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Installation instructions

dzacarias edited this page Dec 4, 2010 · 11 revisions


First, you need to install Ruby on Rails. Then, you need some extra Gems.

Radia Source depends on the following Ruby Gems (listed alongside the most recently tested versions):

  • rails (2.3.2)
  • vpim (0.658)



Note: please use a DB other than SQLite. There is a query used by this application that is not syntactically supported by SQLite3. This problem should go away once support for multiple Schedules is added.

  1. In the config directory, rename database.example to database.yml, with your desired configuration. Likewise for mailer.example and services.example
  2. Create a new secret key for sessions (through the rake secret command). Use it in config/environment.rb
  3. Load the database schema (run command rake db:schema:load)


  1. In the config directory, rename database.example to database.yml, with your desired configuration. Likewise for playout.example
  2. Create a new secret key for sessions (through the rake secret command). Use it in config/environment.rb
  3. Load the database schema (run command rake db:schema:load)