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Protocol for web applications to access restricted resources as WebID authenticated identities.


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WebID HTTP Authorization Protocol


This memo proposes a protocol to obtain HTTP bearer-type authorization tokens that can establish that the agent requesting a resource is acting on behalf of a WebID URI (WebID). The protocol includes methods for both WebID-OIDC and WebID-TLS authenticated identities, including a means to authenticate WebID-OIDC identities using Self-Issued OpenID Providers.

This protocol is intended to be used by Solid applications, in particular browser-based applications, but is generally applicable to any HTTP access scenario where the accessing agent is to be identified as acting on direct behalf of (and access to be granted or denied) a WebID and optionally the agent's application identifier.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

The Problems


When demonstrating control of a WebID with WebID-OIDC, a Relying Party (RP) obtains an Identity Token (id_token) as a direct client of the OIDC Provider (OP). This is the first party scenario, for example where the user logs directly in to her POD or to an online application. In this scenario, the user, when attempting to log in or to access a restricted resource on the RP, is directed by the RP to select her OP, log in there, and the OP will then return a signed id_token to the RP, which can be verified and the user considered logged in (for example, by the RP setting a cookie in the user's browser).

In what is expected to eventually be the common case, the RP will be an in-browser Javascript-based application, and this application will attempt to access resources on other servers (the user's or other PODs, other web servers, etc) on behalf of the user.

Today, the Solid reference implementation addresses this case by using an ad hoc Proof of Possession Token (POPToken) directly as an HTTP Authorization Bearer token. Here, a POPToken is a JWT containing an OIDC id_token (which itself is independently validated and which bears a Proof of Possession key as the cnf claim), an audience binding it to the origin of the resource being accessed, and an issuer being the client to which the id_token was issued. The POPToken is signed with the private key associated with the cnf claim.

There are a number of issues with this solution:

  • There is no notion of an independent "session" at the resource server:

    • An access grant can't be for longer or shorter than the token's validity period;
    • There's no way to "log out" or revoke access for that token without blacklisting it until it expires;
    • There's no opportunity to directly challenge the agent to sign an arbitrary value of the resource server's choice in order to prove current control of the proof-of-possession key;
  • In a traditional OAuth scenario, the resource server and the authorization server are coupled, and access tokens can be structured for efficient validation and use by the resource server; here the resource server must accept the POPToken format when processing all requests even if that isn't efficient or ideal;

  • (Related) in a traditional OAuth scenario where the resource server and the authorization server are coupled, all parties (authorization server + resource server, and app/agent) are involved when issuing an access token. With this solution, the resource server can only passively receive and validate an access token with no opportunity to influence its issuance;

  • The same access token is usable for every resource at an origin, whether or not that is appropriate to the security policies for every protection space at that origin. A new access token could be issued for each request, bound specifically to the URI being accessed, but this would incur a large computational cost at the agent and resource server (see next item);

  • A POPToken is expensive to validate on every request. Validation decisions could be cached, keyed on the entire token, but this is only practical if the same token is used on every request;

  • POPTokens can be big, which can be a lot of overhead for every request. Even with HTTP/2+ header compression, the token is still a logical part of every request's header set, which affects downstream request processing in common web application server architectures.

At this time, browser-based applications can only be identified to resource servers via the Origin HTTP header (except in the special case where the OP and the resource server are coupled). When using bearer tokens, a non-browser component of a rogue application can forge an arbitrary Origin header; therefore, using the Origin header for application identity is not acceptable in this circumstance.


Notwithstanding the logistical problem of securely loading a WebID-TLS certificate into multiple browsers, and the browser user experience problems of managing certificates, and granting (and especially revoking, changing, or logging out) the use of a certificate to communicate with a particular origin server in today's web browsers, TLS itself and commonly deployed web servers provide no way to conditionally use a client-side certificate for only some requests to the same origin. Whether to send a client certificate to the server is determined during the initial TLS handshake (after a target hostname is sent by the client but before the target path is sent), and is thereafter fixed for the duration of the TLS connection. While this can be renegotiated at a later time in TLS 1.2, renegotiation is currently not allowed in HTTP/2, and there is no standard way for an application web server to indicate to an upstream TLS reverse proxy (such as nginx) to renegotiate or restart the session (with just that client) requesting a client certificate.

