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ZDX Masternode Setup Guide

cryptoman1978 edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 16 revisions

Local Desktop wallet setup:

  1. Open your wallet and create a new wallet address. Label it something like “MN1”
  2. Send exactly 25,000 ZDX to your new wallet address
  3. Click on “Tools” and then “Debug console”, go to console and type the following commands in console.
  4. First type “masternode genkey” (without the quotation marks). That will give you a string of random number and letters that you will need further on.
  5. Then type “masternode outputs” (without the quotation marks). That will give you one very long number and a short number at the end. You will need both later on.
  6. Create masternode.conf into the ZDXCore folder. %appdata%\ZDXCore
  7. Edit the masternode.conf file and write out one line of text that goes like this: IP:Port < masternode genkey> ie: MN1 93HaYBVUCYjEMeeH1Y4sBGLALQZE1Yc1K64xiqgX37tGBDQL8Xg a7887150a6eddcb4efa93268bdcd2bcd3c84c84f87eaa86e4e56834c92927a07f9e18718810b92e0d0324456a67c 0
  8. Boot up your wallet, click on the “Masternodes” tab and click the button labeled as “Update”, to make sure your Masternode is there.

VPS setup:

You will require an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS with a recommended 1GB of RAM. You should be able to find VPS as low as $5/mo.

Once you are connected through SSH, you will need to follow the next steps.

For Low Ram Servers (1GB of RAM), Create a Swap File.

	sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
	sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
        sudo mkswap /swapfile
	sudo swapon /swapfile
	sudo nano /etc/fstab

Add to fstab file by using arrow down and pasting the following on the file after all that already is there

	/swapfile   none    swap    sw    0   0

(Save and Exit) CTRL+X, Y to save, ENTER to keep the file name

Step 1: Server update & creation of new user

           sudo apt-get update
           sudo apt-get upgrade
           adduser newUsername
           usermod –aG sudo newUsername
           su – newUsername

Step 2: Firewall

           sudo apt-get ufw
           sudo ufw allow 19849
           sudo ufw default deny incoming
           sudo ufw default allow outgoing
           sudo ufw enable

Step 3: Downloading dependencies

           sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev automake unzip
           sudo apt-get install automake pkg-config bsdmainutils libgmp3-dev -y
           sudo apt-get install git
           sudo apt-get install libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev -y
           sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
           sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
           sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
           sudo apt-get update
           sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
           sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev

Step 4: Download wallet

 mkdir ~/.ZDXCore/
 rm -rf

Note: If this is the first time running the wallet in the VPS, you’ll need to attempt to start the wallet

cd ZDXCore  press enter
./zdxd   press enter

This will place the config files in your ~/.ZDXCore data directory. To exit/stop the wallet

./zdx-cli stop

Step 5: Configuring wallet

To be able to run your wallet, you have to create a configuration file. Let’s do that now.

nano ~/.ZDXCore/zdx.conf
masternodeprivkey= From Local Desktop wallet setup item # 4
masternodeaddr=From your VPS Public IP:19849

(Save and Exit) CTRL+X, Y to save, ENTER to keep the file name

Now you can start the wallet:


You should see server starting, and let it sync for a while. To check the status of your Masternode:

./zdx-cli getinfo
./zdx-cli masternode status

How and when to start the Masternode:

Once your collateral transaction of 25,000 coins has reached 16 confirmations, go to the Masternode tab
and press the start button. It should show that your Masternode was successful.

If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to ask for support.

Donations: If you find that this guide has helped you and you want to appreciate it, please donate it to below information.

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