 'clean'

def rollback_clean(self):
if self.savepoint is not None:
'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT {0}'.format(self.savepoint)

'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT {0};'.format(self.savepoint)
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions src/eplasty/field/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import os
import functools as ft
import mimetypes as mt

Expand All @@ -19,11 +20,14 @@ def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
return result

def export(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
result = super(TracedLObject, self).export(filename, *args, **kwargs)
self.filename = filename
return result
def import_(self, filename):
self.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:

def unlink(self):
self.inst._current[] = None
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/eplasty/object/
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from eplasty.field import Field
# from eplasty.relation import Relation
from eplasty.util import clsname2tname, index_cmd
from eplasty.ctx import get_cursor
from eplasty.ctx import get_cursor, get_connection
from psycopg2.errorcodes import UNDEFINED_TABLE
from eplasty.field import SimplePK
from .const import UNCHANGED
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ def _setup_non_abstract(cls, classname, bases, dict_, fields): #@NoSelf

def create_table(cls, ctx = None): #@NoSelf
cursor = get_cursor(ctx)
connection = get_connection(ctx)
column_decls = []
columns = it.chain(*[field.columns for field in cls.fields])
constraints = sum([field.constraints for field in cls.fields], [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,19 +103,20 @@ def create_table(cls, ctx = None): #@NoSelf
cursor.execute(command, args)
except ProgrammingError as err:
if err.pgcode == UNDEFINED_TABLE and not retried:
for col in cls.columns:
if col.references is not None:
retried = True
for index in cls.indexes:
cursor.execute(index_cmd(cls.__table_name__, index), [])


def add_field(cls, name, field): #@NoSelf
field.bind_class(cls, name)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/eplasty/
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def _rollback(self, clean=False):
self.connection.savepoint = None
for object_ in self.objects:
object_._flushed = False

Expand Down
Binary file added src/test/pythons.yotpeg
Binary file not shown.
196 changes: 188 additions & 8 deletions src/test/
Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,184 @@
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
from psycopg2 import OperationalError
import os
from psycopg2 import OperationalError, ProgrammingError

import eplasty as ep

from .util import get_test_conn

CONTENT_PARROT = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
CONTENT_HUNGARIAN = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
CONTENT_INQUISITION = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
A customer enters a pet shop.
Mr. Praline: 'Ello, I wish to register a complaint.
(The owner does not respond.)
Mr. Praline: 'Ello, Miss?
Owner: What do you mean "miss"?
Mr. Praline: I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint!
Owner: We're closin' for lunch.
Mr. Praline: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
Owner: Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?
Mr. Praline: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!
Owner: No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting.
Mr. Praline: Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.
Owner: No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!
Mr. Praline: The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead.
Owner: Nononono, no, no! 'E's resting!
Mr. Praline: All right then, if he's restin', I'll wake him up! (shouting at the cage) 'Ello, Mister Polly Parrot! I've got a lovely fresh cuttle fish for you if you
(owner hits the cage)
Owner: There, he moved!
Mr. Praline: No, he didn't, that was you hitting the cage!
Owner: I never!!
Mr. Praline: Yes, you did!
Owner: I never, never did anything...
Mr. Praline: (yelling and hitting the cage repeatedly) 'ELLO POLLY!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your nine o'clock alarm call!
(Takes parrot out of the cage and thumps its head on the counter. Throws it up in the air and watches it plummet to the floor.)
Mr. Praline: Now that's what I call a dead parrot.
Owner: No, no.....No, 'e's stunned!
Mr. Praline: STUNNED?!?
Owner: Yeah! You stunned him, just as he was wakin' up! Norwegian Blues stun easily, major.
Mr. Praline: look, mate, I've definitely 'ad enough of this. That parrot is definitely deceased, and when I purchased it not 'alf an hour
ago, you assured me that its total lack of movement was due to it bein' tired and shagged out following a prolonged squawk.
Owner: Well, he's...he's, ah...probably pining for the fjords.
Mr. Praline: PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did he fall flat on his back the moment I got 'im home?
Owner: The Norwegian Blue prefers keepin' on it's back! Remarkable bird, id'nit, squire? Lovely plumage!
Mr. Praline: Look, I took the liberty of examining that parrot when I got it home, and I discovered the only reason that it had been sitting on its perch in the
first place was that it had been NAILED there.
Owner: Well, o'course it was nailed there! If I hadn't nailed that bird down, it would have nuzzled up to those bars, bent 'em apart with its beak, and
VOOM! Feeweeweewee!
Mr. Praline: "VOOM"?!? Mate, this bird wouldn't "voom" if you put four million volts through it! 'E's bleedin' demised!
Owner: No no! 'E's pining!
Mr. Praline: 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e
rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the
bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!
Owner: Well, I'd better replace it, then. (he takes a quick peek behind the counter) Sorry squire, I've had a look 'round the back of the shop, and uh,
we're right out of parrots.
Mr. Praline: I see. I see, I get the picture.
Owner: I got a slug.
Mr. Praline: Pray, does it talk?
Owner: Nnnnot really.
Owner: N-no, I guess not. (gets ashamed, looks at his feet)
Mr. Praline: Well.
Owner: (quietly) D'you.... d'you want to come back to my place?
Mr. Praline: (looks around) Yeah, all right, sure.

