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Release v0.25.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 22 Feb 11:36

Notable Features

  • Floating panes - you can now open a new floating pane with ctrl-p + w, or toggle floating of an existing embedded / floated window with ctrl-p + e
  • Tmux mode - Zellij now supports basic tmux keybindings for splitting panes, moving focus and opening/renaming tabs. They work out of the box without further configuration.
  • Copy directly to system clipboard - Zellij now supports a configuration that would allow it to copy directly to system clipboard, providing a workaround for terminals who previously weren't supported (eg. gnome-terminal). More information:

Upgrading from previous versions

This version includes new keybindings (for floating panes and tmux mode). If you have a custom configuration that unbinds all keybindings, you'll need to update it in order to be able to use these features. This can be done with zellij setup --dump-config > new-config-file.yaml. For more information:

Breaking Changes

This version includes some breaking changes for plugins. Fortunately, all of them are internally handled in the zellij-tile library. To get your plugins to work with the new version, you'll need to compile them again against the new version. If you have any questions or issues, please reach out on one of our chat servers or open an issue.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.24.0...v0.25.0