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zesterer committed Nov 2, 2023
2 parents 6f6ee20 + 45f2a7e commit bca24bd
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Showing 30 changed files with 7,395 additions and 6,186 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@

32 changes: 22 additions & 10 deletions Cargo.toml
@@ -1,32 +1,43 @@
name = "euc"
version = "0.5.3"
version = "0.6.0"
description = "A software rendering crate that lets you write shaders with Rust"
authors = ["Joshua Barretto <>", "Martin Sandfuchs <>"]
license = "Apache-2.0 AND MIT"
repository = ""
readme = ""
edition = "2018"
keywords = ["renderer", "3D", "graphics", "raster"]
keywords = ["renderer", "3D", "graphics", "rasterizer", "shader"]
exclude = [

num-traits = { version = "0.2.11", default-features = false, optional = true }
vek = { version = "0.14.1", default-features = false, features = ["rgb", "rgba"] }
vek = { version = "0.16", default-features = false, features = [] }
image = { version = "0.24", optional = true }
num_cpus = { version = "1.13", optional = true }
fxhash = { version = "0.2", optional = true }
micromath = { version = "1.1", optional = true }
clipline = "0.1.2"

default = ["std"]
default = ["std", "image", "par"]
std = ["vek/std"]
libm = ["vek/libm", "num-traits"]
libm = ["vek/libm"]
nightly = []
simd = ["vek/repr_simd", "vek/platform_intrinsics"]
image = ["dep:image"]
par = ["std", "num_cpus", "fxhash"]
micromath = ["dep:micromath"]

minifb = "0.19.1"
tobj = "2.0.2"
criterion = "0.3"
image = "0.23.12"
vek = { version = "0.16", default-features = false, features = ["rgba"] }
minifb = "0.20"
wavefront = "0.2"
criterion = "0.3.3"
image = "0.24"
derive_more = "0.99"

bench = false
Expand All @@ -38,3 +49,4 @@ harness = false
# Optimize by default so we don't need to remember to always pass in --release
opt-level = 3
overflow-checks = false
183 changes: 129 additions & 54 deletions
Expand Up @@ -2,84 +2,158 @@


# <img src="misc/example.png" alt="Utah teapot, rendered with Euc" width="100%"/>
# <img src="misc/example.png" alt="Utah teapot, rendered with shadow-mapping and phong shading at 60 fps"/>

## Example

struct Example;

impl Pipeline for Example {
type Vertex = [f32; 2];
type VsOut = ();
type Pixel = [u8; 4];
// A type that specifies a rendering pipeline.
// You can add fields to this type, like uniforms in traditional GPU shader programs.
struct Triangle;

impl Pipeline for Triangle {
type Vertex<'v> = [f32; 2]; // Each vertex has an x and y component
type VertexData = Unit; // No data is passed from the vertex shader to the fragment shader
type Primitives = TriangleList; // Our vertices come in the form of a list of triangles
type Fragment = [u8; 3]; // Each fragment is 3 bytes: red, green, and blue
type Pixel = [u8; 3]; // Color buffer pixels have the same format as fragments.

// Vertex shader (determines the screen-space position of each vertex)
fn vertex(&self, pos: &Self::Vertex<'_>) -> ([f32; 4], Self::VertexData) {
([pos[0], pos[1], 0.0, 1.0], Unit)

// Vertex shader
fn vert(&self, pos: &Self::Vertex) -> ([f32; 3], Self::VsOut) {
([pos[0], pos[1], 0.0], ())
// Fragment shader (determines the colour of each triangle fragment)
fn fragment(&self, _: Self::VertexData) -> Self::Fragment {
[255, 0, 0] // Paint the triangle red

// Fragment shader
fn frag(&self, _: &Self::VsOut) -> Self::Pixel {
[255, 0, 0, 255] // Red
// Blend shader (determines how to blend new fragments into the existing colour buffer)
fn blend(&self, _: Self::Pixel, col: Self::Fragment) -> Self::Pixel {
col // Just replace the color buffer's previous pixel

fn main() {
let mut color = Buffer2d::new([640, 480], [0; 4]);
let mut depth = Buffer2d::new([640, 480], 1.0);

Example.draw::<Triangles<_>, _>(
[-1.0, -1.0],
[ 1.0, -1.0],
[ 0.0, 1.0],
&mut color,
&mut depth,
// Create a new color buffer to render to
let mut color = Buffer2d::new([640, 480], [0; 3]);

// Specify the coordinates of the triangle's corners
&[[-1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0]],
// Specify the color buffer to render to
&mut color,
// We have no need for a depth buffer, so use `Empty` as a substitute
&mut Empty::default(),

See `examples/` for more code examples.

## What is `euc`?

`euc` is a versatile, simple to use crate that allows 3D rendering on the CPU. It has a portable, compact design that makes it perfect for
prototyping ideas, unit testing, or even simple realtime applications. `euc` is currently under active development.
`euc` is a [software-rendering](
crate for rendering 3D scenes on the CPU. The API is designed to be clean,
powerful, and heavily leans on Rust's type system to ensure correct usage.

`euc` is fast enough to render simple scenes in real-time and supports
thread-based parallelism to accelerate rendering.

## Features

- Write shaders in Rust (vertex, geometry, fragment and blend shaders)
- Multithreading support for parallel rendering acceleration
- Many supported primitives and vertex formats (triangle lists, line pairs, etc.)
- N-dimensional textures and samplers (including support for filtering, clamping, tiling, mirroring, etc.)
- Customisable coordinate space (choose compatibility with OpenGL, Vulkan, DirectX, or Metal)
- Built-in support for index buffers

## Why?

- Modern graphics APIs are complex, verbose beasts. Rendering with the CPU means less complexity, less boilerplate and less verbosity:
perfect for testing ideas.
Below are a few circumstances in which you might want to use `euc`.

