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React concepts

NOTE: The example app in this repository is based on Brian Holt's React course on Frontend Masters.

Table of contents

  1. ReactJS dev setup
  2. React fundamentals

ReactJS dev setup [TOC]

We will be creating a basic ReactJS dev setup using:

  • Vite as the build tool and local dev server. It enables rapid development by leveraging native ES module imports, offers HMR for instantaneous updates, and provides optimized bundling for production deployment.
  • ESLint for static code analysis. It identifies and fix code errors, maintain code consistency, and enforce coding standards.
  • Prettier for code formatting. It automatically formats code in a consistent style (opinionated), simplifying the process of maintaining a cohesive codebase across dev teams.
  • Tailwind CSS as CSS framework. It is a utility-first CSS framework that streamlines web development by providing a comprehensive set of pre-designed utility classes for styling HTML elements.
  • VS Code as the code editor. It includes extensions for ESLint, Prettier etc.
  • npm as the JavaScript package manager.
  • TypeScript as a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript. Refer official doc for more information.
  • Vitest as the testing framework.

Below is a high-level diagram that depicts how all the above pieces fit together:

title: ReactJS dev setup (uses Node.js v21+, npm v10+)
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
flowchart TB
    subgraph Node
      direction TB
      nodeserver[node server.js: port 3100]
    subgraph Vite
        direction TB
        viteserver[vite: port 5173] --> viteconfig[vite.config.js]
        vitepreview[vite preview: port 4173] --> viteconfig
        viteconfig --> viteplugineslint[vite-plugin-eslint]
        viteconfig --> vitejspluginreact[vitejs/plugin-react]
        vitebuild[vite build]
    subgraph dist
        direction TB
        index.html1[index.html, assets/xxxx.js,css,svg]
        clientdist[client: index.html,  assets/xxxx.js,css,svg]
        serverdist[server: ServerApp.js, assets/xxxx.js]
    subgraph code-repository
        direction TB
        index.html2[index.html, src/..., public/...]
    vitest --runs--> tests
    tailwindconfig --> tailwindcss
    postcssconfig --> tailwindcss
    index.html2 --> tailwindcss
    tailwindcss --> indexcss
    prettier --uses--> prettierconfig
    eslint --uses--> eslintconfig
    eslint --uses--> tsconfigjson
    subgraph VSCode[VS Code]
        direction LR
        vscode-eslint[ext: dbaeumer.vscode-eslint]
        vscode-prettier[ext: esbenp.prettier-vscode]
        vscode-tailwind[ext: bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss]
        vscode-ts[ext: ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-next]
    subgraph Node Package Manager
        npm --> packagejson
        npm --> node_modules

    viteplugineslint --> eslint
    eslint --lints--> index.html2
    prettier --formats--> index.html2
    VSCode --code editing--> code-repository
    vscode-eslint --lints using--> eslint
    vscode-prettier --formats using--> prettier
    vscodesettings --format on save--> prettier

    vitebuild --generates--> dist
    vitepreview --serves--> dist
    viteserver --serves --> index.html2
    Browser --dev mode--> viteserver
    Browser --prod mode--> vitepreview
    Browser --> nodeserver
    nodeserver --> clientdist
    nodeserver --> serverdist

Follow the below steps to create the above setup:

  1. Create React app using Vite's React template. Change myreactapp app name to your own custom name.

     npm create vite@latest myreactapp -- --template react
  2. npm install all dependencies:

    cd myreactapp
    npm i
  3. Install Vite's ESLint plugin and Prettier.

    npm i -D vite-plugin-eslint prettier
  4. Configure Prettier:

      "importOrderSeparation": true,
      "importOrderSortSpecifiers": true,
      "plugins": ["@trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports"]
    • Configure VS Code to format on save using Prettier. Create .vscode folder to save workspace settings. Create .vscode/settings.json file to configure workspace settings. Refer .vscode/settings.json. Following are the relevant lines to configure format on save using prettier:

        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "": "onSave",
        "[html]": {
          "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
          "editor.formatOnSave": true
        "prettier.requireConfig": true,
        "css.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore"
  5. Configure ESLint

    • Update vite.config.js to include eslint plugin. Add import eslint from "vite-plugin-eslint"; and call eslint() inside plugins array. Refer vite.config.js.

    • Further, install ESLint VS Code extension.

