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Managing ZenPacks

The following sections contain important considerations to keep in mind when creating and exporting ZenPacks.

Creating a ZenPack

The actual creation of a new ZenPack is very simple, and done through the Zenoss web interface. However, there some considerations related to the ZenPack's name and version that should be considered at creation time. Once a ZenPack is in use by you and potentially others renaming or changing the version scheme can be more painful.

Follow these steps to create a new ZenPack:

  1. Login to the Zenoss web interface as a user with the global Manager role.
  2. Navigate to the Advanced section.
  3. Choose ZenPacks from the left navigation.
  4. Choose Create a ZenPack from the gear menu next to Loaded ZenPacks.
  5. Name the ZenPack according to the Naming a ZenPack documentation.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Set Version according to the ZenPack Versioning documentation.
  8. Set Author to Your Name <>.
  9. Set Dependencies according to the ZenPack Dependencies documentation.
  10. Click Save.

After setting the version, author and dependencies for your ZenPack you should export it so the changes get written to the ZenPack's source on the file system.

  1. Choose Export ZenPack from the gear menu in the bottom-left corner of the screen from the ZenPack's detail page.
  2. Leave Export to $ZENHOME/exports selected then click OK.


It's also possible to use zenpacklib to create a ZenPack from the command line instead of through the Zenoss web interface. See :ref:`zenpacklib-create` for more information.

Naming a ZenPack

ZenPacks exist within the ZenPacks namespace. Zenoss requires at least one additional level of namespace before the name of the ZenPack to guard against different Zenoss developers creating ZenPacks by the same name. See the following ZenPack name as an example:


  • ZenPacks is mandatory.
  • zenoss is your definable namespace. zenoss is reserved for Zenoss, Inc. If you're creating a ZenPack that you aim to publish as open source into the Zenoss community as the standard ZenPack for performing some function, the community namespace is recommended. Otherwise your company name or username should be used.
  • Memcached is the name of the ZenPack and should describe what the ZenPack is for in the shortest way possible. The most common functionality to provide with a ZenPack is to monitoring something. For this reason a name like Memcached is acceptable over MemcachedMonitor.

It's also possible to use additional namespaces. It will mainly just create more typing for the developer, so it isn't often used. An example of why you might want to do this is if you want to create many ZenPacks around the same target system. A fictitious example of this would be AWS (Amazon Web Services) monitoring.


ZenPack Versioning

ZenPacks should be thought of as standalone software packages and versioned as such. A three part version number is recommended. For example, X.Y.Z (major.*minor*.*patch*).

Follow these simple rules to maintain a proper version of your ZenPack:

  • 0.7.0: First version you're playing with that others should still be very frightened of. (a.k.a alpha)
  • 0.9.0: First version that you feel is consumable by others. (a.k.a. beta)
  • 1.0.0: First stable version that has been thoroughly tested. Ideally by people other than the original developer, and in environments other than that of the original author.

For versions prior to 1.0.0, any bug fixes, enhancements or API breakages should result in the patch number being incremented.

For versions subsequent to 1.0.0, the following rules should be followed:

  • Bug fixes result in the patch number being incremented.
  • New features that are backward-compatible result in the minor number being incremented and the patch number being reset to 0 even if bug fixes are also included.
  • New features are not backward-compatible result in the major number being incremented and the minor and patch numbers being reset to 0 even if backwards-compatible features or bug fixes are also included.

I recommend Semantic Versioning for a reference on good software versioning practices.

ZenPack Dependencies

You can specify dependencies for your ZenPack. There are two major dependency types. Dependency on the supported version of the Zenoss platform, and dependencies on other ZenPacks.

For ZenPacks installed in developer mode, you can view and edit dependencies by going to Advanced -> ZenPacks -> Your ZenPack in the web interface. Under the Dependencies section you'll have a row for Zenoss and a row for every other ZenPack that's installed in the system.

If you don't plan to test your ZenPack on prior versions of Zenoss, I recommend always setting the Versions(s) field for the Zenoss row to be >=CURRENT_ZENOSS_MINOR_VERSION where CURRENT_ZENOSS_MINOR_VERSION would be something like 3.2 or 4.2. This will prevent your ZenPack from being installed on earlier versions of Zenoss.

If your ZenPack depends on functionality provided by other ZenPacks, you can choose to simply put a check mark in the Required field for each of those ZenPacks and not specify version. This only enforces that some version of that ZenPack must be installed. To create a version-specific dependency, you would enter a >=VERSION or ==VERSION in the Versions(s) field for each ZenPack dependency.

For more information on what comparisons can be used in the Version(s) field you can reference the Python Requirements Parsing documentation.

Exporting a ZenPack

Now that we've created a ZenPack and added some configuration to it, we need to export it. Exporting a ZenPack takes all of the object's you've added to your ZenPack through the web interface and compiles them into an objects.xml file that gets saved into your ZenPack's source directory in the file system.

Follow these steps to export a ZenPack.

  1. Navigate to Advanced -> ZenPacks -> Your ZenPack in the web interface.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see what objects the ZenPack provides.

    All objects listed in the ZenPack Provides section and objects contained within them will be exported.

  3. Choose Export ZenPack from the gear menu in the bottom-left of the screen.

  4. Choose to only export and not download then click OK.

    You could also choose to download the ZenPack through your web browser. However, the downloaded file will be the built egg distribution format of the ZenPack. This means that it can be installed into other Zenoss systems, but is not suitable for further development.

This will export everything under ZenPack Provides to a file within your ZenPack's source called objects.xml. No other files in your ZenPack's source directory are created or modified. You can find this file in the following path:


Each time you add a new object to you ZenPack within the web interface, or modify an object that's already contained within your ZenPack, you should export the ZenPack again to update objects.xml. If you're using version control on your ZenPack's source directory this would be a good time to commit the resulting change to objects.xml.


Exporting a ZenPack completely overwrites the objects.xml file that previously existed within the ZenPack's source directory. For this reason it is recommended that the objects.xml file never be modified by hand.