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Releases: zenangst/KeyboardCowboy


25 Jan 20:51
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Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 21 50 03

Bug Squashing Party 🐛🔨

  • Zapped that pesky bug where window commands threw a tantrum on different app types. Now they play nice with everyone!
  • Unshackled the EXTENSION variable! It's now free to frolic in scripts and text commands without any hiccups.
  • Gave a performance pep talk to the user mode indicator toggle. It's now swift like a ninja!

New Toys to Play With 🎉

  • Caps Lock just got a promotion! Bind it to actions and watch it become the superhero of keys.
  • Unveiled a swanky new command type for UI scripting that's so intuitive, it's like telepathy for your keyboard!

Buffs and Polishes ✨

  • Gave our mach port a turbo boost. It's now zipping along like a sports car!
  • Made "Ask for Permissions" smoother than your best pick-up line. You're welcome.
  • Consecutive keyboard shortcuts? They're now more in sync than a boy band from the '90s.
  • Keyboard Cowboy won't crash the Dock party unless the main window's shindig is lit!

Spring Cleaning 🧹

  • Went Marie Kondo on our codebase. It's sparking more joy than ever for future development!
  • Tossed out the clutter. Our app's now as streamlined as a dolphin!

Performance Pump-Up 💪

  • Banished the blur-effect gremlins causing a SwiftUI slowdown. It's all crystal clear speed now!
  • Packed in so many technical goodies, Keyboard Cowboy's efficiency is through the roof!
  • 'Minimize all windows' is now so fast, it's practically breaking the sound barrier.

UI Makeover 💅

  • Safari Web Apps now sport a chic suffix. Spot 'em in a crowd like a flamingo among pigeons!
  • Command icons got a glow-up. They're now popping more than bubble wrap at a stress relief seminar.
  • The bezel notifications went on a diet. Now they're so slim, they barely intrude on your screen real estate.
  • Command views are now as tidy as a bento box and as pleasing to the eye as a sunset!
  • Permissions screen is now so slick and intuitive, it could run for office and win by a landslide!


12 Dec 20:59
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  • 🏎️ We've stopped trying to resolve environment variables that aren't used in any command inside a workflow. It's like cleaning out your closet, but for commands. More speed, less clutter. Enjoy the breeze.
  • 🐞 Finally put that pesky bug where text command mode changes didn't work to bed. Now you can switch modes without a hitch. You're welcome.
  • 🪟 We've super-sized the new command window. Now you can see all the available commands without squinting. Go ahead, feast your eyes on that.


11 Dec 18:38
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  • 🐞🔨 We've squashed that pesky bug where the type command was throwing a diva tantrum and not outputting all the characters. Talk about a drama queen!

Thanks to @brfransen for reporting this


11 Dec 18:07
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Well, aren't we fancy now?

  • 🧘We've sharpened our focus when you pop open that main window. No more fumbling around trying to figure out where you are.
  • 🧈 And guess what? That application triggers list that used to be as stubborn as a mule? It's now as smooth as butter, baby. Scroll away!
  • 🏋🏻‍♂️ Oh, and we've been working out, too. Our UI has been hitting the gym and got itself a fabulous facelift. We're looking good and feeling great!
  • 📁 And talk about convenience! You can now select multiple folders at once when adding extra application directories. It's like shopping for applications in a supermarket, and you've got the biggest cart.
  • 🪄 And when you add or remove these application directories, we've got some magic up our sleeves. We'll reindex those applications faster than you can say "abracadabra". All your application lists will update without even having to restart the app. How's that for service?
  • 🐞 But wait, there's more! Remember that annoying bug that popped up when you tried to run window commands with web content selected? Squashed it! It's as gone as last season's fashion trends.
  • 🧳 And that other pesky bug that could potentially crash the application when changing keyboard layouts? We've sent it packing. No more unexpected crashes, only smooth sailing from here on out.

Special thanks to @Cykelero

Why did the C++ developer refuse to work on the Mac?

Because they couldn't handle the Objective-C!


06 Dec 13:52
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🐞🔨 We've squashed that pesky little bug in Ventura. You know, the one where the script text editor was throwing a tantrum and refusing to resize properly? Yes, that one. So now you can go back to writing your world-changing scripts without any hiccups.


