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Releases: zenangst/KeyboardCowboy


12 Jun 17:53
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Buckle up, buttercup, because these updates are going to blow your mind.
The UI has been snatched and is now serving cohesive and consistent realness.

And don't even get me started on Mission Control - it's like, "Bye, Exposé, I'm too busy being fabulous to deal with you right now."

And Stage Manager? Honey, it's now switching between windows like a boss and slaying that bug that was holding it back. You better work, application!


07 Jun 21:42
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Bug fix? More like bug squashed! 🐛🔨

Key codes are now mapping properly, making your life easier and your work smoother.

And check out these new navigation commands!
You can now effortlessly switch between all open windows and navigate back and forth within your current space.
Say goodbye to tedious clicking and hello to seamless productivity. 🧘🏼‍♀️

We also fixed a minor issue when switching between windows using the built-in system commands.
No more frustration, just smooth sailing. ⛵️


06 Jun 19:33
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This release is great and all, but let's be real - it's missing a bit of sass. Sure, the under-the-hood improvements 🔧 are impressive, and the components are faster 🏎️ than ever before.

But where's the pizzazz? Where's the flair? 🤔

Luckily, we've got you covered. We're not just content with making things faster - we want them to be faster and cooler.
That's why we're excited to announce the latest addition to our feature set: the notify feature.

Sure, it's a work in progress right now, and it might only appear as a bezel notification in the top center of the screen. But that's just the beginning. We're going to keep iterating and improving until it's the sassiest, most awe-inspiring notification feature you've ever seen.

So buckle up, because things are about to get a whole lot sassier around here. 😏


04 Jun 16:37
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Oh honey, you won't even recognize our latest release! We've spruced up the execution menu with a hot new gradient style and a sleek keyboard shortcut icon layout. We've also fixed those pesky disabled commands that were missing their mapped images and put a stop to single images going wild with rotation and offsetting. And let's not forget the content item background - it's looking more consistent than ever before.

These changes are all about taking your user experience to the next level, so get ready to be wowed. You're welcome. ❤️


03 Jun 17:45
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📜 Added filter functionality to the workflow list. Because let's be real, who has time to scroll through a never-ending list?
🙈 Hid the Reveal button for open URL commands. We know you're curious, but trust us, it's for your own safety.


02 Jun 23:29
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✍️The latest version (3.2.0) of our software includes exciting new features, such as the ability to rename and delete configurations.
Users can now easily manage and customize their configurations according to their needs.
We are excited to offer these new features and can't wait to hear how they improve our users' experience. ❤️


01 Jun 21:09
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✨We are excited to announce that starting from this version, users can now use the "check for updates" feature to easily download new releases. This means that users will no longer have to manually search for and download new releases, as the process is now automated. We hope that this improvement will enhance the user experience and make it easier for users to stay up-to-date with the latest version of our software.

To achieve this automation, we utilize the Sparkle.framework to check for updates and download new releases seamlessly.

We have also made some performance improvements under the hood for critical components.

Hope you like it! ❤️


25 May 23:13
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  • 🐛 Fixes crash by waiting until the app is ready before subscribing to input source changes #254


25 May 22:39
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  • 🏎️ Fixes performance issues related to using the .focusSection view modifier in SwiftUI which caused all the items in the list to render all at once. Not great for large collections
  • 🪄 Removes some of the unwanted animations when adding workflows and when switching groups
  • 🐛 Fixes a bug in the encoding of the script commands (they couldn't be probably disabled because it defaults to true)
  • 🚦Refactor the use of Combine; instead of using a collection of AnyCancellable, we now have multiple instance types with explicitly named subscriptions. This means that we can't have more than one subscription at a time, which should be a lot safer in the future. Also, subscriptions wait for the mach port to be established before subscribing. This should ensure that we don't try to listen for events before the application is ready to go.


24 May 16:39
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Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 18 19 38
  • Fixes a layout bug in the keyboard shortcut horizontal list
  • Redesigns the look & feel of the "picker your configuration" view
  • Add support for running command individually in the command list UI
  • Add basic error handling when running commands by using NSAlert
  • Minor nit-picky UI improvements to the command list