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TEMPORARY NOTES (11-6-2020):

Normalization to the db occurred. You must run the scripts in the migrations folder!

HomeSalesClub API Objectives

HomeSalesClub is a factory service to capture data from public records. With the wealth of data at our fingertips, we perform statistical probability distribution calculations on the data to project changes in given industries.


Note: You must have aws configure running.
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

If you're using mac without Docker, xcode-select install must be run, brew install bcrypt is also required.

Docker required RAM: 4 GB

  1. Copy environment variables from AWS account (System Manager's Parameter Store) in a .env file at root of project

  2. Seed Database

$ npm run static_seed
  1. Run Server via docker
$ docker-compose up


  • Eviction
    For eviction, we need the Plaintiff because they own the property. The tenant is living in it but they do not own it
  • Probate
    In a probate case, that is the person who died.
    The person who died owns the property but since they are dead, the property is bequeathed to the offspring.
    So who does it get passed on to? It gets passed onto the petitioner
    They are petitioning for the property since the descendent has died.
    So in this case, the property of the descendent becomes the property address and the address of petitioner becomes mailing address
  • Traffic
    This practice type is about Traffic Infractions and Criminal Traffic. Criminal Traffic is a criminal offense and is more serious.
    Criminal Traffic is like driving drunk and without a license. Traffic Infraction is like going through a red light.
    We need to save the Defendant information (including the property information) for this
  • Civil
    SC PIP </=$100 goes under personal-injury practice type, and save the plaintiff information.
    CC Equity >$15,000 - $30,000 save the plaintiff information
    Real Property/Mortgage Foreclosure $1 - $15,000 is preforeclosure
    CC Property Insurance Claims >$15,000 - $30,000 is insurance-claims
    CC Credit Card Debt > $8,000 - $15,000 is debt
    CC Credit Card Debt >$15,000 - $30,000 is debt
    Removal of Tenant Residential & Dmgs is eviction
    Removal of Tenant Non-Residential is eviction
    Removal of Tenant Non-Residential & Dmgs is eviction
    CC Equity </= $15,000 is civil
    Chapter 82 - Unlawful Detainer is eviction
    SC Property Insurance Claim > $500 - $2,500 is insurance-claims
    SC Damages is debt
    CC Damages is debt
    In the case of Real Property/Mortgage Foreclosure $1 - $15,000, we want defs
    In the case of CC Credit Card Debt, we want defs
    In case of SC Property Insurance Claim, we want pls
    In case of SC Damages, we want pls
    In case of Removal of Tenant Residential & Dogs is eviction, we want pls
    In case of Chapter 82 - Unlawful Detainer is eviction, we want both pls and defs
    In case of CC Equity, we want defs
    CC Replevin >$15,000 - $30,000 is debt, we want defs
    Civil Restitution Lien is debt, store defs
    "XX Auto Recovery" is insurance-claim store defs
    Neg - Negligent Security is personal-injury, store defs Neg - Construction Defect is property-defect, store pls
  • Criminal
    Store felony and misdemeanor cases as criminal, and save the defs

Task Scheduler Overview

civil two run per minute at 6pm

{ source: 'civil' } 1039

1039 / 2 = run two per minute (8 and half hours) scrapetorium-civil-produce2-scheduled-task cron(0/1 22-7 * * ? *) npm,run,civil_produce

{ source: 'code-violation' } 1039

1039 / 2 = run two per minute (8 and half hours) scrapetorium-code-violation-produce-scheduled-task cron(0/1 22-7 * * ? *) npm,run,code_violation_producer

{ source: 'auctioncom' } 51

51 * 10 = run one every 10 minutes (8 and half hours) scrapetorium-auctioncom-produce-scheduled-task cron(0/10 22-7 * * ? *) npm,run,auctioncom_produce

{ source: 'foreclosurecom' } 51

51 * 10 = run one every 10 minutes (8 and half hours) scrapetorium-foreclosurecom-produce-scheduled-task cron(0/10 22-7 * * ? *) npm,run,foreclosurecom_produce

After 12 hours when the producer scripts started running, we reset the producer scripts: reset_civil_producers (civil producer) scrapetorium-reset-civil-producers-scheduled-task cron(0 8 * * ? *) npm,run,reset_civil_producers

reset_data_aggregator_producers (foreclosurecom and auctioncom producer) reset-data-aggregator-producers-scheduled-task cron(0 8 * * ? *) npm,run,reset_data_aggregator_producers

scrapetorium-reset-code-violation-producers-scheduled-task (code violation producer) scrapetorium-reset-code-violation-producers cron(0 8 * * ? *) npm,run,reset_code_violation_producers

After 12 hours from when the producer scripts started running, the PA scripts will run: county_property_appraiser_consume

1039 / 2 = run two per minute (8 and half hours)

  • Special note if California, then it will trigger the california script scrapetorium-county-property-appraiser-consume-scheduled-task cron(0 8 * * ? *) npm,run,county_property_appraiser_consume

After 18 hours, then the landgrid PA runs: scrapetorium-landgrid-property-appraiser-consume-scheduled-task cron(0 14 * * ? *) npm,run,landgrid_property_appraiser_consume

After 19 hours: reset_property_appraiser_consumers (reset county pa consumer) scrapetorium-reset-property-appraiser-consumers-scheduled-task cron(0 15 * * ? *) npm,run,reset_property_appraiser_consumers

scrapetorium-reset-landgrid-pa-consumers-scheduled-task reset-landgrid-pa-consumers (reset landgrid pa consumer) scrapetorium-reset-landgrid-pa-consumers-scheduled-task cron(0 15 * * ? *)

Diagnosing Scripts

The PA consumer scripts are critical to fill in missing details. This is how to diagnose how effective landgrid consumer is:

  1. Confirm script ran: // public_record_producers { source: 'civil', processed: true }

  2. Given that Maricopa successfully ran, then search the product ids: // products db.products.find({ name: /^/az/maricopa/}).map( doc => doc._id )

  3. Query owner_product_properties by those product ids: // owner_product_properties { landgridPropertyAppraiserProcessed: true, productId: { $in: [ ObjectID("5f3fdfe25461f700251c7fae"), ObjectID("5f3fdfdf5461f700251c7fa2"), ... ]} }

  4. Now determine the success rate of the county: // owner_product_properties { landgridPropertyAppraiserProcessed: true, ownerId: { $ne: null }, propertyId: { $ne: null }, productId: { $in: [ ObjectID("5f3fdfe25461f700251c7fae"), ObjectID("5f3fdfdf5461f700251c7fa2"), ...

904 (total owner_product_properties for maricopa from query in step 4) DIVIDED BY 20583 (total owner_product_properties for maricopa from query in step 3) ratio = 904 / 20583 * 100 = 4%

  1. Isolate the problematic data: { landgridPropertyAppraiserProcessed: true, ownerId: { $ne: null }, propertyId: { $eq: null }, productId: { $in: [ ObjectID("5f3fdfe25461f700251c7fae"), ObjectID("5f3fdfdf5461f700251c7fa2"), ...

  2. Take ownerId from owner_product_properties and then search by _id in owners collection: // owners { _id: ObjectId('')}

  3. Now check County Property Appraiser and compare it with Landgrid response to see why Landgrid was unable to find the match

Chief Architect

Daniel Viglione 'Statistics you can believe in'


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