05 Dec 12:02
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Brace yourselves! This release is sprinkling some minor yet oh-so-major fixes for our macOS Ventura Cowboys. Saddle up and enjoy the smooth ride, won't you?


02 Dec 12:01
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Alright, listen up! Our very own Keyboard Cowboy has learned some new tricks. We're talking user modes, y'all. That's right, you can now flip between different contexts faster than a tumbleweed in a desert storm.

But wait, there's more! You can tie these newfangled user modes to each group, mix 'em with a specific app, or heck, why not do both? It's your rodeo, you call the shots.

And for all you vim-jockeys out there, we've got a special treat.

How about a system-wide vim-based navigation? You can turn this bad boy on and off whenever the mood strikes. So go ahead, make your move, cowboy! Let's see what you can do with these new tools in your holster.

Shiny New Toys

  • 🪄 User modes, these bad boys let you turn on and off entire groups of shortcuts, just like that. All you need is a quick tap of a button. So, no more fumbling around trying to remember every single shortcut. Just switch your mode and voila, you're ready to roll!

  • ✨ Yeehaw! We've lassoed in some new shortcut commands. Now you can create new shortcuts right within the Shortcuts app and open them with a single click. Ain't that neat?
  • 🐭 We've wrangled in support for mouse commands. You can now interact with the currently focused element using your trusty mouse.

Enhancements & Tweaks

  • 🧠 We've given the app a memory-friendly makeover. It now clears out the icon cache used by the UI each time you close the main window. Less clutter, more speed!
  • 🔄 The UX has been spruced up with a shiny new destination indicator in the receiving view. Now you'll know exactly where you're headed!
  • 💄 Our bezel notifications have had a bit of a makeover. They now come with a handy loading indicator for those workflows that take a tad longer to run.
  • 🏋️‍♀️ Filtering workflows? It's better than ever! We've made sure your workflow filtering works smoother than a well-oiled saddle.
  • 🗑️ Removing keyboard shortcuts is now as easy as pie. A new hovering button pops up when your mouse enters a keyboard shortcut view, making it a breeze to remove shortcuts.
  • 💅🏻 We've also thrown in a bunch of minor but mighty nice UI improvements. Just because we like to keep things fresh and fun around here!

Bug Squashing

  • 🐞 Squashed a pesky bug that was causing chaos when dragging keyboard shortcuts inside a command container. No more accidental new commands, promise!

Why don't programmers like to use Vim outdoors?
Because they can't find the key to escape.

A massive thanks goes out to @stoffen & @andreasoverland


22 Nov 21:47
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Brace yourselves! This isn't just another version; it's the crème de la crème, the pièce de résistance. We've outdone ourselves this time and we're absolutely smitten. We're pretty sure you'll be head over heels for it too.

Bug Squashing

  • 📐 We've stretched "No Rules" to fill up its living space – full-width style now, no more claustrophobic containers~
  • 🧼 Keyboard match mess-ups? Yeah, we cleaned up after the party. No more unintended workflow havoc!
  • Our type command got a typing tutor – shift and option modifiers are no longer shy, all characters come out to play.
  • 🍌 Filter textfield feeling left out? Not anymore! It joins the responder party if it's not empty, so you can bounce back to it like a text ninja by pressing Shift+Tab when the workflow list is focused!
  • 🚤 Performance issues related to notification overload? We put it on a diet; it's now light and speedy.
  • 🐛 File paths were playing Twister—they're now straightened out to point exactly where they should with $FILEPATH.

Enhancements & Tweaks

  • 🌳 We're rockin' a Bonsai vibe throughout the app. Consistency is king!
  • 🏘️ Application icons stepping into the spotlight in the group edit view – no more generic symbol snoozefest!
  • 🏓 Tab-key navigation is the new black – hop about with ease!
  • 🧘‍♂️ Main UI went all yoga and became tab key flexi-focusable!
  • 🆕 A grand entrance for new workflows, with an automatic scroll-to-bottom feature to admire your latest creation.
  • 🌊 Our focus system went full zen with a total rewrite – optimized performance without the side-effects!
  • 🎹 Adding new workflows with the flair of a pianist – Command+Enter for an instant encore!
  • 🪄 Double-clicking magic now includes re-recording keyboard shortcuts and swinging open group edit windows.
  • 🪟 Window switching juggling? Now more reliable than your neighborhood acrobat.

