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v0.9.1 - Still working on Scan-Core.vbs supporting functions for thre…
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-Still Working on supporting functions for the thread manager.
-Commenting as I go this time.
-Added code to exempt inections based on an exemption list.
-Still need to create the code to define the path to the exemptionlist.
-Need to add a directory for the exemptionlist. This maybe should go into appcore instead of scancore?
  • Loading branch information
zelon88 committed Nov 7, 2019
1 parent b47ca3a commit e28d570
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Showing 2 changed files with 117 additions and 1 deletion.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Documentation/HR-AV_Changelog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
COMMIT - 11/7/2019
v0.9.1 - Still working on Scan-Core.vbs supporting functions for thread handler.

-Still Working on supporting functions for the thread manager.
-Commenting as I go this time.
-Added code to exempt inections based on an exemption list.
-Still need to create the code to define the path to the exemptionlist.
-Need to add a directory for the exemptionlist. This maybe should go into appcore instead of scancore?

COMMIT - 11/7/2019
v0.9.0 - Working on Scan-Core.vbs supporting functions for thread handler.
Expand Down
106 changes: 105 additions & 1 deletion Scripts/VBS/Scan-Core.vbs
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ Dim objShell, objFSO, sesID, humanDate, logDate, humanTime, logTime, humanDateTi
charArr, charArr2, tmpChar, tmpChar2, strToClean1, strToClean2, strEventInfo, objLogFile, logFilePath, whoamiOutput, strHRAVUserName, strHRAVPassword, fullScriptName, arr, _
obj, x, i, tempArray, rpCounter, pcs, oWMISrvc, errorNumber, errorMessage, quietly, cantError, windowNote, message, typeMsg, dontContinue, sBinaryToRun, sCommand, sAsync, srun, _
stempfile, sasync1, stempData, searchScripts, scriptsToSearch, procSearch, procsToSearch, strComputer, objRAMService, result, resultSet, availableRAMBytes, availableRAMKB, availableRAMMB, _
availableRAMGB, commitLimitRAMBytes, commitLimitRAMKB, commitLimitRAMMB, commitLimitRAMGB, committedRAMBytes, committedRAMKB, committedRAMMB, committedRAMGB, objDrives, objDrive, edCounter
availableRAMGB, commitLimitRAMBytes, commitLimitRAMKB, commitLimitRAMMB, commitLimitRAMGB, committedRAMBytes, committedRAMKB, committedRAMMB, committedRAMGB, objDrives, objDrive, edCounter, _
eDelimiter, eString, eLimit, fgcPath, objFGCFile, exCounter, nexCounter, newInfection, infectionArray, exception, exceptionFile, exceptionCSVData, type, workeType, targetType, memoryLimit, _

'Commonly Used Objects.
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,5 +424,107 @@ Function enumerateDrives()
objDrives = NULL
tempArray = NULL
edCounter = NULL
End Function

'A function to turn a CSV string variable into an array.
'Also works with other delimiters other than comma.
Function explode(eDelimiter, eString, eLimit)
explode = FALSE
If len(eDelimiter) = 0 Then Exit Function
If len(eLimit) = 0 Then elimit = 0
If eLimit > 0 Then
explode = Split(eString, eDelimiter, eLimit)
explode = Split(eString, eDelimiter)
End If
End Function

'A function to read files into memory as a string like PHP's file_get_contents.
'Inspired by
Function fileGetContents(fgcPath)
'Set a handle to the file to be opened.
Set objFGCFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fgcPath, 1)
'Read the contents of the file into a string.
fileGetContents = objFGCFile.ReadAll
'Close the handle to the file we opened earlier in the function.
'Clean up unneeded memory.
objFGCFile = NULL
End Function

'A function to purge the infectionArray of exceptions.
'For performance, we check exceptions after all infections have been detected.
'We iterate throgugh all infections & check them against the exception list.
Function checkExceptions(infectionArray)
checkExceptions = Array()
exCounter = 0
nexCounter = 0
'Detect if no exceptionFile exists & create one if needed.
If Not objFSO.FileExists(exceptionFile) Then
End If
'Load the exceptions.csv file and load it into an array.
exceptionCSVData = fileGetContents(exceptionFile)
exceptionArray - explode(",", exceptionCSVData, 0)
'Iterate through the exception list & check if any of the detected infectinons are exempt.
For Each exception In exceptionArray
If InArray(infectionArray, exception) Then
infectionArray(exCounter) = ""
End If
exCounter = exCounter + 1
'Rebuild the input array without the deleted elements found above.
For Each newInfection In infectionArray
If newInfection <> "" Then
checkExceptions(nexCounter) = newInfection
End If
nexCounter = nexCounter + 1
'clean up unneeded memory.
exCounter = NULL
nexCounter = NULL
newInfection = NULL
exception = NULL
End Function

'A function to add a target file or registry key to the exception list.
Function addException(target, type)

End Function

'A function to start a worker.
'Workers perform scan & file operations on targets using resources.
'A worker is a single thread with a designated memory limit and a specific target object.
'workerType can be scanner or janitor.
'targetType can be either "registry" or "file".
'target can be specific registry keys or files specified by path.
'memoryLimit must be an integer of available RAM.
Function startWorker(workerType, target, targetType, memoryLimit)

End Function

'A function to prepare the scanner for operation.
Function prepareScanner()

End Function

'A function to scan the system for infections.
Function smartScan()

End Function

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