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Build locally and link from your project

Alvaro Gil edited this page Oct 17, 2017 · 5 revisions

Clone this repo

git clone

Install pods

pod install

Open XCode Workspace

open ErizoClientIOS.xcworkspace/

Build the project in XCode and link result library into your project

Drag the compiled library here:

XCode > Project Properties > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries

Add search path into your project

If you are working on a workspace with ErizoClient inside, you might use something like this:


If not, just point to the directory where ErizoClient is.


  • ErizoClient not compiling. Select ErizoClient target and press Run, if it fails, go to Settings -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries and ensure there are not items there, just leave the list empty. Press compile again and it should succeed.

  • ECIExampleLicode not compiling. Select ECIExampleLicode target and press Run, if it fails, go to Settings -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries and ensure there is only libErizoClient.a and libcucore.dylib listed there. Press compile again and it should succeed.