Shiny New Toys

  • 🧞‍♀️ Open Command just learned a new trick: reactivating windowless apps like Finder & Friends (Finder, Mail, News, Notes, Safari, and Xcode). Think genie lamp but for app windows!
  • 🎛️ Quick flip to your previous app with the new system command – it's like having teleportation powers with a Cmd+Tab flavor.
  • 🐚 $SELECTED_TEXT gets shell script superpowers – use what you've selected to, well, create magic!
  • 📁 $CURRENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY enters the chat for your shell scripts and typing commands – let’s get environmental!
  • ♻️ Open commands are now environment-savvy and ready to mingle with your variables.

Oh, did you really think we'd let slip our sense of humor? Darling, we never forget about the jokes, they're the life of our party!

Why did the programmer quit his job after trying to develop a macOS application?
Because he couldn't handle the CoreFoundation of so many NSExceptions! 🥁


29 Oct 10:06
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Why don't coders like nature?

It has too many bugs!

  • 🔮 Refactoring Queen has been at it again! Trigger processing in MachPortCoordinator now considers only enabled commands in your workflow. Claiming every day is leg day, she climbed those 21 lines of code to make sure only the strongest survive.

  • 💄 Were you having déjà vu? Struggling to open the Shortcuts app with just one click? A fab fix has been rolled in, solving the mystery of the missing Shortcuts app. Now, darling, you can let your fingers do the talking with just a single click.

  • 🎠 The issue of having to double click commands to get them in focus caused quite a stir. That pesky keyboard navigation wasn't too reliable either. But no more! Slip-ups were noted, patches were patched, and 30 lines of code swam up the stream to save the day.

  • 🏁 Let's not forget the cherry on top! A new keyboard shortcut has been introduced for filtering your workflows. Get in the fast lane with 'Option+Command+F' and watch your productivity take off. Ain't nobody got time to sift through workflows manually, darling.

This update is "fab" not drab, sprinkled with a whole lot of sass.

Stay tuned for more updates!


23 Oct 07:41
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Why don't scientists trust atoms? ⚛️

Because they make up everything! 🤯

  • 🔝 We've taken a mop and bucket to the application statusbar menu. Now it's as clean as your grandma's kitchen floor and mirrors the default menu bar items.
  • 💬 We've turned on our psychic powers! Now, you can use the currently selected text in Type Commands. We've harnessed the power of the accessibility API to read your mind (or current selection, same thing).
  • 📣 We're bringing you the news, hot off the keyboard press! Enable and configure workflow notifications, your personal town crier for every keyboard shortcut invoked. Plus, it'll show you your bundled sequences, like a cheat-sheet for your sequences.
  • 📏 Now with added padding! Because who doesn't love a little cushion for the pushin'?
  • 🧹 We've Marie Kondo'd the source code. If it didn't spark joy, it's outta here!
  • 🌳 Our icon loading is now as smooth as a freshly waxed surfboard, thanks to the new Bonzai framework.
  • 👯‍♀️ We've ditched the annoying little sibling, the copy suffix, when making duplicates. You're welcome!
  • 👖 Matching inside a bundled sequence is now as reliable as your favorite pair of jeans. If there isn't a match, we'll fall back to using globals.
  • 🏞️ We've made switching between windows using System Commands more reliable than your morning coffee.
  • 🐞 We've exterminated the pesky bugs causing the workflow info view to be out of sync. It's now as synchronized as a swim team at the Olympics.
  • 💅🏻 Our UI got a makeover! Now it's guiding you through the interface with color, like a rainbow leading you to your pot of gold (or new groups, workflows, and commands).
  • 🏎️ We've been hitting the gym and our performance has improved! We've trimmed the fat and reduced the complexity of the UI composition.

And much, much more: We're not going to spoil all the surprises, you'll just have to see for yourself!