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(examples) Added Advent of Code 2023, Day 10
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zertovitch committed Dec 10, 2023
1 parent e00e74b commit 4241d9a
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Showing 5 changed files with 679 additions and 5 deletions.
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions exm/aoc/2023/aoc_2023.gpr
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ project AoC_2023 is
AoC_Styles_Checks : AoC_Styles_Checks_Type := external ("AoC_Styles_Checks", "Level_1");

for Main use
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,10 +70,7 @@ project AoC_2023 is
end case;

Fast_Options := (
"-funroll-loops", "-fpeel-loops", "-funswitch-loops",
"-ftracer", "-fweb", "-frename-registers",
"-ftree-vectorize", "-fipa-cp-clone", "-fgcse-after-reload"

Debug_Options := (
Expand Down
319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions exm/aoc/2023/aoc_2023_10.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
-- Solution to Advent of Code 2023, Day 10
-- Pipe Maze
-- Copy of questions in: aoc_2023_10_questions.txt

with AoC_Toolbox;

-- For building this program with a "full Ada" compiler,
-- such as GNAT, you need the HAT package.
-- The files hat*.ad* are located in ../../../src
-- See also the GNAT project file aoc_2023.gpr .
with HAT;

procedure AoC_2023_10 is

use AoC_Toolbox, HAT;

-- input_name : constant VString := +"mini"; n : constant := 20; nx3 : constant := 60;
input_name : constant VString := +"aoc_2023_10"; n : constant := 140; nx3 : constant := 420;

map : array (1 .. n, 1 .. n) of Character;
si, sj : Positive;

procedure Read_Data is
f : File_Type;
c : Character;
Open (f, input_name & ".txt");
for i in 1 .. n loop
for j in 1 .. n loop
Get (f, c);
if c = 'S' then
si := i;
sj := j;
end if;
map (i, j) := c;
end loop;
end loop;
Close (f);
end Read_Data;

r : array (Part_Type) of Integer;

visited : array (1 .. n, 1 .. n) of Boolean;

type State is (clean, path, outside);

visited_x3 : array (1 .. nx3, 1 .. nx3) of State;

path_length : Natural := 0;

procedure Do_Part_1 is
i, j : Positive;
iii, jjj : Natural;
i3, j3 : Integer;
p : Character;
procedure Go is
i := iii;
j := jjj;
visited (i, j) := True;
path_length := path_length + 1;
end Go;
for i in 1 .. n loop
for j in 1 .. n loop
visited (i, j) := False;
end loop;
end loop;
for i in 1 .. nx3 loop
for j in 1 .. nx3 loop
visited_x3 (i, j) := clean;
end loop;
end loop;
i := si;
j := sj;
p := map (i, j);
main :
scan :
for ii in -1 .. 1 loop
for jj in -1 .. 1 loop
if abs (ii) + abs (jj) = 1 then
iii := i + ii;
jjj := j + jj;
-- Try next move on iii, jjj
i3 := 1 + (iii - 1) * 3;
j3 := 1 + (jjj - 1) * 3;
if iii in 1 .. n
and then jjj in 1 .. n
and then visited (iii, jjj) = False
case map (iii, jjj) is
when '|' =>
if (ii = 1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '|' or else p = 'F' or else p = '7'))
or else (ii = -1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '|' or else p = 'L' or else p = 'J'))
-- Draw on 3x3 square. Here we have:
-- .#.
-- .#.
-- .#.
visited_x3 (i3, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 2, j3 + 1) := path;
exit scan;
end if;
when '-' =>
if (jj = 1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '-' or else p = 'L' or else p = 'F'))
or else (jj = -1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '-' or else p = '7' or else p = 'J'))
-- Draw on 3x3 square
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 2) := path;
exit scan;
end if;
when 'L' =>
if (ii = 1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '|' or else p = 'F' or else p = '7'))
or else (jj = -1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '-' or else p = '7' or else p = 'J'))
-- Draw on 3x3 square. Here we have:
-- .#.
-- .##
-- ...
visited_x3 (i3, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 2) := path;
exit scan;
end if;
when 'J' =>
if (ii = 1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '|' or else p = 'F' or else p = '7'))
or else (jj = 1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '-' or else p = 'L' or else p = 'F'))
-- Draw on 3x3 square
visited_x3 (i3, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 1) := path;
exit scan;
end if;
when '7' =>
if (ii = -1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '|' or else p = 'L' or else p = 'J'))
or else (jj = 1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '-' or else p = 'L' or else p = 'F'))
-- Draw on 3x3 square
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 2, j3 + 1) := path;
exit scan;
end if;
when 'F' =>
if (ii = -1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '|' or else p = 'L' or else p = 'J'))
or else (jj = -1 and then (p = 'S' or else p = '-' or else p = '7' or else p = 'J'))
-- Draw on 3x3 square
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 2) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 2, j3 + 1) := path;
exit scan;
end if;
when 'S' =>
if (ii = -1 and then (p = '|' or else p = 'L' or else p = 'J'))
or else (jj = -1 and then (p = '-' or else p = '7' or else p = 'J'))
or else (ii = 1 and then (p = '|' or else p = 'F' or else p = '7'))
or else (jj = 1 and then (p = '-' or else p = 'L' or else p = 'F'))
if path_length > 1 then -- Avoid immediate return to Start.
-- put("back!");
-- Draw a cross on 3x3 square
visited_x3 (i3, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 1) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 1, j3 + 2) := path;
visited_x3 (i3 + 2, j3 + 1) := path;
exit scan;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop scan;
p := map (i, j);
exit main when p = 'S';
end loop main;
r (part_1) := path_length / 2;
end Do_Part_1;

