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An open-source fully configurable and extendible tool that enables event sourcing in MongoDB.


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MESS - Mongo DB Event Sourcing



What is MESS?

MESS is an opensource tool that implement event sourcing listening event from mongodb. For who is used to play with traditiona RDMS it's something like triggers, but fire events outiside database. This application uses the built-in mongodb feature called ChangeStream.

So, adding MESS in your architecture you can forward event for data changes to applications by using webhook or simply add event to a queue like rabbitMQ or Kibana.

The acronym MESS stand for MongoDB Event Sourcing. The more pretty will ask what is the meaning of the last S. I can tell stands for System, but the reality is that it sound more cool with 2 S.

How to install MESS?

There are three scenarios:

  1. clone and forget: as every nodejs application you can edit and change as you like. Not recpmmended old style approach.
  2. include in you own project. instal as a module on top of your application, then extend and use it.
  3. use ready to go docker images: nothing to do except write your own configuration. You will have any customization opporinuty of other scenarios, but with a ready to go option.

Clone and forget

This approach is not recommended and useful only if you want to for this project and use for building something custom. If you are aware of the risk to the follow (or see next methods :) )

git clone <this repo URL>
npm run serve //for prod
npm run dev // for dev

Include on your project

Including the project using NPM give you the opportunity of upgrading the core files and being updated for bugfixes and new features. In your local, you can override most of the features, integrate it in an existent project or add custom plugins.

npm install mongo-event-sourcing --save

Then you have to:

  1. create the config file: Create the file config/config.js and opy here the content of the sample configurartion
  2. integrate the app in your main file by adding
    const eventSourcing = require('./index');

Use Docker

This is the most common and convenient option. The docker images is ready to go and you can include it in a docker-compose file as the following:

version: "2"

    image: zeppaman/mongo-event-sourcing
    #these settings overrides the .env file
      - NODE_ENV=production
      - PORT=5000
      - MONGODB_URL=<my mongo url>
     - ./config/:/usr/src/app/config/
      - "8081"
   # command: "npm run serve"

Once you have mapped the volume, you can write your own file into ./config/config.js. Inside this folder you can write and include other plugin or override the default behaviour.

How to configure MESS?

The main configuration file is located into ./config/config.js and contains a Javasctip object. In this file you can configure and override the default beaviour of the system. The file has the following format

    // default settings
    "database name":
        //database level settings
            //collection level settings


The method or settings more specific are always selected, so when you process a data from a collection the collection scoped settings has priority. Then a fallback takes database related settings if collection related are not preset. Then the default one are used if no database related settings are configured.

Listen changes

In order to listen changes the database must be added to the settings (just create an empty entry like "mydb": {} into the config). If no collection are added as subsettings, all the collection are listed. If you want to listen only some collection, just add it. Also in this case you just need an empty entry inside the database node with the collection name.

Overridables methods

Here the list of the overridable methods and signature.

Method Singature Description
changeHook async function (item,context) listen for the change of a data row

All other methods in action.js can be overriden by adding it in your ./config/config.js, but are intended for internal use only.

Plugin pipeline

The event management is composed by a pipeline of actions. Each one is an async functin that manipolate data and pass it to the next processor. The system comes out of the box with the following plugins:

Plugin configuration Description
log no config listen for the change of a data row
http config: {"endpoint":""} send data to an URL

You can create as many action you want by adding it into the action list inside the plugin list of ./config/config.js .

        "dummy": async function (input,config,context)
            return input;

Each action has the following parameters:

  • input: is the data
  • config: is the configuration settings (choosee using the fallabck rule)
  • context: is the whole configuration

The plugin order is defined by the pipeline object. As usual in this library you can specify it at collection, db, or use the default value. The pipeline definition contains the name of the action an the related config. See the next example:

 pipeline: [




See the sample configuration file for more details.


You can change basic application settins by:

  • changing the .env file
  • setting variable before the node command, ex. `PORT=3000 npm run serve'
  • adding the variable as docker environment variables or system wide variables

Inside the [docker example] (samples/docker/docker-compose.yml) you can find a docker example.

The list of variables allowed are:

Plugin Description
PORT the server port number
MONGO_URL connection string to the server


This project is licensed under the terms of GPL-3. Make the best of it.

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