Commonly deployed web servers (such as nginx) can be configured to request a client certificate for specific named (virtual) hosts. The client certificate will be requested on all connections to that host. If this host/origin is the host for the desired resources, then either a client certificate will be required to be sent for all requests (even ones that shouldn't require authorization), or, if the initial certificate request is denied by the user, there will be no opportunity later to demand the client certificate for only the restricted resources.

A possible workaround is to use a server at a subdomain configured to require a client certificate. The user can be directed to follow a link to a page on this subdomain host, and if the certificate is presented, verified, and properly linked to a WebID, this page can set a browser cookie in the superdomain. The user can be redirected back to the original domain, and new requests will include the cookie. This scenario shares first-party cookie-based issues similar to WebID-OIDC first-party logins, which might not be desirable for application-based access. These issues include Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks, among others, that might grant an attacker or even another legitimate application more privilege than is desirable. Additionally, if cookies aren't allowed for cross-origin requests by the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header, the application might not be able to access a restricted resource even after following the above workaround.

The Protocol

This memo proposes a solution to the above issues. Most importantly, it provides a mechanism for the resource server to directly challenge the agent to prove control of a POP Key, and for a resource server (or its authorization designate) to issue access tokens that are tailored for its unique operational and architectural constraints.

WebID HTTP Authorization Protocol comprises the following components:

  • New parameters to the WWW-Authenticate response header for the Bearer method, and supplemental semantics;

  • An API endpoint for exchanging a proof of possession for an access token;

  • Supplemental methods for verifying the id_token;

  • A supplemental behavior for WebID-OIDC OPs to include the redirect_uri in the audience of the id_token in certain circumstances, to be used as an application identity (with caveats);

  • An API endpoint for obtaining an access token when using WebID-TLS;

  • A token delivery mode with which to establish an application identity when using WebID-TLS (with caveats);

  • An operational semantics.


WWW-Authenticate Parameters for Bearer Method

A resource server, to challenge an unauthorized request using this protocol, will employ a combination of the following parameters in a WWW-Authenticate header returned in an HTTP 401 response to a request:

  • scope: For challenges according to this protocol, the scope parameter SHALL include at least the webid scope;

  • nonce: This parameter conveys an opaque challenge string to be used as described below;

  • token_pop_endpoint: The URI of the WebID-OIDC POP Token exchange endpoint, if available; scope MUST also include openid;

  • client_cert_endpoint: The URI of the WebID-TLS token endpoint, if available;

  • error: If present, the request had a problem other than not presenting an access credential. The following reason codes are defined:

    • invalid_token: A Bearer token was presented, but it was expired, revoked, or otherwise not recognized as valid.
    • proof_required: A Bearer token requiring proof-of-possession of a secret key (but otherwise valid) was presented. It should be exchanged for a new token according to this protocol.

If a request is made for a resource within a protection space and that request includes an Authorization header with an invalid Bearer token, the resource server SHOULD reply with an HTTP 401 response and WWW-Authenticate header as above, even if the request otherwise doesn't require Authorization. This is to allow an agent to obtain a fresh access token proactively (for example, before the current token expires, to avoid delaying a real request by the user).

Include redirect_uri in OIDC id_token

In order to identify an application when the Origin header is not trustable (specifically, when presenting a bearer token), a WebID-OIDC OP SHOULD include in the list of audiences the redirect_uri to which the id_token or code was sent, if and only if the webid scope (or other scopes whose semantics define this behavior) was requested by the client.

