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86 lines (76 loc) · 3.41 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (76 loc) · 3.41 KB

Forms TODO


  • CAPTCHA view helper
    • Accept an element, pull the "captcha" attribute, and call render() on the captcha
    • Potentially a "captcha" element, with a dedicated property?
  • Remove "InputFilterAwareInterface" from forms

RFC Items

  • Builder component
    • Introspect a class for annotations and build a form
      • Each "element" can specify:
        • filters and validators to use to build an input for the input filter
        • attributes for use with the form element
    • Should be able to generate a form class


View helpers

  • HTML4/XHTML1 element types
    • formText(ElementInterface $element)
      • allows "dirname" -- directionality of the text
    • formButton(ElementInterface $element)
    • formFile(ElementInterface $element)
      • allows "accept" (comma-separated MIME types)
    • formHidden(ElementInterface $element)
    • formImage(ElementInterface $element)
      • allows "alt", "height", and "width"
      • requires "src"
      • HTML5 allows "formaction", non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces
      • HTML5 allows "formenctype" ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", or "text/plain")
      • HTML5 allows "formmethod" ("get" or "post"
      • HTML5 allows "formtarget" (browsing-context name, or one of "_blank", "_self", "_parent", or "_top");
      • HTML5 allows "formnovalidate" ("formnovalidate" or "")
    • formPassword(ElementInterface $element)
    • formReset(ElementInterface $element)
    • formSubmit(ElementInterface $element)
      • HTML5 allows "formaction", non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces
      • HTML5 allows "formenctype" ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", or "text/plain")
      • HTML5 allows "formmethod" ("get" or "post"
      • HTML5 allows "formtarget" (browsing-context name, or one of "_blank", "_self", "_parent", or "_top")
      • HTML5 allows "formnovalidate" ("formnovalidate" or "")
  • HTML5 element types
    • formColor(ElementInterface $element)
      • allows #[0-9a-fA-F]{6}
    • formDate(ElementInterface $element)
      • min/max/value must be RFC3339 date (Y-m-d)
      • allows step (positive integer)
    • formDatetime(ElementInterface $element)
      • min/max/value must follow RFC3339, and T and Z (if used) in format MUST be uppercase
      • allows step (positive float)
    • formDatetimeLocal(ElementInterface $element)
      • min/max/value are of form T: 1985-04-12T23:20:40
      • allows step (positive float)
    • formEmail(ElementInterface $element)
      • value can actually be a single email or comma-separated list of emails if "multiple" is specified
    • formMonth(ElementInterface $element)
      • min/max/value must be in format "Y-m"
      • allows step (positive integer)
    • formNumber(ElementInterface $element)
      • should look for min/max (floating point)
      • allows step (positive float)
    • formRange(ElementInterface $element)
      • should look for min/max (floating point)
      • allows step (positive float)
    • formSearch(ElementInterface $element)
      • allows "dirname" -- directionality of the text
    • formTel(ElementInterface $element)
    • formTime(ElementInterface $element)
      • min/max/value must be in RFC3339 partial-time format (H:i:m[.s])
      • allows step (positive float)
    • formUrl(ElementInterface $element)
    • formWeek(ElementInterface $element)
      • min/max/value must follow format "Y-W<int>": 1996-W16
      • allows step (positive integer)