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A quick way to learn p4 language.

  • The is a scirpt that help to set up p4 enviroment quickly. Please check your enviroment. This script has pass tests under my enviroment:
    • Ubuntu 16.04 desktop LTS.
    • Python 2.7.12
    • Please carefully read the Before running the script.
  • If you are a mac or windows user, I recommand you to download the P4-Suite2018.ova, which is a vm image after the script:

Before running the script

Please preinstall theses dependences:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install automake cmake libjudy-dev libpcap-dev libboost-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-thread-dev libevent-dev libtool flex bison pkg-config g++ libssl-dev  -y

sudo apt-get install cmake g++ git automake libtool libgc-dev bison flex libfl-dev libgmp-dev libboost-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-graph-dev llvm pkg-config python python-scapy python-ipaddr python-ply tcpdump curl  -y

sudo apt-get install libreadline6 libreadline6-dev  python-pip  -y 

## needed by tutorials
sudo pip install psutil  
sudo pip install crcmod

And then, Note that: my script recommand you to make a independent directory in home directory to hold p4 component:

mkdir ~/P4
cd ~/P4
echo "P4_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

After running these command lines, you will have an directory named P4 in your home directory and a $P4_HOME envrioment variable in your current bash.

Now, download and copy the script to the $P4_HOME, and run it!

chmod +x

After the script down, Your enviroment has been set up with following directory tree:

├── behavioral-model  ## BMv2 software switch
├── grpc              ## dependence of bmv2
├── mininet           ## mininet virtual network topology
├── p4c			      ## the p4 compiler
├── PI                ## P4 library
├── protobuf          ## dependence of PI and bmv2
└── tutorials         #### NOTE: this is tutorials directory and your workspace.

Now you can cd to tutorials and enjoy the exercises that P4 workgroup providing to you!


A quick way to learn p4 language.






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