(Set: A tobacconist's shop.)
Text on screen: In 1970, the British Empire lay in ruins, and foreign nationalists frequented the streets - many of them Hungarians (not the streets - the foreign nationals). Anyway, many of these Hungarians went into tobacconist's shops to buy cigarettes....
A Hungarian tourist approaches the clerk. The tourist is reading haltingly from a phrase book.
Hungarian: I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
Clerk: Sorry?
Hungarian: I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
Clerk: Uh, no, no, no. This is a tobacconist's.
Hungarian: Ah! I will not buy this *tobacconist's*, it is scratched.
Clerk: No, no, no, no. (holds up a pack).
Hungarian: Ya! See-gar-ets! Ya! Uh...My hovercraft is full of eels.
Clerk: Sorry?
Hungarian: My hovercraft (pantomimes puffing a cigarette) full of eels
(pretends to strike a match).
Clerk: Ahh, matches!
Hungarian: Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Do you you come back to my place, bouncy bouncy?
Clerk: Here, I don't think you're using that thing right.
Hungarian: You great poof.
Clerk: That'll be six and six, please.
Hungarian: If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? I...I am no longer infected.
Clerk: Uh, may I, uh...(takes phrase book, flips through it)...Costs six and six...ah, here we are. (speaks weird Hungarian-sounding words)
Hungarian punches the clerk.
Meanwhile, a policeman on a quiet street cups his ear as if hearing a cry of distress. He sprints for many blocks and finally enters the tobacconist's.
Cop: What's going on here then?
Hungarian: Ah. You have beautiful thighs.
Cop: (looks down at himself) WHAT?!?
Clerk: He hit me!
Hungarian: Drop your panties, Sir William; I cannot wait 'til lunchtime. (points at clerk)
Cop: RIGHT!!! (drags Hungarian away by the arm)
Hungarian: (indignantly) My nipples explode with delight!
(scene switches to a courtroom. Characters are all in powdered wigs and judicial robes, except publisher and cop.
Judge: Terry Jones
Bailiff: Eric Idle
Lawyer: John Cleese
Cop: Graham (still)
Publisher: Michael Palin
Bailiff: Call Alexander Yalt!
(voices sing out the name several times)
Judge: Oh, shut up!
Bailiff: (to publisher) You are Alexander Yalt?
Publisher: (in a sing-songy voice) Oh, I am.
Bailiff: Skip the impersonations. You are Alexander Yalt?
Publisher: I am.
Bailiff: You are hereby charged that on the 28th day of May, 1970, you did willfully, unlawfully, and with malice aforethought, publish an alleged English-Hungarian phrase book with intent to cause a breach of the peace. How do you plead?
Publisher: Not guilty.
Bailiff: You live at 46 Horton Terrace?
Publisher: I do live at 46 Horton terrace.
Bailiff: You are the director of a publishing company?
Publisher: I am the director of a publishing company.
Bailiff: Your company publishes phrase books?
Publisher: My company does publish phrase books.
Bailiff: You did say 46 Horton Terrace, did you?
Publisher: Yes.
Bailiff: (strikes a gong) Ah! Got him!
(lawyer and cop applaud, laugh)
Judge: Get on with it, get on with it.
Bailiff: That's fine. On the 28th of May, you published this phrase book.
Publisher: I did.
Bailiff: I quote one example. The Hungarian phrase meaning "Can you direct me to the station?" is translated by the English phrase, "Please fondle my bum."
Publisher: I wish to plead incompetence.
Cop: (stands) Please may I ask for an adjournment, m'lord?
Judge: An adjournment? Certainly not!
(the cop sits down again, emitting perhaps the longest and loudest release of bodily gas in the history of the universe.)
Judge: Why on earth didn't you say WHY you wanted an adjournment?
Cop: I didn't know an acceptable legal phrase, m'lord.
(cut to ancient footage of old women applauding)
Judge: (banging + swinging gavel) If there's any more stock film of women applauding, I'll clear the court.

