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zend-feed 2.10.0

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@weierophinney weierophinney released this 24 May 20:37
· 95 commits to master since this release


  • #78 adds support for the Google Play Podcasts 1.0 DTD in both the Reader and
    Writer subcomponents. The following new classes provide the support:

    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\GooglePlayPodcast\Entry
    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\GooglePlayPodcast\Feed
    • Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\GooglePlayPodcast\Entry
    • Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\GooglePlayPodcast\Feed
    • Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\GooglePlayPodcast\Renderer\Entry
    • Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\GooglePlayPodcast\Renderer\Feed

    The extensions are registered by default with both Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader
    and Zend\Feed\Writer\Writer.

  • #77 adds support for itunes:image for each of:

    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Entry, via getItunesImage(); previously only the Feed supported it.
    • Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Entry, via setItunesImage(); previously only the Feed supported it.
    • Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Renderer\Entry; previously on the Feed supported it.
  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Entry::setItunesSeason(), corresponding to the
    itunes:season tag, and allowing setting the season number of the episode the
    entry represents.

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Entry::setItunesIsClosedCaptioned(), corresponding to the
    itunes:isClosedCaptioned tag, and allowing setting the status of closed
    captioning support in the episode the entry represents.

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Entry::setItunesEpisodeType(), corresponding to the
    itunes:episodeType tag, and allowing setting the type of episode the entry represents
    (one of "full", "trailer", or "bonus", and defaulting to "full").

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Entry::setEpisode(), corresponding to the
    itunes:episode tag, and allowing setting the number of the episode the entry represents.

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Feed::setItunesComplete(), corresponding to the
    itunes:complete tag. It allows setting a boolean flag, indicating whether or not the
    podcast is complete (will not air new episodes).

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Feed::setItunesType(), corresponding to the
    itunes:type tag, and allowing setting the podcast type (one of "serial" or "episodic").

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Entry::getEpisodeType(), corresponding to the
    itunes:episodeType tag, and returning the type of episode the entry represents
    (one of "full", "trailer", or "bonus", and defaulting to "full").

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Entry::getSeason(), corresponding to the
    itunes:season tag, and returning the season number of the episode the entry represents.

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Entry::isClsoedCaptioned(), corresponding to the
    itunes:isClosedCaptioned tag, and returning the status of closed captioning
    in the episode the entry represents.

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Entry::getEpisode(), corresponding to the
    itunes:episode tag, and returning the number of the episode the entry represents.

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Feed::isComplete(), corresponding to the
    itunes:complete tag. It returns a boolean, indicating whether or not the podcast is
    complete (will not air new episodes).

  • #75 adds Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Feed::getPodcastType(), corresponding to the
    itunes:type tag, and providing the podcast type (one of "serial" or "episodic", defaulting
    to the latter).


  • #77 updates URI validation for Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Feed::setItunesImage() to
    first check that we have received a string value before proceeding.


  • #75 deprecates each of:
    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Entry::getKeywords()
    • Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Podcast\Feed::getKeywords()
    • Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Entry::setKeywords()
    • Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\ITunes\Feed::setKeywords()
      as the iTunes Podcast RSS specification no longer supports keywords.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.