A client conforming to this protocol SHOULD request the webid additional scope from the OP in order to allow third party servers to make access control decisions based on the application identifier.


The redirect_uri used in OAuth2/OIDC flows can be used as an application identifier. Some RPs might consider an unrecognized aud entry as an untrusted audience and reject the id_token. Therefore the redirect_uri will not be included unless the client has signaled a desire for its presence with an appropriate scope.

Include cnf (Confirmation Key) Claim in OIDC id_token

The WebID-OIDC portion of this protocol REQUIRES that the id_token contain a cnf claim comprising an asymmetric public key as a JWK. The method by which an agent requests the addition of a cnf claim in an id_token is not yet standardized in OIDC, but will probably be similar to the method described in draft-ietf-oauth-pop-key-distribution. The Solid reference implementation uses a different ad-hoc method.

TBD interop constraints (RS256?).

Proof of Possession Token

This section specifies a Proof of Possession Token format for use in this protocol. This format is a modest modification of the bespoke POPTokens currently in use in the Solid reference implementation, as determined from source code inspection.

The Proof of Possession Token (proof-token) is a JWT, signed by the id_token's confirmation key, and comprising the following claims:

  • sub: REQUIRED: A WebID-OIDC id_token containing a cnf claim as described above, and otherwise valid to identify the user requesting access;

  • aud: REQUIRED: The absolute URI, including scheme, authority (host and optional port), path, and query, but not including fragment identifier, corresponding to the original request that resulted in the HTTP 401 response; this claim MUST NOT include a fragment identifier; if this claim is an array, it MUST have exactly one element;

  • nonce: REQUIRED: The nonce from the WWW-Authenticate challenge;

  • iss: REQUIRED (for WebID-OIDC): The issuer of this proof-token, which MUST be present in the sub's aud claim; the value of this claim is used as the application identifier, and therefore SHOULD be the redirect_uri to which the id_token or code was sent (see above);

  • jti: RECOMMENDED: Use of this claim is recommended so that the agent can salt the token's signature; the verifier can ignore this claim, if present;

  • app_authorizations: OPTIONAL (for WebID-OIDC): If present, this is one (string) or more (array of strings) App Authorization URIs;

  • exp: OPTIONAL: If present, this claim MUST NOT be after the expiration time of the sub (if it has one), and MUST NOT be before the current time on the verifier; ordinarily the validity of the nonce is sufficient to establish not-before and not-after constraints on the proof, so this claim isn't usually necessary (and clocks on end-user devices, where proof-tokens are likely to be generated, are often inaccurate). The server MAY take the expiration periods of the proof-token and the sub into account when determining the expiration period of the access token it issues, but it is not required to do so and is free to issue access tokens with any expiration period.

Unrecognized claims SHOULD be ignored.

token_pop_endpoint API Parameters

In order to avoid leaving sensitive information in web server logs, the agent SHOULD access this API by HTTP POST method, but GET MUST also be supported by the server. The API takes the following parameters, either in the request body as Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded format for POST, or as URI query parameters for GET:

  • proof_token: REQUIRED: A proof-token as described above;

  • redirect_uri: OPTIONAL: If present, the response will be made in the form of an HTTP 302 redirect to this URI, otherwise the response will be made in the response body as a JSON object; use of this mode is NOT RECOMMENDED;

  • state: OPTIONAL: If present, opaque application state to be echoed back in a redirect response.

A successful response comprises the following parameters:

  • access_token: An opaque string comprising a Bearer access token that can be used for requests in the same protection space as the original request;

  • expires_in: A numeric number of seconds from the Date of this response at which the access_token will no longer be valid;

  • state: A string, the state from the request, echoed unmodified. Only included in the response if the request included a state.

  • token_type: A case-insensitive string identifying the kind of token returned in this response. For this protocol the value MUST be Bearer.

Unrecognized parameters SHOULD be ignored.

TBD: error response.

If no redirect_uri was included, the response body is a JSON object in Content-Type application/json format whose keys are the response parameters.

