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Zeniqsmart Node


This repository contains the code of the full node client of zeniqsmart, an EVM&Web3 compatible sidechain for Zeniq.

zeniqsmartd needs a zeniqd.



rpcuser, rpcpassword must be the same as for ~/.zeniqsmartd/config/app.toml further down.

Start zeniqd with

./src/zeniqd -printtoconsole

and let it sync.


zeniqsmartd init my_moniker_here

This creates:


For the first node, edit


For subsequent nodes copy and override above 3 files in, then edit.

  • ~/.zeniqsmartd/config/config.toml is read by the Tendermint library.

    One should change this line in each copy of config.toml:

    moniker = "my_moniker_here"

    There needs to be at least one seed in config.toml. In the following example the node ID is via zeniqsmartd show-node-id in, generated from ~/.zeniqsmartd/config/node_key.json (which was created with zeniqsmartd init my_moniker_here).

    seeds = "ae00280df2729f655f35016bf95162c6cf71ab50@"
    persistent_peers = "ae00280df2729f655f35016bf95162c6cf71ab50@"
  • ~/.zeniqsmartd/config/app.toml configures the Tendermind application, i.e. the zeniqsmartd proper.

    • cc-rpc-epochs and cc-rpc-fork-block are consensus-relevant and must be the same in all nodes
    • watcher-speedup will fetch epoch history from other smart nodes
    get_logs_max_results = 10000
    retain-blocks = -1
    retain_interval_blocks = 100
    use_litedb = false
    with-syncdb = false
    blocks_kept_ads = 10000
    blocks_kept_db = -1
    sig_cache_size = 20000
    trunk_cache_size = 200
    prune_every_n = 10
    recheck_threshold = 1000
    # there must be a zeniqd running (on the same machine)
    mainnet-rpc-url = ""
    mainnet-genesis-height = 121900
    mainnet-rpc-username = "zeniq"
    mainnet-rpc-password = "zeniq123"
    watcher-speedup = true
    zeniqsmart-rpc-url = ""
    # consensus-relevant: [[mainnetHeight>=184464,n>=6,>=n*1200],...]
    cc-rpc-epochs = [ [184464, 6, 7200], [185184, 144, 172800], [185472, 1008, 1209600] ]
    cc-rpc-fork-block = 11000011

New app.toml settings:

  • cc-rpc-epochs see below
  • cc-rpc-fork-block see below
  • blocks-behind = 0, 0 being default, can be set other than 0 to keep a running backup. The sync alway keeps the given number of blocks behind the current head of validators.
  • 'update-of-ads-log = false', can be set true temporarily to create text files updateOfADS<height>.txt in the ~/.zeniqsmartd/data/app folder showing which 'key=value/old' changes (keys that got a new value over an old one) happened at that height. This overlaps with with-syncdb, which stores in a db but without the old value.

Start via

zeniqsmartd start

~/.zeniqsmartd/data contains the network data. The sync takes 3-9 days.


zeniqsmartd implements crosschain in one direction from Zeniq mainchain to the smart chain by calling the Zeniq RPC function "crosschain" regularly per epoch:

  • cc-rpc-epochs defines at what mainchain height which epoch length in blocks starts getting valid. n=1008 blocks would be about 1 week corresponding to one epoch length.
  • cc-rpc-fork-block is the smart height when this feature is activated in zeniqsmartd Make this a nn earlier than the first main height in cc-rpc-epochs.

In Zeniq mainchain a transaction with a special output's scriptPubKey OP_FALSE OP_VERIFY OP_RETURN <agentdata> that makes the input unusable in mainchain, i.e. burns it there, is called a crosschain transaction further down.

The steps taken by zeniqsmartd are these:


n=1008 # epoch 2n # 2016 fetch nn_n = 1060/3 # every 3 seconds smart, every 10 min main nnmin = 2nnn_n # search back to find cc tx, a failure would be very probably with the min value nn = 3nnmin # a safer value nn/n == 1200 # in cc-rpc-epochs=[[main,n,nn]] make nn = 1200n


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