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A Personal Website powered by Apostrophe CMS v3



  1. Git
  2. Node.js v14 or later
  3. MongoDB Community Server v5 or later
  4. (Optional) Docker (for testing production Docker image)


  1. Fork this repo on GitHub
  2. Clone your fork onto your local machine (git clone<your username/apos-my-site)
  3. cd into the repo on your local machine (cd apos-my-site)
  4. Install dependencies (npm install)
  5. Copy contents of .env.example into .env
    • These defaults are good for local development, and you can edit this file at any time.
    • Please be aware If you want to change APOS_MONGODB_URI, that value is overridden in docker-compose.yml, used when running the app in Docker.


  • Run app in dev mode: npm run dev
  • Run app in production mode: npm run build && npm run serve
  • Build and run production Docker image: docker-compose up --build
  • Restore local database from db folder: npm run db-restore


  • Dump local database to db folder (requires MongoDB Database Tools): MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost/apos-my-site ./scripts/

Deploying to production

  1. Build the Dockerfile in the repo root
  2. Configure:
    • mount volume for /app/public/uploads
    • environment variables according to the .env.example
      • Hint If you get errors about failed authentication when starting the app, then you may need the ?authSource=admin query param.
  3. (Optional) Restore app data:
    1. Database. Restore from db folder /w MONGODB_URI=<connection-string> node scripts/restore-db
    2. Uploads. Copy files from public/uploads into the volume.
  4. Start the container
  5. If you skipped the "Restore app data" step, log in with username "admin" password "admin" and edit this user.

Automated backups of production

This project has a GitHub Actions workflow that can be used to back up production data on a schedule and on-demand. It will back up both the database and the uploaded files. It uses the GitHub repo as storage, so you can easily work with production data in your development environment.

Backups go into the backup/prod branch to be manually merged with the main branch as desired. When merging it is recommended to Squash and merge to keep the Git commit history clean.

To set up:

  1. (Optional) Enable scheduled backups by un-commenting the two lines near the top of .github/workflows/back-up-prod.yml.
  2. Create a branch named backup/prod and push it to GitHub.
  3. Add repository secrets on GitHub under Settings > Secrets > New repository secret:
    1. MONGODB_URI - e.g. mongodb://
    2. UPLOADS_DIR - e.g. (username and password are for SSH)

To trigger a backup on-demand, go to your project "Actions", select "Back up prod" from the list of workflows, click the "Run workflow" dropdown, and click the "Run workflow" button.


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