If a redirect_uri was included, the response is an HTTP 302 redirect with the Location being the redirect_uri, followed by a fragment indicator #, and the response parameters in application/x-www-form-urlencoded form. Only the fragment form is allowed to avoid the access_token accidentally appearing in web server logs.

Note: A redirect_uri parameter, if included in the request, is only for delivering an access token to the application. It MUST NOT be construed as an application identifier in the WebID-OIDC mode, even if the id_token doesn't include a recognizable application identifier.

client_cert_endpoint API Parameters

The client_cert_endpoint API MUST support HTTP POST and GET methods. The API takes the following parameters, either in the request body as Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded format for POST, or as URI query parameters for GET:

  • nonce: REQUIRED: The nonce from the WWW-Authenticate challenge;

  • uri: REQUIRED: The absolute URI, including scheme, authority (host and optional port), path, and query, but not including fragment identifier, corresponding to the original request that resulted in the HTTP 401 response. This parameter MUST NOT include a fragment identifier;

  • app_authorizations: OPTIONAL (for WebID-TLS): Zero or more App Authorization URIs (may occur more than once);

  • redirect_uri: OPTIONAL: If present, the response will be made in the form of an HTTP 302 redirect to this URI; otherwise the response will be made in the response body as a JSON object; use of this mode is NOT RECOMMENDED;

  • state: OPTIONAL: If present, opaque application state to be echoed back in a redirect response. Only useful if a redirect_uri is specified.

A TLS client certificate is REQUIRED when communicating with this API endpoint. That means the API endpoint will probably be at a different origin from the original URI.

A successful response is made in the same manner as one for the token_pop_endpoint.

Because the agent accessing this endpoint is in direct control of the TLS client certificate's private key, the redirect_uri, if used, can be used to establish an application identifier with the same assurance as in an OAuth2 workflow.

TBD: error response.

Note: If a redirect_uri is not included in the request, then the Origin header from the request to the client_cert_endpoint provides the most granular application identifier available for access control decisions.


An agent (for example, an in-browser application working on behalf of a user) attempts an HTTP request to a resource server for an access-restricted URI without presenting any special credentials.

GET /some/restricted/resource HTTP/2

The resource server does not allow this request without authorization. It generates an unguessable, opaque nonce that the server SHOULD be able to later recognize as having generated. The server responds with an HTTP 401 Unauthorized message, and includes the protection space (realm), this nonce, the appropriate scopes, and the token_pop_endpoint and client_cert_endpoint URIs as appropriate, in the WWW-Authenticate header with the Bearer method. The server MAY also include an HTML response body, for example to allow the user to perform a first-party login using another method, such as by selecting her OIDC Provider, for cases where the resource was navigated to directly in the browser.

HTTP/2 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="/auth/",
    scope="openid webid",
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: WWW-Authenticate
Date: Mon,  6 May 2019 01:48:48 GMT
Content-type: text/html

<html>Human first-party login page...</html>

The agent recognizes the response as compatible with this protocol by recognizing the method as Bearer, scope webid, and the presence of the nonce and either of the token_pop_endpoint or client_cert_endpoint parameters.

WebID-OIDC Proof of Possession Operation

The agent recognizes availability of the WebID-OIDC POP method (including scopes webid and openid and the token_pop_endpoint) and determines to use this method.

It is assumed that the agent already possesses a valid and current id_token from the user's OP (including a cnf confirmation claim), and the private key material corresponding to the public key in the cnf claim.

The agent creates a new proof-token as described above, setting its aud claim to the absolute URI of the original request, the nonce claim to the nonce parameter from the WWW-Authenticate response header, the sub claim to its id_token from above, including any App Authorizations, and signing it with the private keying material associated with the cnf claim of its id_token.

The agent sends a request to the token_pop_endpoint URI, including the proof-token, and if using the redirect response mode, a redirect_uri and a state.

