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libzmq 4.3.1

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@sappo sappo released this 12 Jan 16:21

0MQ version 4.3.1 stable, released on 2019/01/12

  • CVE-2019-6250: A vulnerability has been found that would allow attackers to direct a peer to
    jump to and execute from an address indicated by the attacker.
    This issue has been present since v4.2.0. Older releases are not affected.
    NOTE: The attacker needs to know in advance valid addresses in the peer's
    memory to jump to, so measures like ASLR are effective mitigations.
    NOTE: this attack can only take place after authentication, so peers behind
    CURVE/GSSAPI are not vulnerable to unauthenticated attackers.
    See #3351 for more details.
    Thanks to Guido Vranken for uncovering the issue and providing the fix!

  • Note for packagers: as pkg-config's Requires.private is now used to properly
    propagate dependencies for static builds, the libzmq*-dev or zeromq-devel or
    equivalent package should now depend on the libfoo-dev or foo-devel packages
    of all the libraries that zmq is linked against, or pkg-config --libs libzmq
    will fail due to missing dependencies on end users machines.

  • Fixed #3351 - remote code execution vulnerability.

  • Fixed #3343 - race condition in ZMQ_PUSH when quickly disconnecting and
    reconnecting causes last part of multi-part message to get
    "stuck" and resent by mistake to the new socket.

  • Fixed #3336 - set Requires.private in generate pkg-config file.

  • Fixed #3334 - set TCP_NODELAY after connect() on Windows for the I/O socket.

  • Fixed #3326 - assert on Android when opening a socket and disabling WiFi.

  • Fixed #3320 - build failure on OpenBSD with GCC.