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zend-coding-standard 2.0.0-alpha.1

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@geerteltink geerteltink released this 18 Nov 13:30
· 2 commits to master since this release


  • #5 adds online documentation:

  • #5 adds PSR-12 rules.

    NOTE: PSR-12 is not finalized. e.g. The ! operator and : placement for
    return values are still under discussion. We will change these rules, and,
    when PSR-12 is finalized, adapt them.

  • #5 extends PSR-12 with ZendFramework specific rules:

    NOTE: Most of these rules should look familiar as they are already being
    used in components rewritten for PHP 7.1.

    • There should be one space on either side of an equals sign used to assign
      a value to a variable. In case of a block of related assignments, more
      space may be inserted before the equal sign to promote readability.
    • Short array syntax must be used to define arrays.
    • All values in multiline arrays must be indented with 4 spaces.
    • All array values must be followed by a comma, including the last value.
    • Whitespace is not allowed around the opening bracket or before the
      closing bracket when referencing an array.
    • The global keyword may not be used.
    • The PHP_SAPI constant must be used instead of the php_sapi_name()
    • PHP function calls must be in lowercase.
    • PHP functions which are an alias may not be used.
    • Deprecated functions should not be used.
    • Comments may be omitted and should not be used for typehinted arguments.
    • Comments may not start with #.
    • Comments may not be empty.
    • The words private, protected, static, constructor, deconstructor,
      Created by, getter and setter, may not be used in comments.
    • The annotations @api, @author, @category, @created, @package,
      @subpackage and @version may not be used in comments. Git commits
      provide accurate information.
    • The asterisks in a doc comment should align, and there should be one space
      between the asterisk and tag.
    • Comment tags @param, @throws and @return should not be aligned or
      contain multiple spaces between the tag, type and description.
    • If a function throws any exceptions, they should be documented in @throws
    • The @var tag may be used in inline comments to document the Type of
    • Single-line comments with a @var tag should be written as one-liners.
    • Shorthand scalar typehint variants must be used in docblocks.
    • Each PHP file should have a page level docblock with @see, @copyright
      and @license. The copyright date should only be adjusted if the file has
    • Each PHP file should have a strict type declaration at the top after the
      page level docblock.
    • Import statements should be alphabetically sorted.
    • Import statements should not be grouped.
    • Each import statement should be on its own line.
    • Absolute class name references, functions and constants should be imported.
    • Unused import statements are not allowed.
    • Classes and function within the same namespace should not be imported.
    • Imports should not have an alias with the same name.
    • A class should not have unused private constants, (or write-only)
      properties and methods.
    • Class name resolution via ::class should be used instead of
      __CLASS__, get_class(), get_class($this), get_called_class() and
    • Methods may not have the final declaration in classes declared as final.
    • The colon used with return type declarations MUST be surrounded with 1
    • Nullable and optional arguments, which are marked as = null, must have
      the ? symbol present.
    • Control Structures must have at least one statement inside of the body.
    • Catch blocks may be empty.
    • Catch blocks must be reachable.
    • Catch blocks must use Throwable instead of Exception.
    • The not (!) operator must be followed by exactly one space.
    • The && and || operators must be used instead of AND and OR.
    • The null coalescing operator ?? should be used when possible.
    • Assignment operators (eg +=, .=) should be used when possible.
    • Unused variables should not be passed to closures via use.
    • The code may not contain unreachable code.
    • The backtick operator may not be used for execution of shell commands.
    • Class and Interface names should be unique in a project and must have a
      unique fully qualified name.
    • Methods that only call the parent method should not be defined.
    • Files that contain PHP code should only have PHP code and should not have
      any "inline HTML".
    • There must be exactly one space after a type cast.
    • Constructors should be named __construct, not after the class.
    • The opening PHP tag should be the first item in the file.
    • Strings should not be concatenated together unless used in multiline for
    • Loose == and != comparison operators should not be used. Use ===
      and !== instead.
    • Language constructs must be used without parentheses where possible.
    • Short list syntax [...] should be used instead of list(...).
    • Short form of type keywords must be used. i.e. bool instead of
      boolean, int instead of integer, etc. The binary and unset cast
      operators are not allowed.
    • Parentheses should not be used if they can be omitted.
    • Semicolons ; should not be used if they can be omitted.
    • Variables should be returned directly instead of assigned to a variable
      which is not used.
    • The self keyword should be used instead of the current class name, and
      should not have spaces around ::.
    • Static methods should not use $this.
    • Double quote strings may only be used if they contain variables.
    • Strings should not be enclosed in parentheses when being echoed.
    • Type casts should not have whitespace inside the parentheses.
    • The opening brace for functions should be on a new line with no blank
      lines surrounding it.
    • The PHP constructs echo, print, return, include, include_once,
      require, require_once, and new, should have one space after them.
    • The object operator -> should not have any spaces around it.
    • Semicolons should not have spaces before them.
    • The code should not contain superfluous whitespaces. e.g. multiple empty
      lines, trailing spaces, etc.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.