POST /auth/webid-pop HTTP/2
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

proof_token=ey...(rest of token omitted)

The endpoint verifies this request:

  1. Parses the proof_token, extracting its claims;

  2. Parses the sub claim of the proof_token as the ID Token, extracting its claims including the WebID it identifies;

  3. Verifies the proof_token's iss (the iss MUST be present in the ID Token's aud claim);

  4. Verifies the signature of the proof_token with the cnf claim of the ID Token;

  5. Verifies the proof_token's aud is an absolute URI for a resource in the protection space for which this endpoint is responsible;

  6. Verifies the proof_token's nonce (for example, confirming it was really issued by this system, not too far in the past, hasn't been redeemed yet, and was issued for a request for the aud claim);

  7. Loads and parses the WebID document to extract the OIDC Issuer (if listed) and public keys (if listed) for the WebID;

  8. Verifies the ID Token's signature. If the ID Token is self issued, the public key MUST be listed in the WebID. Otherwise, OIDC Discovery, based on the ID Token's iss claim, is used to find the public key. The iss MUST be an authorized OIDC issuer.

  9. Determines the application identifier, which is the iss of the proof_token. The iss of the proof_token MUST be present in the aud claim of the ID Token.

  10. Determines App Authorizations from the proof_token's app_authorizations, if any, that correspond to the application identifier.

If the request is verified, the endpoint issues an access_token valid for this protection space and for a limited time. The access_token SHOULD be translatable by a server for this protection space into at least the WebID, the application identifier, and app authorizations, by whatever means is convenient (for example, by lookup in a database, or by direct encoding in the access token).

HTTP/2 200
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store
Date: Mon,  6 May 2019 01:48:50 GMT

	"access_token": "gZDES1DqHf1i3zydSqfnsgGhkMgc4gcbpnCHSCcQ",
	"expires_in": 1800,
	"token_type": "Bearer"

The agent can now use this access_token as a bearer token in the Authorization header for requests in the same protection space.

GET /some/restricted/resource HTTP/2
Authorization: Bearer gZDES1DqHf1i3zydSqfnsgGhkMgc4gcbpnCHSCcQ

The server verifies and translates the bearer token into a WebID, application identifier, and app authorizations,and can use those data and any others at its disposal to make a determination whether to grant access to the requested resource.

Client           WebID              OpenID                           Resource
App            Document            Provider      token_pop_endpoint    Server
|                  |                  |                  |                  |
|-- request URI ----------------------------------------------------------->|
|<--------------------------------- 401 Unauthorized Bearer nonce, scope, --|
|                  |                  |              token_pop_endpoint     |
|make proof-token  |                  |                  |                  |
|-- send proof-token ----------------------------------->|                  |
|                  |                  |                  |extract ID Token. |
|                  |                  |                  |verify PT iss,aud,|
|                  |                  |                  |nonce,sig. verify |
|                  |                  |                  |ID Token exp,iat. |
|                  |                  |                  |                  |
|                  |<---------------------- get WebID ---|                  |
|                  |------------------------ document -->|                  |
|                  |                  |                  |verify ID Token   |
|                                     |                  |iss is authorized.|
|                                     |                  |                  |
|                                     |<---- get OIDC ---?                  |
|                                     |------ config --->? (if ID Token not |
|                                     |<------ get ------?  self-issued)    |
|                                     |------ jwks ----->?                  |
|                                     |                  |vrfy ID Token sig,|
|               App Auth                                 |determine app ID. |
|              Document(s)                               |                  |
|                  |<------------------- get app auth ---|                  |
|                  |-------------------- document(s) --->|                  |
|                  |                                     |determine app auths
|                                                        |                  |
|                                                        |make access_token.|
|<--------------------------- answer access_token, exp --|                  |
|                                                        |                  |
|-- request URI with access_token ----------------------------------------->|
|                                         validate & translate access_token.|
|                                                     apply access controls.|
|                                                                           |
|<------------------------------------------------------- answer resource --|

    Figure 1: Accessing a Restricted Resource With WebID-OIDC POP Method

WebID-TLS Operation

The agent recognizes availability of the WebID-TLS mode (including presence of the webid scope and the client_cert_endpoint) and determines to use this method.