    • Install ESLint plugins for a11y and Prettier.

      npm install -D eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier
    • Refer .eslintrc.cjs and update following entries:

      module.exports = {
        // Snip
        extends: ["plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended", "plugin:prettier/recommended"],
        plugins: ["react-refresh", "jsx-a11y"],
        // Snip
  6. Configure Tailwind CSS

    • Install tailwindcss along with its peer dependencies, and generate tailwind.config.js and postcss.config.js files.

      npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
      npx tailwindcss init -p
    • Update content settings in tailwind.config.js file. Refer tailwind.config.js.

        "content": ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"]
    • Add the @tailwind directives for each of Tailwind’s layers inside ./src/index.css file.

      @tailwind base;
      @tailwind components;
      @tailwind utilities;
    • Install Tailwind CSS Intellisense extension

    • Add prettier-plugin-tailwindcss prettier plugin to automatically sorts classes based on recommended class order. Update plugins property in .prettierrc.json.

        "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-tailwindcss"]
  7. Add the following format command inside "scripts" config property of the package.json file in order to format files using prettier using CLI. Refer package.json file.

      "scripts": {
        "format": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}\""
  8. Install and configure TypeScript for React and ESLint. Refer .eslintrc.cjs for TypeScript settings. Also, refer package.json file to update TypeScript relates changes in the the scripts.

    npm i -D typescript
    npx tsc --init
    npm i -D @types/react @types/react-dom
    npm install -D eslint-import-resolver-typescript @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser
  9. Install and configure Vitest.

    • Install dependencies.
    npm install -D vitest @testing-library/react happy-dom vitest-fetch-mock
      "test": {
        "environment": "happy-dom"
    • Add "test": "vitest" to scripts in package.json.

    • Create __tests__ folder under src directory. All tests can be added inside this directory.

    • We can run the below commands to run or watch tests.

      npm t # Runs Vitest in watch mode.
      npm run test # Runs Vitest in watch mode.
      npm run test -- run # Runs all tests without watch mode.
  10. Run Vite dev server and visite http://localhost:5173 to access the newly configured app.

    npm run dev

React fundamentals: Unidirectional data flow [TOC]

flowchart LR
  ParentComponent[Parent Component]

  subgraph Component
    direction LR
    State[State - Read/Write data]
    Props[Props - Read-only data]
    UI --setState (event handler, useEffect)--> State
    Props --Update UI on change--> UI
    State --Update UI on change--> UI

  ParentComponent --data--> Props

React fundamentals: Custom hook [TOC]

Custom hooks are used to hide all complexity from the user component and provide a clean interface to get access to the required data. This design pattern makes the code simple & easy to follow, improves code maintainability, and enables reusability.

flowchart LR
  subgraph useCustomHook
    direction LR
    State[State - Read/Write data]
    useEffect[useEffect: side effect e.g. fetch, localStorage etc.]
    useEffect --sets--> State

  subgraph Component
    direction LR
    importhook[import useCustomHook]
    hookstate[state = useCustomHook]

  useCustomHook --imports--> importhook
  State --returned--> hookstate

React fundamentals: TanStack / React Query [TOC]

TanStack / React Query is a data-fetching library for web applications, but in more technical terms, it makes fetching, caching, synchronizing and updating server state in your web applications a breeze.

flowchart LR
  subgraph react-query
    direction LR
    QueryClientProvider --> QueryClient
    useQuery[useQuery: queryKey, queryFn]
    useQueryClient --uses--> QueryClient
    useMutation[useMutation: mutationFn, onSuccess, onError]
  results[results: error, isLoading, data]
  resultsmutate[results: mutate, isLoading]

  AppComponent --wraps app components inside--> QueryClientProvider
  Component --calls--> useQuery
  useQuery --returns--> results
  results --uses--> Component
  Component --refers--> fetchApiFn
  Component --calls--> useMutation
  useMutation -->returns--> resultsmutate
  resultsmutate --uses--> Component
  Component --uses--> QueryClient

React fundamentals: Context [TOC]

React Context allows you to share data (like global state) across different components in a React application without having to pass props down through each level of the component tree. It simplifies state management by providing a way to access and update shared data directly in any component. It fills the same need as Redux. However, Redux offers advance global state management so choose what works best for your use case.

flowchart LR
  subgraph Context
    direction LR
  subgraph State
    direction LR

  useContext--returns state-->Component

React fundamentals: Code splitting [TOC]

Vite examines lazy imports to split the code into different file chunks. A chunk is loaded automatically at the point of usage. And while the chunk is loading, the fallback component (e.g. loading animation, etc.) configured using Suspense wrapper component is displayed.

flowchart LR
  Component1[Component: lazy]--uses-->lazy--to import-->Component2[Component: actual]
  Suspense[Suspense: fallback]--wraps-->AppComponent


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