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OctoSQL Plugin for ETCD (snapshots)

This is a plugin to run queries against etcd snapshots. This plugin is compatible with the key layout of Kubernetes.

Values are not support (yet).

The very basic example is listing all keys:

$ octosql "SELECT * FROM etcd.snapshot"

where "etcd.snapshot" is an etcd snapshot in the current folder that was generated with etcdctl snapshot save.

The table schema currently looks like that:

$ octosql "SELECT * FROM etcd.snapshot" --describe
|       name        |      type       | time_field |
| 'apigroup'        | 'NULL | String' | false      |
| 'apiserverPrefix' | 'NULL | String' | false      |
| 'key'             | 'String'        | false      |
| 'name'            | 'NULL | String' | false      |
| 'namespace'       | 'NULL | String' | false      |
| 'resourceType'    | 'NULL | String' | false      |
| 'valueSize'       | 'Int'           | false      |
  • key is the actual key in etcd, all others can be NULL.
  • apiserverPrefix is the prefix defined in the apiserver, for example, or registry
  • apigroup are specified groups, eg.
  • resourceType are the usual k8s resources like "pod", "service", "deployment"
  • namespace is the namespace of that resource
  • name is the resource name
  • valueSize is the amount of bytes needed to store the value


Awesome queries you can run against your etcd snapshots now:

$ octosql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM etcd.snapshot"
| count |
| 10953 |

Get all keys that are named "console"

$ octosql "SELECT * FROM etcd.snapshot WHERE name='console'"
|                                       key                                        | apiserverPrefix |        apigroup         |      resourceType      |      namespace      |   name    |
| '/'                                     | '' | <null>                  | 'clusterrolebindings'  | <null>              | 'console' |
| '/'                                            | '' | <null>                  | 'clusterroles'         | <null>              | 'console' |
| '/'                    | '' | <null>                  | ''  | 'clusteroperators'  | 'console' |
| '/'                           | '' | <null>                  | 'deployments'          | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | '' | 'servicemonitors'      | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/'                  | '' | <null>                  | 'poddisruptionbudgets' | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/'                                | '' | <null>                  | 'rolebindings'         | 'kube-system'       | 'console' |
| '/'                       | '' | <null>                  | 'serviceaccounts'      | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/'                    | '' | 'services'              | 'endpoints'            | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/'                        | '' | 'services'              | 'specs'                | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/'                                            | ''  | <null>                  | 'oauth'                | 'clients'           | 'console' |
| '/'                                 | ''  | <null>                  | 'routes'               | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |

Get how many events are emitted by namespace

$ octosql "SELECT namespace, COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM etcd.snapshot where resourceType='events' GROUP BY namespace ORDER BY CNT DESC"
|                     namespace                      | CNT |
| 'openshift-monitoring'                             | 460 |
| 'openshift-kube-apiserver-operator'                | 371 |
| 'openshift-etcd-operator'                          | 353 |
| 'openshift-multus'                                 | 347 |
| 'openshift-etcd'                                   | 340 |
| 'openshift-cluster-csi-drivers'                    | 285 |
| 'openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator'       | 278 |
| 'openshift-kube-controller-manager'                | 261 |
| 'openshift-apiserver'                              | 234 |
| 'openshift-authentication-operator'                | 227 |
| 'openshift-kube-apiserver'                         | 222 |

How many image streams are there?

$ octosql "SELECT COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM etcd.snapshot where resourceType='imagestreams'  ORDER BY CNT DESC"
| CNT |
|  60 |

Diff between two snapshots

$ octosql "SELECT l.key FROM etcd.snapshot l LEFT JOIN etcd_later.snapshot r ON l.key = r.key WHERE r.key IS NULL"
|                                                                                                key                                                                                                |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |
| '/'                                                                                                                                             |

What namespaces are taking the most space?

$ octosql "SELECT namespace, SUM(valueSize) AS S from etcd.snapshot GROUP BY namespace ORDER BY S DESC"

|                     namespace                      |    S    |
| 'openshift-monitoring'                             | 3635823 |
| 'customresourcedefinitions'                        | 2752055 |
| 'apirequestcounts'                                 | 2138028 |
| <null>                                             | 1737472 |
| 'openshift-config-managed'                         | 1278729 |


  1. Follow the instructions on OctoSQL to install the query binary.
  2. Register the etcdsnapshot with the "snapshot" extension like that:

mkdir -p ~/.octosql/ && echo "{"snapshot": "etcdsnapshot"}" > ~/.octosql/file_extension_handlers.json

  1. Add this repository as a plugin repo:

octosql plugin repository add

  1. Install the plugin:

octosql plugin install etcdsnapshot/etcdsnapshot

Try it out with a snapshot file named "etcd.snapshot" in the current folder:

octosql "SELECT * FROM etcd.snapshot"

Build locally

In order to get a build directly from the source, you can leverage the makefile to build:

make build

and install it directly in the plugin directory with:

make install


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  • Go 93.0%
  • Makefile 7.0%