The agent sends, using its WebID-TLS client certificate, to the client_cert_endpoint URI. The origin for this URI will probably be different from the original request URI, in order for the server to request a client certificate in the TLS handshake. It is assumed that the original server that responded with 401 and this API server are coupled such that this API server is able to verify the nonce and return a bearer token that is meaningful in the original server's protection space.

POST /auth/webid-tls HTTP/2
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The server verifies the request:

  1. Verifies the nonce (for example, confirming that it was really issued by the original server, not too far in the past, and hasn't been redeemed yet);

  2. Verifies that uri is an absolute URI and is in the protection space for which this endpoint is responsible, and if possible that uri corresponds with the nonce;

  3. Verifies, in the normal way, the WebID by extracting the public key from the client certificate used in the TLS connection, loading the WebID document according to the SubjectAlternativeName field, and looking for a matching public key in the WebID;

  4. Determines the application identifier, which is the redirect_uri of the request if it was given, or the Origin header of this request if present, or Unknown;

  5. Determines App Authorizations from the app_authorizations, if any, that correspond to the application identifier.

If the request is verified, the server issues an access_token valid for the original server's protection space and for a limited time. The access_token SHOULD be translatable by any server for the orginal protection space into at least the WebID, application identifier, and app authorizations.

HTTP/2 200
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store
Date: Mon,  6 May 2019 01:48:50 GMT

	"access_token": "gZDES1DqHf1i3zydSqfnsgGhkMgc4gcbpnCHSCcQ",
	"expires_in": 1800,
	"token_type": "Bearer"

The agent can now use this access_token as a bearer token in the Authorization header for requests in the same protection space at the original request URI's origin.

GET /some/restricted/resource HTTP/2
Authorization: Bearer gZDES1DqHf1i3zydSqfnsgGhkMgc4gcbpnCHSCcQ

Security Considerations

Having a bearer token issued from this protocol doesn't guarantee access to the requested resource. Access control facilities in the resource server can use the identity associated with the bearer token and other considerations to determine access rights.

Redirect Workflow Considerations

Care SHOULD be taken so that the Location header in response to the client_cert_endpoint is not exposed to browser scripts in redirect-type responses. The redirect-type response flow in a browser application is intended to only allow a browser application to obtain the returned parameters if the redirect was actually followed, indicating the redirect_uri is part of the application. If the Location header can be read directly by the browser script from an XMLHTTPRequest or Fetch response without the redirect being followed, any browser application can impersonate any other browser application to the client_cert_endpoint.

The redirect_uri (either as part of this API flow or extracted from an id_token) is not truly secure, but is only a strong indicator that the redirect_uri was used in a browser-based application. Non-browser applications (such as native applications, servers, robots, or any other agent) are not subject to the Same-Origin policy or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) restrictions, and have full access to all request and response headers of all HTTP transactions (including ones to OIDC Providers), and therefore can impersonate any redirect_uri (and therefore any application identifier) or origin, whether associated with the application or not.

The presence and use of a redirect_uri with the above APIs (either directly in the WebID-TLS mode or extracted from an id_token in the WebID-OIDC mode) indicates only that the authenticated WebID asserts that the URI identifies an application she has consented to use. It does not guarantee that any particular URI was actually followed. The WebID making this assertion is the only party that should assign a trustability to any such URI. This distinction SHOULD be considered when making access control decisions.