### Learning and experimentation

Modern graphics APIs are complex, verbose beasts. The code required to set them
up properly requires a lot of bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. This problem has only
become worse with the latest iteration of graphics APIs. Vulkan's canonical
['Hello Triangle' example](
is, when shader code is included, 994 lines of code. Compare that to `euc`'s 34.
This is obviously not without tradeoff: Vulkan is a powerful modern graphics API
that's designed for high-performance GPGPU on a vast array of hardware while
`euc` is simply a humble software-renderer.

However, for someone new to 3D rendering that wants to explore new techniques
without all of the beaurocratic cruft, `euc` might well serve a useful purpose.

- Modern CPUs are fast enough to make simple 3D programs run at reasonable speeds (although they are of course no match for GPUs). It's
possible to write surprisingly complex realtime 3D software with the CPU only.
### Static images, pre-renders, and UI

- Not requiring a GPU interface means that `euc` is incredibly portable. As a result, `euc` is `no_std` (if you have a nightly compiler).
`euc` may not be well-suited to high-performance real-time graphics, but there
are many applications that don't require this. For example,
[Veloren]( currently uses `euc` to pre-render 3D item
models as icons to be displayed in-game later.

- `euc` has consistent cross-platform behaviour and doesn't require a GPU to run. This makes it perfect for use as a unit testing tool.
`euc` is also more than fast enough for soft real-time applications such as UI
rendering, particularly for state-driven UIs that only update when events occur.
In addition, tricky rendering problems like font rasterization become much
simpler to solve on the CPU.

- Running on the CPU allows a more dynamic approach to data access.
For applications in which performance is less of a concern, `euc` lowers the barrier of low-level 3D development and allows for more novel
approaches to graphics rendering to be realised.
### Embedded

`euc` doesn't require `std` to run. Are you writing a toy OS? Do you want a
pretty UI with a 3D graphics API but you don't want to write your own GPU
drivers? `euc` has you covered, even for simple real-time graphics.

### Testing

`euc` doesn't need a GPU to run. Most servers and CI machines don't have access
to one either. If you want to check the consistency of some rendered output,
`euc` is perfect for the job.

### Unconventional environments

Access to render surfaces for most modern graphics APIs is done through a window
manager or similar such component that manages access to framebuffers. Don't
have access to that because you're writing a 3D command-line game? `euc` might
be what you're looking for. In addition, `euc` uses Rust's type system to allow
rendering to unconventional framebuffer formats. Now you can render to a `char`

### Relaxed data access patterns

GPUs are brilliantly fast, but there's a reason that we don't use them for
everything: they're also *heavily* optimised around very specific kinds of data
manipulation. CPUs are more general-purpose and as a result, `euc` allows much
more dynamic access to rendering resources.

## Coordinate System

Where possible, `euc` tries to use a coordinate system similar in nature to OpenGL. If you're used to OpenGL, you'll have no trouble working
with `euc`.
By default, `euc` uses a left-handed coordinate system with 0-1 z clipping (like
Vulkan). However, both of these properties can be changed independently and
`euc` provides coordinate system constants that correspond to those of common
graphics APIs such as:

- `CoordinateMode::VULKAN`
- `CoordinateMode::OPENGL`
- `CoordinateMode::METAL`
- `CoordinateMode::DIRECTX`

Note that using these constants do not change the coordinates of things like
texture samplers, yet.

## Release Mode

Cargo, by default, compiles Rust code in debug mode. In this mode, very few optimisations are made upon the code, and as a result the
performance of software rendering tends to suffer. To experience this project with good performance, make sure to compile with the
`--release` flag.
Cargo, by default, compiles Rust code in debug mode. In this mode, very few
optimisations are made upon the code, and as a result the performance of
software rendering tends to suffer. To experience this project with good
performance, make sure to compile with the `--release` flag.

## `no_std`

`euc` can be compiled on platforms that lack standard library support. This makes it ideal for rendering 3D graphics on embedded devices.
You can enable `no_std` support by disabling the default features and enabling the `libm` feature in your `Cargo.toml` file like so:
`euc` can be compiled on platforms that lack standard library support. This
makes it ideal for rendering 3D graphics on embedded devices. You can enable
`no_std` support by disabling the default features and enabling the `libm`
feature in your `Cargo.toml` file like so:

Expand All @@ -88,19 +162,20 @@ euc = { version = "x.y.z", default-features = false, features = ["libm"] }

## Goals

- Support programmable shaders written in Rust
- Support programmable shaders written in Rust.

- Support common pipeline features such as texture samplers, multiple rendering passes, uniform data, etc.
- Support common pipeline features such as texture samplers, multiple rendering
passes, uniform data, etc.

- Simple, elegant interface that scales well
- Simple, elegant API that scales well and doesn't get in the way.

- Correctness
- Correctness, where doing so doesn't significantly compromise performance.

## Non-Goals

- Extreme optimisation (although obvious low-hanging fruit will be picked)
- Extreme optimisation (although obvious low-hanging fruit will be picked).

- Compliance/compatibility with an existing API (i.e: OpenGL)
- Compliance/compatibility with an existing API (i.e: OpenGL).

## License

Expand All @@ -110,4 +185,4 @@ euc = { version = "x.y.z", default-features = false, features = ["libm"] }

- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or

at the disgression of the user.
at the discretion of the user.

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