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Docker for symfony 5 project

This repo will help you run symfony 5 stack used in the book

The stack

  • PHP 7.4
  • Nginx
  • PostgresSql
  • Redis
  • Rabbitmq
  • Mailcatcher

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. You'll find a Dockerfile for php-fpm containing the necessary packages to install to be able to run the examples from the book. The first time you run docker-compose can take a while to finish because of php dockerfile, it will be the case only the first time. Inside docker-compose file, containers redis, rabbitmq and mailcatcher are commented, so if you need them just uncomment and rerun docker-compose


Docker must be installed.


Start by creating a directory for your project:

mkdir fancy_new_project

Inside your newly created directory create a new directory named "src". It's needed by docker-compose to be linked with "/var/www" from within nginx container which is the server default path to look for our code.

mkdir fancy_new_project/src

Cloning this repo inside "fancy_new_project" with the following command:

cd fancy_new_project
git clone

Create .env file inside docker-for-symfony5 with the following content:



Those variables will be used to configure postgresql and later symfony, So sont hesitate to update variables value accordingly.


Run docker-compose from within "fancy_new_project/docker-for-symfony5" with the following:

docker-compose up

To confirm that your containers are running, from another terminal run the following command:

docker-compose ps

If the result is the listing of tree containers then congratulation you can jump to next step.

Init Symfony project

To do so we need to execute php composer commands or symfony command from within php-fpm container. We have more than one way of doing it.

docker-compose run php-fpm composer create-project symfony/skeleton .

If everyting goes well, your "src/" folder will contain the generated source code.


Open your browser to If wil get a webpage with the message "Welcome to Symfony 5.1.2"


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


I was inspired by the last book about symfony 5 writen by Fabian potentier who use docker extensivly but without running php inside a container, instead php is installed locally and from and article from @MartinPham who did a good work automatting running symfony using docker compose, having some issues with the containers used in his article i combined the two sources to create a docker compose organisation that suit me more.