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IntelliSense in debugging

zero-plusplus edited this page Sep 26, 2021 · 1 revision


Since this feature is achieved using the debugger, it only works during debugging.

The variables that are displayed in the Data inspection will be suggested. Supports dot notation (e.g. object.field) and bracket notation (e.g. object["field"]).

If you use suggestion with bracket notation, please note the following

  • Like dot notation, it is suggested when you type a ., such as object.. Otherwise, you need to type up to object[" and then type Ctrl + Space
  • Variable name is supported for key specification, such as object[keys[1]].

Note the following additional points for v2 users.

  • AutoHotkey error may occur when suggestions a child element of a dynamic property. This is caused by the get or set function of the dynamic property being executed

If you don't need this feature, set useIntelliSenseInDebugging to false in launch.json