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0.5.2 Add new decorators and improve action rendering code

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@zeraien zeraien released this 28 May 10:59
· 10 commits to master since this release

[0.5.2] - 2020-04-29


  • Using @json_action() or @yaml_action() would crash if the action returns an HttpResponse and not serializable data.

[0.5.0] - 2020-04-10


  • @auto() decorator, will render your action response based on the HTTP Accept header
  • @json_action(json_encoder=None) decorator, will render all action returns as JSON
  • @yaml_action(default_flow_style=None) decorator, will render all action returns as YaML
  • Site.autodiscover() now accepts new_inflection_library parameter, if True, controller names will be translated into URLs using the inflection library
  • Decorators can now be imported directly from django_url_framework.decorators
  • use_inflection_library for ActionController, if set to None, allows the Site to control it, oterwise the controller can override the Site setting.
  • yaml_default_flow_style - If you want collections to be always serialized in the block style, set to False
  • json_default_encoder - Set your custom JSONEncoder class
  • Return a 2 item tuple from any action with the second item being the desired status code. Warning: Potentially breaking change