verbose : constant Boolean := False;

-- PPM output adapted from AoC_2022_12.
procedure Dump_PPM is
d : File_Type;
Create (d, input_name & ".ppm");
Put (d, "P6" & Chr (10));
Put (d, nx3); Put (d, ' ');
Put (d, nx3); Put (d, Chr (10));
Put (d, "255" & Chr (10));
for i in 1 .. nx3 loop
for j in 1 .. nx3 loop
case visited_x3 (i, j) is
when clean =>
Put (d, Chr (160));
Put (d, Chr (240));
Put (d, Chr (190));
when path =>
Put (d, Chr (0));
Put (d, Chr (16));
Put (d, Chr (8));
when outside =>
Put (d, Chr (255));
Put (d, Chr (255));
Put (d, Chr (255));
end case;
end loop;
end loop;
Close (d);
end Dump_PPM;

procedure Do_Part_2 is
procedure Flood_Fill (i, j : Integer) is -- Taken from aoc_2022_18.
if i in 1 .. nx3
and then j in 1 .. nx3
and then visited_x3 (i, j) = clean
visited_x3 (i, j) := outside;
Flood_Fill (i - 1, j);
Flood_Fill (i + 1, j);
Flood_Fill (i, j - 1);
Flood_Fill (i, j + 1);
end if;
end Flood_Fill;
c : Natural := 0;
i3, j3, sq : Natural;
-- Flood fill the outside part, starting
-- from the (1, 1) point of the detailed map.
-- The big path never touches the detailed map's border
-- (otherwise, the path would not be closed).
-- Consequently, the set outside the path is connected
-- and we are fine starting with the (1, 1) point only.
Flood_Fill (1, 1);

for i in 1 .. n loop
for j in 1 .. n loop
sq := 0;
i3 := 1 + (i - 1) * 3;
j3 := 1 + (j - 1) * 3;
for ii in 0 .. 2 loop
for jj in 0 .. 2 loop
if visited_x3 (i3 + ii, j3 + jj) = outside then
sq := sq + 1;
end if;
if sq = 9 then
-- The entire 3x3 square is marked as "outside".
-- Then it is neither inside, nor a cell with the big path.
-- In the latter case, we have, for instance for a 'L',
-- only 8 squares set as visited:
-- OpI
-- Opp
-- OOO
-- O = outside, set by Flood_Fill
-- p = path, set by part 1
-- I = inside; not set.
c := c + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
-- Inside = surface - path's length - outside.
r (part_2) := n * n - path_length - c;
end Do_Part_2;

compiler_test_mode : constant Boolean := Argument_Count >= 2;
T0 : constant Time := Clock;
if verbose then
end if;
if compiler_test_mode then
if r (part_1) /= Integer_Value (Argument (1)) or
r (part_2) /= Integer_Value (Argument (2))
Set_Exit_Status (1); -- Compiler test failed.
end if;
Put_Line (+"Done in: " & (Clock - T0) & " seconds");
Put_Line (+"Part 1: : " & r (part_1));
Put_Line (+"Part 2: : " & r (part_2));
-- Part 1: validated by AoC: 6897
-- Part 2: validated by AoC: 367
end if;
end AoC_2023_10;

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