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zeroblade1984 edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 9 revisions

Kernel Features

The kernel is based on stock HTC Source which has a few modifications and additions to maximize the unit's potential..

  • No long Intro's that will make you fall asleep..
  • Simple and no fancy stuff..(more does not guarantee it's better)
  • Built with my OWN toolchain based on stable release of GCC 4.9.x (no fancy heavy beta features..strictly follows Google's standards for toolchain build)
  • More RAM..
  • GPU by default is boosted to 450mhz..(not so hardcore)
  • A finer User voltage control(thanks to Stratosk)..
  • Unsecure kernel image..
  • Custom Hotplug algorithm with multi-core efficiency..
  • Sweep to wake/sleep..
  • Double tap to wake..:+1:

Development Targets

This started out as just a personal project that ended up with good results so why not share the same time its a perfect moment to practice some development skills..I am not after the fame/recognition but instead I want people coming in and share the kind of "user-experience" they have after using my work..keeping it simple is the name of my game and simple innovations will be hardcore, fancy, broken stuff will be implemented..this is still a personal project so keeping things stable for daily use is the main goal..

Having this said, Development will NEVER focus on the following principles:

  • Things I do personally not need
  • Things I do not like
  • Things that are in any way dangerous
  • Anything which is highly experimental
  • F2FS - it is known to cause various issues and compatibility problems and is just compatible for AOSP Roms
  • Anything that requires upstreaming of kernel parts to a higher kernel major version

So do not even ask for it if it falls into the listed categories. Everything else I am happy to check and decide.

And 1 more thing, I do not really care about benchmark numbers, they say almost nothing as long as something is not completely wrong. Important for me mainly is the "user-experience".

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