CONTENT_INQUISITION = """Linkman: Jarrow - New Year's Eve 1911
(Graham) Trouble at mill.
Lady Mountback:
(Carol) Oh no - what kind of trouble?
Reg: I don't know - Mr Wentworth told me to come and say that there was trouble at the mill, that's all - I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.
(The door flies open and Cardinal Ximinez of Spain enters, flanked by two junior cardinals. Cardinal Biggles has goggles pushed over his forehead. Cardinal Fang is just Cardinal Fang)
(Michael) NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our weapon is suprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our three weapons are fear, and surprise, and the ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Amongst our weapons...are fear, surprise, ruth... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear... I'll come in again.
(Exit and exeunt)
Reg: I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.
(The cardinals burst in)
Ximinez: NOOOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and a night out with the neighbour - Oh erh! It's no good, I'm sorry. Cardinal Biggles - you'll have to say it.
(Terry J) What?
Ximinez: You'll have to say the bit about 'Our chief weapons are ...'
Biggles: I couldn't say that...
(Ximinez bundles the cardinals outside again)
Reg: I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.
(The cardinals enter)
Biggles: Er....
Ximinez: Expects...
Biggles: Expects... Nobody expects
Ximinez: Inquisition.
Biggles: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. In fact, those who do expect -
Ximinez: Our chief weapons is...
Biggles: Our chief weapons
Ximinez: Surprise...
Biggles: Surprise and --
Ximinez: Stop. Stop. Stop there - All right! All right! ...our chief weapon is surprise...blah blah blah blah blah. Now, Cardinal Fang, read the charges.
(Terry G) One pound for a full sketch, 24 p for a quickie.
Ximinez: What will you have?
Lady Mountback: Sketch, please.

HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

class Test(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for FileField"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,7 +209,7 @@ class Jpeg(ep.Object):
img = Jpeg(title='pythons')
img.content.import_(os.path.join(HERE, 'pythons.yotpeg'))
inquisition = Skit(title='inquisition')
Expand All @@ -49,8 +218,12 @@ class Jpeg(ep.Object):

def tearDown(self):
self.conn.cursor().execute('DROP TABLE skits;')
self.conn.cursor().execute('DROP TABLE skits;')
self.conn.cursor().execute('DROP TABLE jpegs;')
except ProgrammingError:

def test_read(self):
"""Simple test for reading a lobject content"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,6 +281,14 @@ def test_fixed_mime(self):
def broken():
pythons.content.mimetype = 'image/png'
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, broken)

def test_import(self):
pythons = self.Jpeg.get(1)
self.assertEqual(pythons.content.get_size(), os.path.getsize(
os.path.join(HERE, 'pythons.yotpeg')

def test_no_mime(self):
Expand All @@ -128,4 +309,3 @@ def test_not_added(self):
def broken():
self.assertRaises(ep.object.exc.LifecycleError, broken)

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