Nonce Considerations

Nonces issued by servers in the WWW-Authenticate response header SHOULD have the following properties:

  • Be cryptographically strong, of sufficient length, and unguessable;

  • Be recognizable when returned as having been issued for this protection space (for example, by recording in a database, or including a cryptographic signature);

  • Be valid for a limited (short) time;

  • Be redeemable at most once;

  • Be coupled to the original request URI in a recognizable way;

Man-In-The-Middle Considerations

Consider a server "Real" with a desirable, but restricted, resource; and a server "Rogue" that wants to access the resource on Real. Consider a user "User" who has permission to access the resource at Real, and who might come to access Rogue for some reason (clickbait, or perhaps Rogue provides some seemingly useful service as well).

Man-In-The-Middle With WebID-TLS

Rogue could attempt to access a restricted resource on Real and obtain a nonce and client_cert_endpoint URI. Rogue could then challenge User's access request for a Rogue resource with the same nonce and the same client_cert_endpoint from Real.

User would contact Real's client_cert_endpoint and obtain an access_token. If the call to Real didn't include the original request URI, and instead relied only on the nonce (or metadata associated with it), User could give this token to Rogue which would then be able to use it to access Real.

To ensure Real and User are talking about the same resource, the client_cert_endpoint request includes the uri in an analogous form to the token_pop_endpoint flow.

Man-In-The-Middle With HTTP Redirects

User SHOULD take care to contain disclosure of the access_token to the protection space for which it was issued. The HTTP WWW-Authenticate realm parameter doesn't describe the extent of the protection space at the origin in a standard way. Therefore, the extent of the protection space might not be known ahead of time, so at the very least, User MUST NOT disclose the access_token beyond the origin of the original request URI parameter used to obtain it.

Rogue could use an HTTP 3XX response to redirect User to access a protected resource at Real. Depending on the APIs Real's agent uses, the redirect might be followed automatically or the Location might be exposed to the agent to be followed under manual control.

If the redirect is followed automatically, the URI will be for Rogue, and Real will reject the token request.

If the redirect is followed manually by User, the URI will be for Real, and User will receive an access_token. In this case, User knows the protection space is for Real and not Rogue (assuming they have different origins, see below). User MUST notice that Real's protection space is different than Rogue's, and MUST NOT send the token to Rogue for future requests.

If Real and Rogue have the same origin, Rogue can obtain an access_token for Real as User, as detailed above. However, if Real and Rogue have the same origin, you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today.

Application Impersonation With WebID-OIDC and Proof Tokens

If User consents to use a Rogue application comprising a rogue user interface and a rogue server component, Rogue can obtain a signed id_token that includes a cnf claim to which Rogue has control of the private keying material. The private keying material for the cnf could already be on the server or could be transferred to the server by the user interface.

The server is then free to create proof-tokens for any resource, and set any request headers (including Origin) and inspect any response bodies or headers (including Location), and the server is under no obligation to follow any redirect or interpret any pages or scripts at the destination.

Therefore, the redirect_uri parameter and the Origin (or any other) request header MUST NOT be used as an application identifier in the token_pop_endpoint, since they can be forged by Rogue with no additional input or consent by User. Since User trusts her OpenID Provider, a redirect_uri extracted from the signed id_token's aud is the only reliable application identifier, and then only according to User's assertion.

Unknown/Unidentified Application Considerations

When accessing resources as part of a first-party login session (authorized, for example, with a cookie), the lack of an Origin header (or the Origin denoting the resource server's own origin) is typically construed to mean that the user is accessing the resources directly with the native, first-party application.

The nature of a bearer token is that any agent presenting it is presumed to be the entity to which it was issued. A Rogue application can send an access_token to a server, which is not constrained on any HTTP headers it can send or omit (including Origin).

Therefore, an application presenting a bearer access_token that resolves to an unknown or unidentified application MUST be considered to be distinct from the "no/same Origin in a first-party session" application assumption case. A resource server SHOULD ignore the Origin header, for purposes of access control or application identification, when a bearer access_token is presented for authorization, since the agent bearing the token could have set that header to any value.


Protocol for web applications to access restricted resources as WebID authenticated identities.







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